Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Attitude, disgust and fear toward animals |
Secondary abstract: |
In study, we determined the extent to which pupils change their attitudes, feelings of fear and disgust towards animals during the elementary school. To this end, we prepared three types of questionnaires in order to obtain as complete picture of the individual categories as possible. The study involved 497 pupils of different ages and from different schools. For pupils, we examined the extent to which they have developed an attitude, fear and disgust to individual animals. On average pupils have a more positive attitude and feel less fear and disgust towards animals such as mammals, birds and reptiles. Lower interest and higher level of fear and disgust were noticed on average towards amphibians, fish and invertebrates. An average girl is more disgusted by and afraid of a large number of animals and has a more negative attitude towards them than an average boy. In particular animals such as slug, cockroach, spider, bench, shark, toad, rat, and scorpion stood out. Young pupils, compared with older ones, gave on average higher grade to their attitude to a larger number of animals and a lower score for fear and disgust to them. Pupils who live in rural areas are on average less interested in a large number of animals and rated these animals with higher grades of fear and disgust, compared with urban pupils. The expressions of fear, disgust and attitudes are also affected by pets. Pupils who have pets have on average a more positive attitude and evaluate their fear and disgust towards animals with lower rates than those from urban areas who do not have pets at home. Compared to combined questionnaire (picture and word), the text-type questionnaire contributed to very comparable results. Pupils who completed the image-type questionnaire graded on average their attitude towards a larger number of animals with higher rates as well as their fear and disgust towards them than pupils who completed the text-type questionnaire. The results should motivate teachers to replace classic teaching in schools with experiential learning. Learning by experience gives to the learner an opportunity to handle organisms and the environment in general. The pupil obtains sustainable knowledge. It influences partially the shaping of the pupil's personality, which is reflected in the development of genuine emotions and attitudes towards the environment. |
Secondary keywords: |
animal;fear;attitude;žival;strah;stališče; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Kemija in biologija |
Pages: |
XIV, 97 f. [8] f. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Attitude, disgust and fear toward animals |
Keywords (ePrints): |
strah |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
fear |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V raziskavi smo ugotavljali, do kakšne mere se učencem v času osnovnošolskega izobraževanja spreminjajo odnos, strah in gnus do živali. V ta namen smo pripravili tri tipe vprašalnikov, s pomočjo katerih smo pridobili čim bolj nazorno sliko o posameznih kategorijah. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 497 učencev različnih starosti in iz različnih šol. Pri učencih smo preverjali, do kakšne mere imajo oblikovan odnos, strah in gnus do posameznih živali. Učenci imajo v povprečju bolj pozitiven odnos, nižji strah in gnus do živali kot so sesalci, ptiči in plazilci. Manjši odnos ter večji strah in gnus pa so učenci v povprečju namenili dvoživkam, ribam in nevretenčarjem. Dekletom se v povprečju več vrst živali bolj gnusi in se jih bolj bojijo ter do le-teh kažejo bolj odklonilen odnos kot fantje. Predvsem so izstopale vrste kot so lazar, ščurek, pajek, klop, morski pes, krastača, podgana in škorpijon. Mlajši učenci so, v primerjavi s starejšimi učenci, v povprečju namenili bolj pozitivno oceno odnosa do večjega števila vrst živali ter nižjo oceno strahu in gnusa do le-teh. Učenci, ki živijo na podeželju, so v povprečju namenili nižji odnos do več vrst živali ter jim namenili višjo oceno strahu in gnusa v primerjavi z mestnimi učenci. Na izražanje strahu, gnusa in odnosa vpliva tudi ali imajo učenci doma hišne ljubljenčke. Učenci, ki imajo doma hišnega ljubljenčka, v povprečju bolj pozitivno ocenjujejo svoj odnos ter nižje ocenjujejo strah in gnus do živali kot učenci, ki doma nimajo hišnega ljubljenčka. Tekstovni tip vprašalnika je v primerjavi s tipom vprašalnika, ki je vključeval sliko in besedo, dal zelo primerljive rezultate. Učenci, ki so odgovarjali na slikovni tip vprašalnika, so v povprečju namenili višjo oceno odnosu, strahu in gnusu do živali kot učenci, ki so reševali tekstovni tip vprašalnika. Rezultati naj bi učitelje motivirali, da klasični pouk v šolah zamenjajo z izkustvenim učenjem. Izkustveno učenje daje možnost, da učenec rokuje z organizmi, saj na ta način pridobi trajnostno znanje. Neposredna izkušnja z živalmi vpliva na oblikovanje učenčeve osebnosti, ki se kaže v pristnem razvoju čustev in odnosa do živali. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
In study, we determined the extent to which pupils change their attitudes, feelings of fear and disgust towards animals during the elementary school. To this end, we prepared three types of questionnaires in order to obtain as complete picture of the individual categories as possible. The study involved 497 pupils of different ages and from different schools. For pupils, we examined the extent to which they have developed an attitude, fear and disgust to individual animals. On average pupils have a more positive attitude and feel less fear and disgust towards animals such as mammals, birds and reptiles. Lower interest and higher level of fear and disgust were noticed on average towards amphibians, fish and invertebrates. An average girl is more disgusted by and afraid of a large number of animals and has a more negative attitude towards them than an average boy. In particular animals such as slug, cockroach, spider, bench, shark, toad, rat, and scorpion stood out. Young pupils, compared with older ones, gave on average higher grade to their attitude to a larger number of animals and a lower score for fear and disgust to them. Pupils who live in rural areas are on average less interested in a large number of animals and rated these animals with higher grades of fear and disgust, compared with urban pupils. The expressions of fear, disgust and attitudes are also affected by pets. Pupils who have pets have on average a more positive attitude and evaluate their fear and disgust towards animals with lower rates than those from urban areas who do not have pets at home. Compared to combined questionnaire (picture and word), the text-type questionnaire contributed to very comparable results. Pupils who completed the image-type questionnaire graded on average their attitude towards a larger number of animals with higher rates as well as their fear and disgust towards them than pupils who completed the text-type questionnaire. The results should motivate teachers to replace classic teaching in schools with experiential learning. Learning by experience gives to the learner an opportunity to handle organisms and the environment in general. The pupil obtains sustainable knowledge. It influences partially the shaping of the pupil's personality, which is reflected in the development of genuine emotions and attitudes towards the environment. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
fear |
ID: |
8311579 |