Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Emotional freedom techniques (EFT) and solving conflicts in third grade |
Secondary abstract: |
Pedagogic work involves many areas including conflict resolution. Teachers and students resolve them in many different ways by using various techniques. One of them is also Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT that can be used in the process of resolving numerous emotional and physical problems. Gary Craig, the founder of the EFT, believes when using this technique or, more specifically, when we simultaneously tap on acupuncture points on our body with our fingers and tell our problems, we get rid of the negative emotions. Practitioners report numerous positive effects in several areas. With the EFT we can help an individual to get rid of phobias, depression, stress, negative emotions, conflict resolution etc. The area of emotions and emotional intelligence are also closely connected to conflicts and the EFT, thus I presented them in the theoretical part.
In the empiric part of the thesis I made a research about the effects of the EFT on conflict resolution. 21 students of class 3.b and 13 students of class 3.a as well as the class teacher of class 3.b of suburban school near Ljubljana participated in this research. The questions of evaluation sheets, questionnaires and interviews applied to the frequency of conflicts, reasons for conflicts, ways of resolving them and the effects of the EFT on conflict resolution. I was also interested in how the EFT is going to be accepted among students and if they are going to like using it.
The results showed students often find themselves in conflict situation and they try resolving it by remaining in a good relation with the person they are in conflict with. The EFT helped the students in several ways; they finally spoke about their problem, they became aware and decreased the intensity of negative emotions. They calmed down which also contributed to a successful conflict resolution. By means of the EFT the students developed an ability to empathize and were thus aware of their own and other participants’ emotions in the conflict situation. Some students found Tappy, the teddy bear, very useful, namely because it helped them to speak about their problem much easier. The EFT also helped students to develop the language of emotions, so to verbalise their feelings and emotions. The EFT was well accepted among students, they liked it and they had no problems practising it. An additional motivation for practising the technique was the teddy bear to which the students trusted their problems and it also helped with the orientation of acupuncture points.
On the basis of the results we can conclude that the EFT contributes to a successful conflict resolution. |
Secondary keywords: |
conflict;pupil behaviour;konflikt;vedenje učencev; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
103 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Emotional freedom techniques (EFT) and solving conflicts in third grade |
Keywords (ePrints): |
konflikti |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
conflicts |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Pedagoško delo zajema veliko področij, med katerimi je tudi področje reševanja konfliktov. Učitelji in učenci jih rešujejo na različne načine, pri tem pa si pomagajo z različnimi tehnikami. Ena izmed njih je tudi Tehnika doseganja čustvene svobode, angl. Emotional Freedom Techniques ali krajše EFT, katero lahko uporabljamo v procesu reševanja številnih čustvenih in telesnih težav. Utemeljitelj tehnike EFT, Gary Craig, meni, da z izvajanjem tehnike, torej sočasnim udarjanjem s prsti po akupunkturnih točkah našega telesa ter ubeseditvijo težave odpravimo negativna čustva. Izvajalci omenjene tehnike poročajo o njenih številnih pozitivnih učinkih na različnih področjih. S tehniko EFT lahko pomagamo posamezniku pri odpravljanju fobij, depresije, stresa, negativnih čustev, pri reševanju konfliktov idr. S konflikti in tehniko EFT pa sta tesno povezani tudi področji čustev ter čustvene inteligentnosti, zato sem ju predstavila v teoretičnem delu.
V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela sem raziskovala vplive Tehnike doseganja čustvene svobode na reševanje konfliktov. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 21 učencev 3. b razreda in 13 učencev 3. a ter razredničarka 3. b v eni izmed primestnih ljubljanskih šol. Vprašanja sprotnih evalvacijskih listov, vprašalnika ter intervjujev so se nanašala na pogostost konfliktov, njihove razloge, načine reševanja ter učinke tehnike EFT na rešitev konflikta. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako bodo tehniko EFT sprejemali učenci ter ali jo bodo radi uporabljali.
Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so učenci pogosto v konfliktnih situacijah, ki jih pogosto rešujejo tako, da poskušajo ohraniti dober odnos s posameznikom, s katerim so v konfliktu. Tehnika EFT je učencem pri reševanju konfliktov pomagala na različne načine. Z njeno pomočjo so spregovorili o težavi, se zavedali in zmanjšali jakost negativnih čustev ter se pomirili, kar je pripomoglo k uspešni razrešitvi konflikta. S pomočjo tehnike so razvijali sposobnost empatije, ter se tako zavedali lastnih čustev ter čustev drugih udeleženih v konfliktni situaciji. Nekaterim je bil v veliko pomoč medvedek Tapko, saj so z njegovo pomočjo spregovorili o svoji težavi. Tehnika EFT pa je učencem pomagala tudi pri razvijanju jezika čustev, torej ubeseditvi svojih čustev ter občutkov. Učenci so tehniko EFT dobro sprejeli, bila jim je všeč ter so jo radi izvajali. Za izvajanje tehnike jih je dodatno motiviral tudi medvedek Tapko, kateremu so lahko zaupali svoje težave ter jim je bil v pomoč pri orientaciji akupunkturnih točk.
Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave, lahko torej sklepamo, da tehnika EFT pripomore k uspešnemu razreševanju konfliktov. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Pedagogic work involves many areas including conflict resolution. Teachers and students resolve them in many different ways by using various techniques. One of them is also Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT that can be used in the process of resolving numerous emotional and physical problems. Gary Craig, the founder of the EFT, believes when using this technique or, more specifically, when we simultaneously tap on acupuncture points on our body with our fingers and tell our problems, we get rid of the negative emotions. Practitioners report numerous positive effects in several areas. With the EFT we can help an individual to get rid of phobias, depression, stress, negative emotions, conflict resolution etc. The area of emotions and emotional intelligence are also closely connected to conflicts and the EFT, thus I presented them in the theoretical part.
In the empiric part of the thesis I made a research about the effects of the EFT on conflict resolution. 21 students of class 3.b and 13 students of class 3.a as well as the class teacher of class 3.b of suburban school near Ljubljana participated in this research. The questions of evaluation sheets, questionnaires and interviews applied to the frequency of conflicts, reasons for conflicts, ways of resolving them and the effects of the EFT on conflict resolution. I was also interested in how the EFT is going to be accepted among students and if they are going to like using it.
The results showed students often find themselves in conflict situation and they try resolving it by remaining in a good relation with the person they are in conflict with. The EFT helped the students in several ways; they finally spoke about their problem, they became aware and decreased the intensity of negative emotions. They calmed down which also contributed to a successful conflict resolution. By means of the EFT the students developed an ability to empathize and were thus aware of their own and other participants’ emotions in the conflict situation. Some students found Tappy, the teddy bear, very useful, namely because it helped them to speak about their problem much easier. The EFT also helped students to develop the language of emotions, so to verbalise their feelings and emotions. The EFT was well accepted among students, they liked it and they had no problems practising it. An additional motivation for practising the technique was the teddy bear to which the students trusted their problems and it also helped with the orientation of acupuncture points.
On the basis of the results we can conclude that the EFT contributes to a successful conflict resolution. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
conflicts |
ID: |
8311538 |