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Vsebnosti živega srebra v izbranih vrstah zelišč iz Idrije


živo srebro;Idrija;zelišča;onesnaženost;akumulacija v rastlinah;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Š. Kržišnik]
UDC: 58(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 9780809 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1292
Downloads: 263
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mercury contents in selected herbs from Idrija
Secondary abstract: Idrija is more than 500 years old town in Slovenia. It is notable for its mercury (Hg) mine with stores and infrastructure. As a consequence of mercury mining, large amounts of Hg were released into the environment and in past twenty years researcher devoted considerable attention to this environmental issue due to high Hg toxicity. Mercury is chemically very active, and is present in the chain of biogeochemical cycling and global spreading. The faith of Hg in the environment deserves special attention also due to transformation and biomagnification in the food chains. We were interested in Hg concentrations in herbs collected at various locations in Idrija. Herbs were prepared for use in various ways. They were washed in tap water or left unwashed, air or freeze-dried. In addition we were interested in Hg concentrations in tea infusions from herbs prepared in different ways. The measurement results were highly variable. The results show that washing the herbs reduce the concentration of Hg in herbs prepared by freeze-drying. With drying in the sun, washing of the herbs does not have any effects since the concentrations of Hg in washed and uwashed plant material were very similar. In the prepared tea infusion Hg values were below the detection limit. The maximal Hg concentration was measured in Melissa officinalis while the minimal was measured in Hypericum perforatum where the Hg concentrations was below the upper allowed value of Hg 0,5 mg kg-1. With this thesis we aimed to raise the awareness of the people that high Hg burdens are still present in the environment. We have also provided guidance on how to prepare and dry herbs for tea infusions.
Secondary keywords: biology;biologija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Kemija in biologija
Pages: VII, 32 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Mercury contents in selected herbs from Idrija
Keywords (ePrints): živo srebro
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Mercury
Abstract (ePrints): Idrija, najstarejše rudarsko mesto v Sloveniji je bila 500 let znana doma in v svetu zaradi svojega živosrebrnega bogastva. V zadnjih dvajsetih letih pa so pričeli živemu srebru v okolju posvečati veliko pozornost zaradi njegove strupenosti. Živo srebro (Hg) je kemijsko zelo aktivno, prisotno je v verigi biogeokemijskega kroženja in globalnega razširjanja. Proučuje se ga tudi zaradi njegovih pretvorb v okolju, ter kopičenja v prehranjevalnih verigah. Zanimale so nas koncentracije Hg v zeliščih nabranih na različnih lokacijah v Idriji. Zelišča smo pripravili za uporabo na različne načine in sicer smo jih oprali pod tekočo vodo in pustili neoprana. Sušili smo jih na zraku oz. smo jih liofilizirali. Nadalje so nas zanimale koncentracije Hg v čajih pripravljenih iz zelišč, ki smo jih pripravili na različne načine. Rezultati meritev so bili zelo variabilni. Rezultati kažejo, da pranje zelišč zmanjša koncentracije Hg v zeliščih pripravljenih z liofilizacijo. Pri sušenju na soncu pranje nima nobenega vpliva, saj so koncentracije Hg zelo izenačene. V pripravljenih čajih so bile vrednosti Hg pod mejo detekcije. Največjo vsebnost živega srebra smo izmerili pri vrsti Melissa officinalis, najmanjšo pa pri vrsti Hypericum perforatum, kjer so bile vsebnosti Hg pod zgornjo dovoljeno vrednostjo Hg 0,5 mg kg-1. Z diplomsko nalogo smo hoteli poučiti ljudi, da je živo srebro v okolju še vedno prisotno. Pripravili smo jim smernice, kako naj pripravijo in sušijo zelišča za čaje.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Idrija is more than 500 years old town in Slovenia. It is notable for its mercury (Hg) mine with stores and infrastructure. As a consequence of mercury mining, large amounts of Hg were released into the environment and in past twenty years researcher devoted considerable attention to this environmental issue due to high Hg toxicity. Mercury is chemically very active, and is present in the chain of biogeochemical cycling and global spreading. The faith of Hg in the environment deserves special attention also due to transformation and biomagnification in the food chains. We were interested in Hg concentrations in herbs collected at various locations in Idrija. Herbs were prepared for use in various ways. They were washed in tap water or left unwashed, air or freeze-dried. In addition we were interested in Hg concentrations in tea infusions from herbs prepared in different ways. The measurement results were highly variable. The results show that washing the herbs reduce the concentration of Hg in herbs prepared by freeze-drying. With drying in the sun, washing of the herbs does not have any effects since the concentrations of Hg in washed and uwashed plant material were very similar. In the prepared tea infusion Hg values were below the detection limit. The maximal Hg concentration was measured in Melissa officinalis while the minimal was measured in Hypericum perforatum where the Hg concentrations was below the upper allowed value of Hg 0,5 mg kg-1. With this thesis we aimed to raise the awareness of the people that high Hg burdens are still present in the environment. We have also provided guidance on how to prepare and dry herbs for tea infusions.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Mercury
ID: 8311792
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