Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Designing of tactile graphics |
Secondary abstract: |
This thesis connects the special education for blind and visually impaired with the artistic area. Two seemingly opposite areas, can together form an important part in the lives of blind and visually impaired children – tactile images.
With a systematic review of the literature, I have tried to answer the questions, how tactile images were made and what are the techniques of making them. I wanted to examine the already existing theoretical rules of making or transmissioning visual images into tactile, and the advantages and disadvantiges of each individual technique.
The first drawings made by man were found in caves and they're from the prehistorical times. First tactile images have emerged much later, which is described in the history of tactile images. With the emergence of tactile images, there also appears a question of tactile-kinesthetic perception and the use of tactile images, but also important is their correct design and analysis.
Tactile pictures can be very helpful to the parents and teachers, which are teaching a blind or vissualy impaired child, because that way, it is easier to imagine tables, graphs, abstract concepts, maps, …They also have a very big impact on literacy development in the field of visuall impairment. |
Secondary keywords: |
blind;visually handicapped;slepi;slabovidni; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Tiflopedagogika in pedagogika specifičnih učnih težav |
Pages: |
31 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Designing of tactile graphics |
Keywords (ePrints): |
Taktilna slika |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
Tactile picture |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Diplomsko delo povezuje področje tiflopedagogike z likovnim področjem - dve na videz nasprotni si področji, ki lahko skupaj tvorita pomemben del v življenju slepih in slabovidnih oseb - taktilne slike.
S sistematičnim pregledom literature sem poskušala odgovoriti na vprašanja, kako so taktilne slike nastajale in kakšne so tehnike izdelave. Proučiti sem želela že obstoječa teoretična pravila izdelave ali prenosa vizualne slike v taktilno, ter prednosti ter pomanjkljivosti posameznih tehnik izdelave.
Prve slike je človek na stene jam risal že v prazgodovini, prve taktilne slike pa so se pojavile mnogo kasneje, kar je opisano v zgodovini taktilnih slik. Ob pojavu taktilnih slik pa se pojavi tudi vprašanje taktilno - kinestetične zaznave ter uporabe taktilnih slik, pomembna pa je tudi njihova pravilna izdelava in analiza.
Taktilne slike so lahko v veliko pomoč staršem in učiteljem pri učenju slepega ali slabovidnega otroka, saj si otroci ob njihovi pomoči lažje predstavljajo tabele, grafe, abstraktne pojme, zemljevide... Na področju slepote in slabovidnosti imajo tudi velik vpliv na razvoj pismenosti. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
This thesis connects the special education for blind and visually impaired with the artistic area. Two seemingly opposite areas, can together form an important part in the lives of blind and visually impaired children – tactile images.
With a systematic review of the literature, I have tried to answer the questions, how tactile images were made and what are the techniques of making them. I wanted to examine the already existing theoretical rules of making or transmissioning visual images into tactile, and the advantages and disadvantiges of each individual technique.
The first drawings made by man were found in caves and they're from the prehistorical times. First tactile images have emerged much later, which is described in the history of tactile images. With the emergence of tactile images, there also appears a question of tactile-kinesthetic perception and the use of tactile images, but also important is their correct design and analysis.
Tactile pictures can be very helpful to the parents and teachers, which are teaching a blind or vissualy impaired child, because that way, it is easier to imagine tables, graphs, abstract concepts, maps, …They also have a very big impact on literacy development in the field of visuall impairment. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
Tactile picture |
ID: |
8311672 |