Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Self-advocacy in the process of transition for students with specific learning disabilities |
Secondary abstract: |
Throughout history, the importance of the transition from elementary to high school gradually increased for students with learning disabilities. Research demonstrates the complexity of the abilities and needs of students with specific learning disabilities. The fact is that the effects of specific learning disabilities do not end with the graduation, but impact an individual's life. For people with specific learning disabilities, transition and integration in a new environment, brings unpredictable experience. To make transition smooth and held with a minimum uncertainty, it is necessary to teach student skills that will enable easier integration and adaptation to the new environment. Transition in the broadest sense, means "transition from one period to another, which happens throughout the individual's life" (Transition planning for students with special needs, 2005, str. 5)
In my course of study, I focused on researching the process of transition from elementary to high school for students with specific learning disabilities. At the very beginning I have defined the concept of transition and gathered it transition for students with specific learning disabilities. I found out, that the nature of work in high school, changes significantly, and that these students should be well prepared for the new environment. For this reason, it is essential that the students take on responsibilities for themselves to cope with unpredictable situations. In this area, the school team is responsible for teaching students the necessary skills, so that he will be able to use new skills in advocating for his needs and accommodations. For this to happen, however, the student must learn self- advocacy and self- determination skills.
Many students with specific learning disabilities, before completing elementary school, still do not understand their own learning difficulties, their needs and strong areas. When a student reaches understanding about himself, when he realizes what adjustments and strategies works for him, then professional educators can upgrade their knowledge about self-advocacy skills (Nichols, Paul, Vandenbossche, Ziraldo, Yaworski, 2003).
Preparing for the transition and learning about self- advocacy, should be present through the entire elementary education. Opportunities for such learning, exists in different areas; in the classroom, in the relation between classmates, writing tests, also at creating individualized programs. In such important documents it is necessary that a student is involved in the process of the formation of the program in order to verbalize his needs, capabilities and necessary adjustments. In the process of creating an individualized program, professionals should show the need to include a transition plan, the integration of student’s wishes, and interest for further education. For this reason, the professional educator needs to focus on identifying goals and development of skills for students which will enable his successful working in high school. |
Secondary keywords: |
learning difficulty;transition from primary to lower secondary school;pupil;učne težave;prehod iz osnovne v srednjo šolo;učenec; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika |
Pages: |
45 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Self-advocacy in the process of transition for students with specific learning disabilities |
Keywords (ePrints): |
učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
students with specific learning disabilities |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Skozi zgodovino se je pomembnost tranzicije iz osnovnošolskega v srednješolski program postopoma povečevala tudi za učence z učnimi težavami. Raziskave dokazujejo kompleksnost zmožnosti in potreb učencev s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (PPPU). Dejstvo je, da se vplivi primanjkljajev ne končajo z zaključkom formalnega izobraževanja ampak vplivajo na celotno posameznikovo življenje. Tako za osebe s PPPU prehajanje in vključevanje v novo okolje, prinaša nepredvidljivo izkušnjo. Da bi tranzicija potekala nemoteno in z čim manj negotovosti je učenca potrebno sistematično in načrtno učiti veščin, ki mu bodo omogočile lažje vključevanje in prilagajanje v novo okolje.
Tranzicija v širšem pomenu, pomeni »prehajanje iz enega obdobja v drugi, ki se odvija skozi celotno posameznikovo življenje« (Transition planning for students with special needs, 2005, str. 5).
V diplomskem delu sem se usmerila na raziskovanje procesa tranzicije iz osnovnošolskega v srednješolski izobraževalni program za učence s PPPU. Na samem začetku sem definirala pojem tranzicije ter ga povezala s tranzicijo za učence s PPPU. Ugotovila sem, da se v srednji šoli spremeni narava dela, ter da je te učence potrebno dobro pripraviti na nove zahteve. Zato je bistvenega pomena, da se učenec že v procesu tranzicije nauči prevzemati del odgovornosti zase ter si s tem omogoči lažje spopadanje z nepredvidljivimi situacijami. Na tem področju je šolski tim tisti, ki učenca lahko nauči potrebnih veščin, da jih bo znal uporabljati pri zagotavljanju prilagoditev in zagovarjanju svojih potreb. Za uspešnost tranzicije pa se mora učenec naučiti samozagovarjati ter uporabiti samodeterminacijske veščine.
Veliko učencev s PPPU pred samim zaključkom osnovnošolskega izobraževanja še vedno ne razume lastnih učnih težav, svojih potreb in močna področja. V trenutku, ko učenec doseže razumevanje svojega delovanja in ko spozna katere prilagoditve in strategije mu ustrezajo, takrat lahko začnemo nadgrajevati njegovo znanje o samozagovorniških veščinah (Nichols, Paul, Vandenbossche, Ziraldo, Yaworski, 2003).
Priprava na tranzicijo in učenje samozagovorništva bi moralo potekati skozi celotno osnovnošolsko izobraževanje. Priložnosti za takšno učenje je veliko; pri pouku, v odnosih med sošolci, pri pisanju preverjanj znanj, nenazadnje tudi pri ustvarjanju individualiziranih programov. Pri tako pomembnih dokumentih je nujno, da je učenec vključen v proces nastajanja programa, z namenom, da zna ubesediti svoje potrebe, oceniti lastne zmožnosti in izpostaviti potrebne prilagoditve. Pri ustvarjanju individualiziranih programov se kaže tudi potreba po uvajanju tranzicijskega načrta, vključevanju želja in interesov posameznega učenca po nadaljnjem izobraževanju. Iz tega razloga bi se strokovni delavci morali usmeriti v iskanje ciljev in razvoja veščin, ki bodo učencu omogočili uspešno delovanje v srednji šoli. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Throughout history, the importance of the transition from elementary to high school gradually increased for students with learning disabilities. Research demonstrates the complexity of the abilities and needs of students with specific learning disabilities. The fact is that the effects of specific learning disabilities do not end with the graduation, but impact an individual's life. For people with specific learning disabilities, transition and integration in a new environment, brings unpredictable experience. To make transition smooth and held with a minimum uncertainty, it is necessary to teach student skills that will enable easier integration and adaptation to the new environment. Transition in the broadest sense, means "transition from one period to another, which happens throughout the individual's life" (Transition planning for students with special needs, 2005, str. 5)
In my course of study, I focused on researching the process of transition from elementary to high school for students with specific learning disabilities. At the very beginning I have defined the concept of transition and gathered it transition for students with specific learning disabilities. I found out, that the nature of work in high school, changes significantly, and that these students should be well prepared for the new environment. For this reason, it is essential that the students take on responsibilities for themselves to cope with unpredictable situations. In this area, the school team is responsible for teaching students the necessary skills, so that he will be able to use new skills in advocating for his needs and accommodations. For this to happen, however, the student must learn self- advocacy and self- determination skills.
Many students with specific learning disabilities, before completing elementary school, still do not understand their own learning difficulties, their needs and strong areas. When a student reaches understanding about himself, when he realizes what adjustments and strategies works for him, then professional educators can upgrade their knowledge about self-advocacy skills (Nichols, Paul, Vandenbossche, Ziraldo, Yaworski, 2003).
Preparing for the transition and learning about self- advocacy, should be present through the entire elementary education. Opportunities for such learning, exists in different areas; in the classroom, in the relation between classmates, writing tests, also at creating individualized programs. In such important documents it is necessary that a student is involved in the process of the formation of the program in order to verbalize his needs, capabilities and necessary adjustments. In the process of creating an individualized program, professionals should show the need to include a transition plan, the integration of student’s wishes, and interest for further education. For this reason, the professional educator needs to focus on identifying goals and development of skills for students which will enable his successful working in high school. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
students with specific learning disabilities |
ID: |
8311769 |