diplomsko delo
Tanja Stanić (Author), Slavko Kocijančič (Mentor), David Rihtaršič (Co-mentor)


Uvajanje oddaljenega laboratorija v poučevanje naravoslovno-tehniških vsebin


oddaljeni laboratorij;zbiranje merskih podatkov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Stanić]
UDC: 62:556.023(043.2)
COBISS: 9785673 Link will open in a new window
Views: 968
Downloads: 221
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Introducing remote laboratory in science and technology education
Secondary abstract: This diploma thesis is aimed at teachers and students of technics for their self-study, upgrading their knowledge, planning the education process and introducing novelties in the teaching process as well as at all those who are interested in this field. In certain faculties around the world, remote laboratories are a common presence and represent an addition to laboratory practices, which is essential for technical studies, since it enables the acquisition of motor experience. The Slovenian education process in the field of technics is also rapidly evolving and progressing. Some faculties have already introduced the use of remote laboratories. In Slovenian primary schools remote laboratories are completely unknown, therefore the purpose of this diploma thesis, in addition to presenting existing remote laboratories, is also to make readers think about introducing the basic concept of a simple remote laboratory into the teaching process of natural sciences and technics. After the study and overview of domestic and foreign literature, a remote laboratory with examples of professional laboratories and one domestic project are presented in this diploma thesis. Furthermore, an example of the introduction of a remote laboratory into a primary school and into a faculty is described with its advantages and disadvantages. After reviewing the curricula of scientific and technical subjects in primary school, variables which can be measured by using a remote laboratory are emphasized. An outline for the self-construction of a remote laboratory with affordable equipment is presented, which through short text messages (SMS) informs a user about the measurement data and sensors that could be used to measure the variables. Some questions from this multidisciplinary project still remain unanswered and open to further discussion and research.
Secondary keywords: primary education;engineering;science education;laboratory;osnovnošolski pouk;tehnika;naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje;laboratorij;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika-tehnika
Pages: IV, 24 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Introducing remote laboratory in science and technology education
Keywords (ePrints): oddaljeni laboratorij
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): remote laboratory
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo je namenjeno učiteljem in študentom tehnike pri njihovem samostojnem izobraževanju oz. nadgrajevanju znanja, načrtovanju pouka in vključevanju novosti v učni proces ter vsem, ki jih to področje zanima. V svetu so v obdobju visokošolskega izobraževanja na nekaterih fakultetah oddaljeni laboratoriji že običajna stalnica in predstavljajo dopolnitev laboratorijskih vaj, ki so za študij tehničnih smeri nujno potrebne, saj omogočajo pridobivanje motoričnih izkušenj. Tudi slovenski izobraževalni proces na visokošolski ravni na področju tehnike se vedno bolj razvija in napreduje. Nekatere fakultete so že uvedle uporabo oddaljenih laboratorijev. V slovenskih osnovnih šolah pa so oddaljeni laboratoriji še popolna neznanka, zato je poleg predstavitve obstoječih oddaljenih laboratorijev namen diplomskega dela tudi usmeriti bralce k razmišljanju o uvajanju osnovnega koncepta preprostega oddaljenega laboratorija v učni proces poučevanja naravoslovno-tehniških vsebin. Tako je po študiji in pregledu domače in tuje literature v diplomskem delu predstavljen oddaljeni laboratorij s podanimi primeri profesionalnih laboratorijev in enega domačega projekta. Opisan je tudi primer uvajanja oddaljenega laboratorija v osnovno šolo in na fakulteto z nekaterimi prednostmi in slabostmi. Po pregledu učnih načrtov naravoslovnih in tehničnih predmetov v osnovni šoli so izpostavljene merske spremenljivke, ki jih lahko z uporabo oddaljenega laboratorija merimo. Predstavljen je okviren načrt za samoizgradnjo preprostega oddaljenega laboratorija s cenovno dostopno opremo, ki preko kratkih sporočil (SMS) uporabnika obvešča o merskih podatkih, ter tipala, ki bi jih lahko uporabili za merjenje spremenljivk. Nekaj vprašanj o tem multidisciplinarnem projektu je ostalo tudi odprtih za nadaljnjo obravnavo in raziskovanje.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): This diploma thesis is aimed at teachers and students of technics for their self-study, upgrading their knowledge, planning the education process and introducing novelties in the teaching process as well as at all those who are interested in this field. In certain faculties around the world, remote laboratories are a common presence and represent an addition to laboratory practices, which is essential for technical studies, since it enables the acquisition of motor experience. The Slovenian education process in the field of technics is also rapidly evolving and progressing. Some faculties have already introduced the use of remote laboratories. In Slovenian primary schools remote laboratories are completely unknown, therefore the purpose of this diploma thesis, in addition to presenting existing remote laboratories, is also to make readers think about introducing the basic concept of a simple remote laboratory into the teaching process of natural sciences and technics. After the study and overview of domestic and foreign literature, a remote laboratory with examples of professional laboratories and one domestic project are presented in this diploma thesis. Furthermore, an example of the introduction of a remote laboratory into a primary school and into a faculty is described with its advantages and disadvantages. After reviewing the curricula of scientific and technical subjects in primary school, variables which can be measured by using a remote laboratory are emphasized. An outline for the self-construction of a remote laboratory with affordable equipment is presented, which through short text messages (SMS) informs a user about the measurement data and sensors that could be used to measure the variables. Some questions from this multidisciplinary project still remain unanswered and open to further discussion and research.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): remote laboratory
ID: 8311719