diplomsko delo
Kaja Lipovec (Author), Darja Zorc-Maver (Mentor), Boštjan Bajželj (Co-mentor)


Agresivni otrok in terapija s pomočjo konja kot oblika pomoči




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Lipovec]
UDC: 615.851:376.1-065.47(043.2)
COBISS: 9779529 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1207
Downloads: 251
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Aggressive child and equine assisted therapy as a form of treatment
Secondary abstract: In my undergraduate thesis I present equine assisted therapy as a form of treatment for aggressive children. At the beginning of the theoretical part I focus on a description of aggressive behaviour and its formation, provide a classification of this behaviour and finish with a description of child aggression. I continue by outlining different forms of equine assisted therapy, its positive effects and suitability for treating aggressive children. Aggression or aggressive behaviour denotes every physical or psychological action that tries to hurt or harm another person, animal or object (Berkowitz, 1993). Although this behaviour is external, those children have low self-esteem, self-confidence and a sense of failure. They are unmotivated, have a week concentration and they react impulsively. Equine assisted therapy can be a form of treatment for such problems. Horse motivates a child and establishes respect and authority; as a result, a child learns about himself and others and grows through this relationship. In this way, a child strengthens his weak points. Moreover, aggressive behaviour is not shown at the therapy because the size of the horse raises respect and requires fair treatment; as a result, the horse can deal with the child’s aggression (Kramarič, 2004). Positive effects are visible at the physical, psychological and social level. In the empirical part I interview three experts in equine assisted therapy in order to prove the suitability of this therapy for aggressive children and determine the positive effects on children and their weaknesses this therapy can address.
Secondary keywords: therapy;riding;terapija;jahanje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 104 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Aggressive child and equine assisted therapy as a form of treatment
Keywords (ePrints): agresivnost
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): aggression
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu opisujem terapijo s pomočjo konja kot obliko pomoči otrokom z agresivnim vedenjem. Na začetku teoretičnega dela se osredotočim na opis agresivnega vedenja in nastanek le-tega, uvrstitev agresivnosti v klasifikacije in zaključim z agresivnostjo pri otrocih, nato pa nadaljujem z opisom različnih terapij s pomočjo konja, pozitivnimi učinki terapije ter primernosti te oblike pomoči za agresivnega otroka. Agresija oziroma agresivno vedenje je namreč vsako fizično ali verbalno obnašanje, ki ima namen poškodovati ali oškodovati drugega človeka, živali ali nežive predmete (Berkowitz, 1993). Čeprav ti otroci navzven kažejo svoje agresivno vedenje, imajo v resnici slabo samopodobo in samozaupanje ter občutek neuspešnosti. So nemotivirani, imajo šibko koncentracijo in reagirajo impulzivno. Pri tem pomaga terapija s pomočjo konja. Konj namreč otroka motivira, mu vzbuja spoštovanje in avtoriteto, otrok pa se skozi odnos s konjem uči o sebi in drugih ter na ta način krepi svoje šibke točke. Poleg tega naj agresivno vedenje na terapiji ne bi bilo prisotno, saj, kot opisuje Kramarič (2004), konj že z velikostjo v odnosu do človeka zahteva spoštovanje in primerno ravnanje ter se bo znal zoperstaviti tudi našemu agresivnemu vedenju. Učinek terapije se vidi na fizičnem, psihološkem in socialnem nivoju. V empiričnem delu poskusim skozi intervjuvanje strokovnjakov na področju terapije s konji dokazati primernost terapije za agresivne otroke, ugotoviti, kakšne učinke terapija prinese in na katere šibke točke otroka deluje.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In my undergraduate thesis I present equine assisted therapy as a form of treatment for aggressive children. At the beginning of the theoretical part I focus on a description of aggressive behaviour and its formation, provide a classification of this behaviour and finish with a description of child aggression. I continue by outlining different forms of equine assisted therapy, its positive effects and suitability for treating aggressive children. Aggression or aggressive behaviour denotes every physical or psychological action that tries to hurt or harm another person, animal or object (Berkowitz, 1993). Although this behaviour is external, those children have low self-esteem, self-confidence and a sense of failure. They are unmotivated, have a week concentration and they react impulsively. Equine assisted therapy can be a form of treatment for such problems. Horse motivates a child and establishes respect and authority; as a result, a child learns about himself and others and grows through this relationship. In this way, a child strengthens his weak points. Moreover, aggressive behaviour is not shown at the therapy because the size of the horse raises respect and requires fair treatment; as a result, the horse can deal with the child’s aggression (Kramarič, 2004). Positive effects are visible at the physical, psychological and social level. In the empirical part I interview three experts in equine assisted therapy in order to prove the suitability of this therapy for aggressive children and determine the positive effects on children and their weaknesses this therapy can address.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): aggression
ID: 8311766
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