diplomska naloga
Gregor Vode (Author), Marjanca Kos (Mentor)


Pridelava sadja in spoznavanje sadjarstva v vrtcu


aktivno učenje;dejavnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [G. Vode]
UDC: 373.2.016:634.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9676105 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1001
Downloads: 672
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Fruit-growing and acquaintance with the basics of fruit-maintenance in the kindergarten
Secondary abstract: Food is a valuable commodity that allows us to live. Eating habits have an influence on human health and fresh fruit is an important component of a healthy diet. Eating patterns begin to develop in early childhood, so it is very important that in this period children begin to acquire knowledge and experiences with different types of food, get to know their origin and basis of their production. The aim of my thesis was to allow children to directly experience and actively learn the basics of gardening and fruit production as well as to through their enthusiasm instill in them a positive attitude towards domestic fruit. In this thesis I researched how many 4- and 5-year-old children know the basics of gardening and how much they can learn in the process of active learning. The children through various activities learnt about the basics of gardening. Together we looked at strawberry, apple, grape, blackberry, plum, raspberry, currant, walnut plantations... Next to the play field of the garden we planted an apple, a pear, a blueberry, a gooseberry , a plum, a red currant and a Red Filbert nut tree. In the garden we planted strawberries. Together we observed changes in growth and took care of the plants. We managed to produce a few fruits and it was a great experience for the children when we consumed/ate them. Before carrying out the activities I conducted an oral survey with the children regarding their knowledge of fruits and fruit production. The results showed that children with active learning through direct experience gained a lot of knowledge about the basics of gardening and fruit production. With active learning they learnt where to get strawberries, apples and walnuts, we looked at what a fruit develops from, how and why to prune fruit trees, when strawberries and apples are ripe, and which plant or tree bears which fruit. With all of the activities the children developed social relationships, communication, and a respectful attitude to fruit and work in the garden. I believe that they will remember this experience that a kindergarten playground can become a better playground if it has an orchard – it will teach the children, partly feed them, bring them joy and happiness, independence, freedom, physical and mental health.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;nutrition;predšolski otrok;prehrana;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 58 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Fruit-growing and acquaintance with the basics of fruit-maintenance in the kindergarten
Keywords (ePrints): predšolski otrok
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): preschoolchild
Abstract (ePrints): Hrana je dobrina, ki nam omogoča življenje. Način prehrane vpliva na človekovo zdravje, sveže sadje pa je pomembna sestavina zdrave prehrane. Prehranjevalni vzorci se pričnejo razvijati že v zgodnjem otroštvu, zato je zelo pomembno, da že v tem obdobju otroci pričnejo pridobivati tudi znanje in izkušnje z različnimi vrstami hrane, spoznavati njihov izvor in osnove njihove predelave. Namen moje diplomske naloge je bil otrokom omogočiti, da z neposredno izkušnjo in z aktivnim učenjem spoznavajo osnove sadjarstva in pridelave sadja ter jim prek lastnega navdušenja privzgojiti pozitiven odnos do domačega sadja. V diplomski nalogi sem raziskoval, koliko 4- in 5-letni otroci vedo o osnovah sadjarstva in koliko se lahko naučijo v procesu aktivnega učenja. Otroci so v različnih dejavnostih spoznavali osnove sadjarstva. Skupaj smo si ogledali nasade jagod, jabolk, trte, robide, sliv, malin, ribeza, orehov … Ob igrišču vrta smo posadili jablano, hruško, robido, kosmuljo, slivo, ribez in rdečo lesko. Na gredici smo posadi jagode. Skupaj smo opazovali spremembe ob rasti in skrbeli za sadne rastline. Uspeli smo pridelati nekaj sadežev in za otroke je bilo veliko doživetje, ko so jih použili. Pred izvajanjem dejavnosti in po njej sem z otroki opravil ustno anketo o poznavanju sadja in sadjarstva. Rezultati so pokazali, da so otroci z aktivnim učenjem in z neposredno izkušnjo pridobili veliko znanja o osnovah sadjarstva in pridelavi sadja. Z aktivnim učenjem so se naučili kje dobimo jagodo, jabolko in oreh, iz česa se razvije plod, kako in zakaj se cepi sadna drevesa, kdaj so zrele jagode in jabolka ter kateri sadež rodi katera sadna rastlina. Ob vseh dejavnostih so otroci razvijali socialne odnose in komunikacijo ter razvijali spoštljiv odnos do sadja in dela na vrtu. Verjamem, da si bodo zapomnili to izkušnjo, da vrtčevsko igrišče lahko postane še boljše igrišče, če je tudi sadovnjak – ta pa bo otroke učil, deloma prehranjeval, prinašal veselje in radost, samostojnost, svobodo, telesno ter duševno zdravje.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Food is a valuable commodity that allows us to live. Eating habits have an influence on human health and fresh fruit is an important component of a healthy diet. Eating patterns begin to develop in early childhood, so it is very important that in this period children begin to acquire knowledge and experiences with different types of food, get to know their origin and basis of their production. The aim of my thesis was to allow children to directly experience and actively learn the basics of gardening and fruit production as well as to through their enthusiasm instill in them a positive attitude towards domestic fruit. In this thesis I researched how many 4- and 5-year-old children know the basics of gardening and how much they can learn in the process of active learning. The children through various activities learnt about the basics of gardening. Together we looked at strawberry, apple, grape, blackberry, plum, raspberry, currant, walnut plantations... Next to the play field of the garden we planted an apple, a pear, a blueberry, a gooseberry , a plum, a red currant and a Red Filbert nut tree. In the garden we planted strawberries. Together we observed changes in growth and took care of the plants. We managed to produce a few fruits and it was a great experience for the children when we consumed/ate them. Before carrying out the activities I conducted an oral survey with the children regarding their knowledge of fruits and fruit production. The results showed that children with active learning through direct experience gained a lot of knowledge about the basics of gardening and fruit production. With active learning they learnt where to get strawberries, apples and walnuts, we looked at what a fruit develops from, how and why to prune fruit trees, when strawberries and apples are ripe, and which plant or tree bears which fruit. With all of the activities the children developed social relationships, communication, and a respectful attitude to fruit and work in the garden. I believe that they will remember this experience that a kindergarten playground can become a better playground if it has an orchard – it will teach the children, partly feed them, bring them joy and happiness, independence, freedom, physical and mental health.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): preschoolchild
ID: 8311493
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