diplomsko delo


Vpliv barve na počutje učencev v šoli


svetloba;počutje;šolski prostor;razred;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Bec]
UDC: 373.3:159.937.515(043.2)
COBISS: 9688137 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1219
Downloads: 189
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The influence of colours on pupils' feelings at school
Secondary abstract: The role that colours have in our lives is far greater than most of us might imagine. Environment in which we live is composed of different colours and their shades. When we are aware of the meaning of colours and their impact on mental and physical well-being, we can also better choose the right colours and shades for our clothing, home and work environment which would bring us the desired feelings. With this thesis we researched how colours in the school environment affect the well-being of pupils in elementary schools. The objectives of the research were: to determine whether the colours in the classrooms have impact on the well-being of students; if the survey results would differ significantly by gender in the first section and if they would be similar in the second section; if the survey results would be similar by the age of pupils. Elementary schools that participated in the survey are smaller urban schools and rural schools. Surveys were given to grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 in elementary schools. The results showed that pupils preferred the colour blue the most and brown the least. The predominant colour in their homes and rooms is mostly white. Colours that dominate most of their clothing are black and blue. The predominant colour in their classrooms is white. Pupils evaluated their well-being with a rating of very poor in a classrooms dominated by gray colour, with a rating of poor in classrooms dominated by brown colour and with a rating of good in the classrooms dominated by white colour. With a rating of very good pupils evaluated their well-being in classrooms with a predominant orange colour and a rating of excellent in the classrooms with a predominant blue colour.
Secondary keywords: colour;pupil;school;barva;učenec;šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 58 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The influence of colours on pupils' feelings at school
Keywords (ePrints): barva
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): colour
Abstract (ePrints): Vloga, ki jo imajo barve v naših življenjih, je veliko večja, kot si morda večina izmed nas predstavlja. Okolje, v katerem živimo, je sestavljeno iz različnih barv in z njihovimi odtenki. Ko spoznamo pomene barv in njihov vpliv na duševno in telesno počutje, znamo tudi bolje izbrati prave barve in odtenke za naša oblačila, dom in delovno okolje, kar nam prinese želeno počutje. V diplomskem delu smo z raziskavo želeli ugotoviti, kako barve v šolskem prostoru vplivajo na počutje učencev v osnovni šoli. Cilji raziskave so bili ugotoviti, ali imajo barve v razredu vpliv na počutje učencev ter kako se bodo rezultati ankete razlikovali glede na spol in kako glede na starost. Osnovne šole, ki so pri anketi sodelovale, so manjše mestne šole in podeželske šole. Ankete sem razdelila v 2., 3., 4., in 5. razrede na osnovnih šolah. Rezultati so pokazali, da je učencem najbolj všeč modra barva, najmanj pa rjava. Prevladujoča barva v njihovih domovih in sobah je največkrat bela barva. Barvi, ki prevladujeta na njihovih oblačilih, sta najpogosteje črna in modra. Prevladujoča barva v njihovih razredih je bela. Učenci so svoje počutje ocenili z oceno zelo slabo v razredu, kjer prevladuje siva, z oceno slabo v razredu, kjer prevladuje rjava, z oceno dobro pa v razredu, kjer prevladuje bela barva. Z oceno zelo dobro so ocenili počutje v razredu s prevladujočo oranžno barvo in z oceno odlično počutje v razredu s prevladujočo modro barvo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The role that colours have in our lives is far greater than most of us might imagine. Environment in which we live is composed of different colours and their shades. When we are aware of the meaning of colours and their impact on mental and physical well-being, we can also better choose the right colours and shades for our clothing, home and work environment which would bring us the desired feelings. With this thesis we researched how colours in the school environment affect the well-being of pupils in elementary schools. The objectives of the research were: to determine whether the colours in the classrooms have impact on the well-being of students; if the survey results would differ significantly by gender in the first section and if they would be similar in the second section; if the survey results would be similar by the age of pupils. Elementary schools that participated in the survey are smaller urban schools and rural schools. Surveys were given to grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 in elementary schools. The results showed that pupils preferred the colour blue the most and brown the least. The predominant colour in their homes and rooms is mostly white. Colours that dominate most of their clothing are black and blue. The predominant colour in their classrooms is white. Pupils evaluated their well-being with a rating of very poor in a classrooms dominated by gray colour, with a rating of poor in classrooms dominated by brown colour and with a rating of good in the classrooms dominated by white colour. With a rating of very good pupils evaluated their well-being in classrooms with a predominant orange colour and a rating of excellent in the classrooms with a predominant blue colour.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): colour
ID: 8311545