diplomsko delo
Nataša Uršič (Author), Igor Saksida (Mentor)


Pripovedovanje pri uri pravljic


knjižnice;branje;zbirke;vrtec;ure pravljic;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Uršič]
UDC: 808.543:82-343(043.2)
COBISS: 9689673 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1109
Downloads: 248
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Storytelling and reading fairytales
Secondary abstract: The thesis is divided into three main parts: theoretical, practical and empirical. In the theoretical part I defined the story with the help of classification and highlighted storytelling as the main technique of relating a narrative. As storytelling for children is being conducted in public libraries, I presented the purpose, preparation and the course of a story-telling session. In order to offer assistance in the selection of stories for reading and storytelling the collection Knjiga pred nosom, which helps adults with ideas and activities for discussion, is included into the thesis. Furthermore, the commentary of some of the goals found in kindergarten curriculums and primary school programmes on the subject of story-telling is added. In the practical part, I conducted three storytelling sessions, which were attended by pre-schoolers as well as some students. I chose three different techniques of narrating a folk or fairy tale: reciting a story by heart, telling a story with the help of a picture book, and interpretative reading. The children’s responses were diverse; they enjoyed participating in the conversation and creative activities. Due to age difference and a large number of younger listeners more flexibility and motivational elements were needed. The children liked all types of stories; they were most drawn to the story being told freely or with visual aids. In the empirical part my focus shifted to the parents of the children who attend the storytelling sessions. They completed a short questionnaire about reading and storytelling at home. I analysed the results and presented them using tables and graphs. I came to the conclusion that most parents introduce fiction, that is fairy tales, to their children using two ways: storytelling and reading. Most parents also include discussions about the material, mostly on the topic of content and literary subjects, while the children illustrate the story.
Secondary keywords: fairy tale;story telling;pravljica;pripovedovanje zgodb;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 107 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Storytelling and reading fairytales
Keywords (ePrints): pravljica
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): fairy tale
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo sem razdelila na tri glavne dele: teoretični, praktični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu sem pravljico opredelila s pomočjo klasifikacije in kot glavno tehniko posredovanja zgodb izpostavila pripovedovanje. Ker se pripovedovanje pravljic za otroke izvaja tudi v splošnih knjižnicah, sem predstavila namen, pripravo in potek ure pravljic v knjižnici. Kot pomoč pri izbiri zgodb za branje in pripovedovanje sem vključila zbirko Knjiga pred nosom, ki odraslemu pomaga z idejami in dejavnostmi za obravnavo besedila. Komentirala sem tudi nekatere cilje iz kurikuluma za vrtce ter iz učnega načrta za osnovne šole, povezane s pripovedovanjem. Pri praktičnem delu sem v knjižnici izvedla tri ure pravljic, ki so se jih udeležili predšolski otroci, nekaj je bilo tudi šolarjev. Izbrala sem tri različne tehnike posredovanja ljudske ali umetne pravljice: pripovedovanje na pamet, pripovedovanje ob slikanici in interpretativno branje. Otroci so jih sprejemali zelo različno, radi so sodelovali v pogovoru in poustvarjalnih dejavnostih. Zaradi različne starosti in velikega števila mlajših poslušalcev je bilo potrebno več fleksibilnosti in motivacijskih elementov. Otrokom so bile všeč vse zvrsti pravljic, najbolj jih je pritegnilo prosto pripovedovanje in pripovedovanje ob slikanici. V empiričnem delu sem pozornost preusmerila na starše otrok, ki obiskujejo uro pravljic. Izpolnili so kratki anketni vprašalnik o branju in pripovedovanju v domačem okolju. Rezultate sem analizirala in prikazala s tabelami in grafi. Ugotovila sem, da večina staršev otrokom posreduje umetnostna besedila, in sicer pravljice, pri tem uporabljajo oba načina, pripovedovanje in branje. Skoraj vsi starši vključijo tudi pogovor o prebranem, največkrat o vsebini in književnih osebah ali pa otroci zgodbo ilustrirajo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The thesis is divided into three main parts: theoretical, practical and empirical. In the theoretical part I defined the story with the help of classification and highlighted storytelling as the main technique of relating a narrative. As storytelling for children is being conducted in public libraries, I presented the purpose, preparation and the course of a story-telling session. In order to offer assistance in the selection of stories for reading and storytelling the collection Knjiga pred nosom, which helps adults with ideas and activities for discussion, is included into the thesis. Furthermore, the commentary of some of the goals found in kindergarten curriculums and primary school programmes on the subject of story-telling is added. In the practical part, I conducted three storytelling sessions, which were attended by pre-schoolers as well as some students. I chose three different techniques of narrating a folk or fairy tale: reciting a story by heart, telling a story with the help of a picture book, and interpretative reading. The children’s responses were diverse; they enjoyed participating in the conversation and creative activities. Due to age difference and a large number of younger listeners more flexibility and motivational elements were needed. The children liked all types of stories; they were most drawn to the story being told freely or with visual aids. In the empirical part my focus shifted to the parents of the children who attend the storytelling sessions. They completed a short questionnaire about reading and storytelling at home. I analysed the results and presented them using tables and graphs. I came to the conclusion that most parents introduce fiction, that is fairy tales, to their children using two ways: storytelling and reading. Most parents also include discussions about the material, mostly on the topic of content and literary subjects, while the children illustrate the story.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): fairy tale
ID: 8311574