Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Animated movie in kindergarten |
Secondary abstract: |
Children frequently watch animated films, follow the storyline intently, discuss them, etc. They can also make animated films themselves. Cartoons help them get familiar with certain topics, develop empathy, learn to keep a critical distance and absorb film language. It is possible to facilitate all this through animated film analysis as well as through practical work.
This thesis focuses on learning about and creating animated films in kindergarten.
The thesis aims is how can in practice childrens in kindergarten discover and create an animated film.
The thesis consists of two parts – a theoretical and a practical one.
The theoretical part contains theoretical platforms for creating animation, a presentation of animated films, their history and a detailed description of animation techniques. This is complemented with film language basics, and a presentation of picture and sound characteristics. The gradual process of creating animated films is also presented in this thesis, together with media and animated film education in formal learning.
The practical part elucidates the survey in which the causal non-experimental method of teaching research with a qualitative research method was used. Its findings, presented in the continuation were gathered during the course the of animation workshops. The survey confirmed the possibility of creating animated films in kindergarten children ages 5-6.
The author also interviewed Hana Repše, BA in Art Education, whose thesis was entitled Animation in Educational Project Work, and who has conducted workshops on animated films since 2006. The interview is not included in the survey, but it was extremely helpful for studying relevant literature as well as providing a broader insight in the field of animated films in education. The interview is attached to the Annex. |
Secondary keywords: |
nursery school;media education;vrtec;medijska vzgoja; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
149 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Animated movie in kindergarten |
Keywords (ePrints): |
medijska vzgoja |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
media education |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Otroci animirane filme veliko gledajo, jih spremljajo, se o njih pogovarjajo … Lahko pa animirane filme tudi ustvarjajo. Ob gledanju filma lahko spoznavajo tematiko, razvijajo empatijo, s pogovori razvijajo kritično distanco in sprejemajo filmski jezik. Vse to lahko storimo z analizami filmov in tudi s praktičnim delom.
V diplomski nalogi je poudarek na spoznavanju in ustvarjanju animiranega filma v vrtcu.
Namen diplomske naloge je v praksi prek animacijskih delavnic prikazati, kako lahko otroci v vrtcu spoznavajo in ustvarjajo animirane filme.
V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo predstavili teoretična izhodišča za izvajanje animacije. Predstavili smo animirani film, zgodovino animiranega filma in natančneje opisali vrste tehnik animiranega filma. Pisali smo o osnovah filmskega jezika, kjer smo predstavili lastnosti slike in zvoka. Zapisali smo tudi postopni proces nastajanja animiranega filma. Predstavili smo medijsko vzgojo oz. vzgojo za medije in animirani film v izobraževanju.
V praktičnem delu smo natančneje predstavili raziskavo, kjer je bila uporabljena kavzalno neeksperimentalna metoda pedagoškega raziskovanja s kvalitativno raziskovalno metodo, in navedli rezultate ugotovitev, ki smo jih zasledili pri izvajanju animacijskih delavnic. Z raziskavo smo potrdili možnosti izvedbe animiranega filma v vrtcu, in sicer starostne skupine 5–6 let.
Opravili smo tudi intervju s Hano Repše, diplomirano profesorico likovne umetnosti, ki je diplomirala na temo animacije v vzgojno-izobraževalnem projektnem delu in od leta 2006 vodi delavnice animiranega filma. Intervjuja nismo vključili v raziskavo, pomagal pa nam je pri študiju literature ter pri širšem vpogledu na področju animiranega filma v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Intervju je priložen k prilogam. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Children frequently watch animated films, follow the storyline intently, discuss them, etc. They can also make animated films themselves. Cartoons help them get familiar with certain topics, develop empathy, learn to keep a critical distance and absorb film language. It is possible to facilitate all this through animated film analysis as well as through practical work.
This thesis focuses on learning about and creating animated films in kindergarten.
The thesis aims is how can in practice childrens in kindergarten discover and create an animated film.
The thesis consists of two parts – a theoretical and a practical one.
The theoretical part contains theoretical platforms for creating animation, a presentation of animated films, their history and a detailed description of animation techniques. This is complemented with film language basics, and a presentation of picture and sound characteristics. The gradual process of creating animated films is also presented in this thesis, together with media and animated film education in formal learning.
The practical part elucidates the survey in which the causal non-experimental method of teaching research with a qualitative research method was used. Its findings, presented in the continuation were gathered during the course the of animation workshops. The survey confirmed the possibility of creating animated films in kindergarten children ages 5-6.
The author also interviewed Hana Repše, BA in Art Education, whose thesis was entitled Animation in Educational Project Work, and who has conducted workshops on animated films since 2006. The interview is not included in the survey, but it was extremely helpful for studying relevant literature as well as providing a broader insight in the field of animated films in education. The interview is attached to the Annex. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
media education |
ID: |
8311610 |