diplomsko delo


Projektno delo in likovna dejavnost na Srednji poklicni in strokovni šoli


projektno delo;strokovne šole;grafični stroj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Rušnik Stramšak]
UDC: 7/9:373.5(043.2)
COBISS: 9796169 Link will open in a new window
Views: 654
Downloads: 150
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Project work and fine arts activity at the secondary vocational and technical scholl
Secondary abstract: Project work proves to be successful by the directed combining of the subject contents. This is an organized activity, which evolves from the idea, planning, execution of the final product up to the use and evaluation. In the theoretical part of the thesis project work and its characteristics are defined, as well as the stages of work. In the pedagogical research part the way of organizing the project work to complete the final product is presented. The efficiency of the project work process is shown, as well as the way, which helps a student to achieve greater autonomy and creativity. The project work described in the thesis includes planning, organizing and the actual creating of a graphic machine, as well as the use of this graphic machine in the process of the fine arts activity within the pedagogic education. Due to the extensiveness of the project work the manufacturing of the machine and fine arts activity are presented in detail. Good planning, organization of work and the timing are important factors regarding the implementation of the project work in order to achieve a high-quality final product. As a final product a graphic machine was designed, which proved its usefulness through fine art activities. The students made prints and learned about the manufacturing process of linocut and at the same time they critically evaluated their artworks. Many factors have a strong influence on successful project work, one of them is progressiveness. Only with progressiveness a project work can be successful. With this way of work students are more creative. They gain new experiences and become more independent at work.
Secondary keywords: art education;secondary school;likovna vzgoja;srednja šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 37 str., [8] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Project work and fine arts activity at the secondary vocational and technical scholl
Keywords (ePrints): projektno delo
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): project work
Abstract (ePrints): Z usmerjenim povezovanjem vsebin predmetov in njenim poglabljanjem se odlikuje projektno delo. To je organizirana dejavnost, ki se razvija od zamisli, načrtovanja, izvedbe končnega produkta ter do uporabe in evalvacije. V teoretičnemu delu diplomskega dela je opredeljeno projektno delo, njegove značilnosti in razčlenitev po etapah dela. V pedagoško raziskovalnem delu je predstavljen način organiziranja projektnega dela za uspešno izvedbo končnega izdelka. Prikazana je uspešnost poteka procesa projektnega dela ter opisan način, s katerim skozi projektno delo doseči čim večjo dijakovo samostojnost ter ustvarjalnost. Opisano projektno delo v diplomskem delu obsega načrtovanje, organiziranje in dejansko izdelavo grafičnega stroja ter dejanska uporaba istega grafičnega stroja v procesu pedagoškega izobraževanja v sklopu likovne dejavnosti. Zaradi obsežnosti projektnega dela je podrobneje predstavljen potek izdelave grafičnega stroja ter sama likovna dejavnost. Dobro načrtovanje, organiziranost dela in časovna razporeditev so pri izvedbi projektnega dela pomembni faktorji za doseganje kvalitetnega končnega cilja. Kot končni izdelek je bil izdelan grafični stroj, s katerim se je skozi likovno dejavnost dokazala njegovo uporabnost. Dijaki so tako izdelali grafične liste in spoznali postopek izdelave linoreza in hkrati kritično vrednotili nastala likovna dela. Na uspešno projektno delo vpliva veliko dejavnikov, med katerimi je postopnost. Le s postopnostjo je lahko projektno delo uspešno. Dijaki so s tem načinom dela bolj ustvarjalni in bogatejši za nove lastne izkušnje ter samostojnejši pri delu.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Project work proves to be successful by the directed combining of the subject contents. This is an organized activity, which evolves from the idea, planning, execution of the final product up to the use and evaluation. In the theoretical part of the thesis project work and its characteristics are defined, as well as the stages of work. In the pedagogical research part the way of organizing the project work to complete the final product is presented. The efficiency of the project work process is shown, as well as the way, which helps a student to achieve greater autonomy and creativity. The project work described in the thesis includes planning, organizing and the actual creating of a graphic machine, as well as the use of this graphic machine in the process of the fine arts activity within the pedagogic education. Due to the extensiveness of the project work the manufacturing of the machine and fine arts activity are presented in detail. Good planning, organization of work and the timing are important factors regarding the implementation of the project work in order to achieve a high-quality final product. As a final product a graphic machine was designed, which proved its usefulness through fine art activities. The students made prints and learned about the manufacturing process of linocut and at the same time they critically evaluated their artworks. Many factors have a strong influence on successful project work, one of them is progressiveness. Only with progressiveness a project work can be successful. With this way of work students are more creative. They gain new experiences and become more independent at work.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): project work
ID: 8311781