diplomsko delo
Jerneja Pirc (Author), Alenka Polak (Mentor), Helena Smrtnik Vitulić (Co-mentor)


Vloga socialnega pedagoga pri spodbujanju strategij za učinkovito ravnanje s čustvi učencev v šoli


socialni pedagogi;čustvena inteligentnost;strategije uravnavanja čustev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Pirc]
UDC: 159.942:37.013.42(043.2)
COBISS: 9762633 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1129
Downloads: 197
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The role of a social pedagogue in encouraging the use of effective emotion-focused coping strategies of schoolchildren
Secondary abstract: School is a place where pupils on a daily basis deal with new challenges, come into conflicts with peers and teachers, struggle with undesirable grades, feel personal distress etc. All these situations stir up various emotions and pupils can learn how to constructively express these emotions or deal with them. However, in encouraging the use of effective emotion regulation strategies, pupils often need support in school and at home. A social pedagogue or any other relevant person within the educational institution can therefore help pupils when trying to express or deal with emotions. The theoretical part of this diploma paper includes the definitions of emotions, emotional intelligence and its role in life, as well as the role of a social pedagogue in dealing with pupils’ emotions. The empirical part of the diploma paper focuses on the analysis of the systematic planning and implementation of effective emotion regulation strategies in pupils as well as the role of a social pedagogue in this process in schools where the interviewed social pedagogues work. The empirical research is based on five interviews with social pedagogues that work in schools as school counsellors. The analysis of the results showed that in the interviewees’ workplaces effective emotion regulation strategies are not systematically devised. It was also established that because of time constraints, teachers’ workload when trying to get through the school syllabus, and pupils’ workload due to other activities, this specific area does not receive enough attention or at least not as much attention as they would like to. However, it is clear that the obtained results cannot be generalised since the convenience sample is too small.
Secondary keywords: affection;affective behaviour;primary school;čustvo;čustveno vedenje;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 43 str., [2] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The role of a social pedagogue in encouraging the use of effective emotion-focused coping strategies of schoolchildren
Keywords (ePrints): socialni pedagog
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): social pedagogue
Abstract (ePrints): Šola je prostor, kjer se učenci vsakodnevno soočajo z novimi izzivi, konflikti z vrstniki, konflikti z učitelji, neželenimi ocenami, osebnimi stiskami ipd., v katerih lahko doživljajo različna čustva. Učenci se lahko ob tem učijo, kako s čustvi konstruktivno ravnati oziroma jih izražati. Pri razvijanju strategij za učinkovito ravnanje s čustvi pa učenci pogosto potrebujejo podporo tako v šolskem kot v družinskem kontekstu. Socialni pedagog ali kdo drug, ki je učencu v šolskem kontekstu pomemben, lahko učencem omogoča podporo pri učenju učinkovitega spoprijemanja s čustvi in njihovega izražanja. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela analiziram področje čustev, opredelim čustveno inteligentnost in njen pomen za življenje ter vlogo socialnega pedagoga pri delu s čustvi učencev v šoli. V empiričnemu delu diplomskega dela analiziram prisotnost sistematičnega načrtovanja in izvajanja strategij za učinkovito ravnanje s čustvi učencev na šolah, kjer so bile zaposlene tudi intervjuvane socialne pedagoginje ter vlogo socialnega pedagoga pri tem. Empirično raziskovanje temelji na petih intervjujih s socialnimi pedagoginjami, ki delajo kot šolske svetovalne delavke v osnovni šoli. Analiza rezultatov raziskave je pokazala, da v šolah, kjer so zaposlene intervjuvane socialne pedagoginje ni sistematičnega razvijanja strategij za učinkovito ravnanje s čustvi. Prav tako sem ugotovila, da se zaradi pomanjkanja časa, obremenjenosti učiteljev z uresničevanjem letnega delovnega načrta in med drugim zaradi obremenjenosti učencev z drugimi vsebinami, temu področju ne posvečajo dovolj oziroma v tolikšni meri, kot bi si želeli. Zavedam se, da dobljenih rezultatov ne morem posplošiti, saj je bil vzorec intervjuvanih socialnih pedagoginj majhen.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): School is a place where pupils on a daily basis deal with new challenges, come into conflicts with peers and teachers, struggle with undesirable grades, feel personal distress etc. All these situations stir up various emotions and pupils can learn how to constructively express these emotions or deal with them. However, in encouraging the use of effective emotion regulation strategies, pupils often need support in school and at home. A social pedagogue or any other relevant person within the educational institution can therefore help pupils when trying to express or deal with emotions. The theoretical part of this diploma paper includes the definitions of emotions, emotional intelligence and its role in life, as well as the role of a social pedagogue in dealing with pupils’ emotions. The empirical part of the diploma paper focuses on the analysis of the systematic planning and implementation of effective emotion regulation strategies in pupils as well as the role of a social pedagogue in this process in schools where the interviewed social pedagogues work. The empirical research is based on five interviews with social pedagogues that work in schools as school counsellors. The analysis of the results showed that in the interviewees’ workplaces effective emotion regulation strategies are not systematically devised. It was also established that because of time constraints, teachers’ workload when trying to get through the school syllabus, and pupils’ workload due to other activities, this specific area does not receive enough attention or at least not as much attention as they would like to. However, it is clear that the obtained results cannot be generalised since the convenience sample is too small.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): social pedagogue
ID: 8311680
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