diplomsko delo
Sara Juretič (Author), Marija Kavkler (Mentor), Milena Košak Babuder (Co-mentor)


Uporaba mnemotehnik pri delu z učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami


učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami;memoriranje;mnemotehnike;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Juretič]
UDC: 376.1:159.953.4(043.2)
COBISS: 9805129 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1227
Downloads: 394
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The use of mnemonics as the way to help the pupils with specific learning difficulties
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to examine and present the usefulness of mnemonics in working with pupils with specific learning difficulties. It also aims to determine how certain factors such as learning styles, strengths, certain memory structures and the characteristics of pupils with specific learning difficulties, affect the choice of methods and techniques of memorizing. The diploma thesis also presents mnemonics that can be used as one of the approaches in dealing and working with pupils with specific learning difficulties. For this group of pupils, difficulties in the area of memorizing and executive functions are characteristic, which can be compensated with the involvement of mnemonics in learning and teaching. For a better insight into the topic the introductory part presents difficulties of pupils with specific learning difficulties related to specific deficits at the level of auditory-visual and visual-motor processes, as well as their cognitive characteristics with strong areas. Non-verbal specific learning difficulties are mentioned as well. Furthermore, the thesis presents an overview of treatment and support for pupils with specific learning difficulties with an emphasis on considering their learning style. The main part of the thesis highlights areas of learning by using mnemonics. Firstly, processes, which affect improved learning and memorization of information using mnemonics, are presented. Their knowledge and understanding is important for pupils when creating their own methods and techniques for memorizing, which will be faster and better by taking these processes into account. Special attention is given to memory, which is of crucial significance for a successful use of mnemonics. The thesis, therefore, presents mnemonics as methods and techniques of memorizing according to the type of memory, and in terms of adequacy of use in certain groups of pupils with specific learning difficulties. The final part consists of arguments for and against mnemonics.
Secondary keywords: primary school;learning difficulty;learning;memory;osnovna šola;učne težave;učenje;spomin;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: IV, 39 str., [8] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The use of mnemonics as the way to help the pupils with specific learning difficulties
Keywords (ePrints): učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): pupils with specific learning difficulties
Abstract (ePrints): Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti in predstaviti uporabnost mnemotehnik pri delu z učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami. Prav tako je cilj ugotoviti, kako določeni dejavniki, kot so učni stili, močna področja, določena struktura spomina in značilnosti učencev s specifičnimi učnimi težavami, vplivajo na izbiro metod in tehnik pomnjenja. V diplomskem delu so tako predstavljene mnemotehnike, ki jih lahko uporabljamo kot enega od pristopov pri obravnavi in delu z učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami. Za to skupino učencev so značilne težave na področju spomina, pomnjenja in izvršilnih funkcij, ki jih je mogoče kompenzirati tudi z vključevanjem mnemotehnik v učenje in poučevanje. Za boljši vpogled v obravnavano temo so v uvodnem delu predstavljene težave učencev s specifičnimi učnimi težavami, vezane na specifične primanjkljaje na ravni slušno-vizualnih in vizualno-motoričnih procesov, ter njihove kognitivne značilnosti z močnimi področji. Omenjene pa so tudi neverbalne specifične učne težave. V nadaljevanju sta na kratko predstavljeni obravnava in pomoč učencem s specifičnimi učnimi težavami s poudarkom na upoštevanju njihovega učnega stila. Osrednji del naloge osvetljuje področje učenja s pomočjo mnemotehnik. Najprej so predstavljeni procesi, ki vplivajo na boljše učenje in zapomnitev informacij z mnemotehnikami. Njihovo poznavanje in razumevanje je pomembno pri ustvarjanju lastnih metod in tehnik pomnjenja, ki bo ob upoštevanju omenjenih procesov hitrejše in boljše. Posebej je izpostavljen spomin, ki je za uspešno rabo mnemotehnik ključnega pomena. V diplomskem delu so zato mnemotehnike kot metode in tehnike pomnjenja predstavljene glede na vrsto spomina ter z vidika ustreznosti uporabe pri določeni skupini učencev s specifičnimi učnimi težavami. Zaključni del predstavljajo argumenti za in proti mnemotehnikam.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The purpose of this diploma thesis is to examine and present the usefulness of mnemonics in working with pupils with specific learning difficulties. It also aims to determine how certain factors such as learning styles, strengths, certain memory structures and the characteristics of pupils with specific learning difficulties, affect the choice of methods and techniques of memorizing. The diploma thesis also presents mnemonics that can be used as one of the approaches in dealing and working with pupils with specific learning difficulties. For this group of pupils, difficulties in the area of memorizing and executive functions are characteristic, which can be compensated with the involvement of mnemonics in learning and teaching. For a better insight into the topic the introductory part presents difficulties of pupils with specific learning difficulties related to specific deficits at the level of auditory-visual and visual-motor processes, as well as their cognitive characteristics with strong areas. Non-verbal specific learning difficulties are mentioned as well. Furthermore, the thesis presents an overview of treatment and support for pupils with specific learning difficulties with an emphasis on considering their learning style. The main part of the thesis highlights areas of learning by using mnemonics. Firstly, processes, which affect improved learning and memorization of information using mnemonics, are presented. Their knowledge and understanding is important for pupils when creating their own methods and techniques for memorizing, which will be faster and better by taking these processes into account. Special attention is given to memory, which is of crucial significance for a successful use of mnemonics. The thesis, therefore, presents mnemonics as methods and techniques of memorizing according to the type of memory, and in terms of adequacy of use in certain groups of pupils with specific learning difficulties. The final part consists of arguments for and against mnemonics.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): pupils with specific learning difficulties
ID: 8311789
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