diplomsko delo
Katja Heric (Author), Tjaša Filipčič (Mentor)


Gibalno/športna dejavnost v vlogi preprečevanja izgorelosti specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov


poklicna izgorelost;rehabilitacijski pedagogi;športna dejavnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Heric]
UDC: 376.1:796(043.2)
COBISS: 9803337 Link will open in a new window
Views: 867
Downloads: 197
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The role of physical / sports activitys as an burnout prevention for special and rehabilitation educators
Secondary abstract: The Diploma thesis contains an overview of literature concerning the topic of how the sport/physical activity effects the phenomenon of professional burnout with special educatiors. I would like to explore the causes for and the signs of professional burnout, does sport/physical activity have a pozitive influence on an individual and if it is possible to prevent professional burnout with the help of sport/physical activity. I have found out that numerous stress factors at work, wich every educator encounters during his/her career, lead to burnout. Factors like for example: the lack of social support, violence among students, control and discipline in the classroom, educators self-esteem, principals, parents, the ambiguity and the conflict between the roles of the teacher and the isolation of teachers. The signs are emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and dissatisfaction with their vocation. With the help of sport/physical activity, wich is important for physical and mental health, people can explore the capabilities of their bodies and improve their psychophysical fitness. Good psychophysical fitness helps people to deal with the problems they encounter at work or at home much easier. Another positive aspect of sport/physical activity is that through it we can release the tension we feal because of stress. Due to these facts, I concluded that regular sport/physical activity helps people with stressful jobs to prevent professional burnout.
Secondary keywords: special school teacher;sport;specialni pedagog;šport;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: 25 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The role of physical / sports activitys as an burnout prevention for special and rehabilitation educators
Keywords (ePrints): poklicna izgorelost
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): professional burnout
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo vsebuje pregled literature na temo vpliva športno/gibalne aktivnosti na poklicno izgorelost pri specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogih. Zanima me, kaj povzroča poklicno izgorelost, kako se kaže, ali športno/gibalna dejavnost pozitivno vpliva na posameznika in kako lahko z njeno pomočjo preprečimo nastanek poklicne izgorelosti. Ugotovila sem, da stres na delovnem mestu vodi do nastanka izgorelosti. Vsi pedagoški delavci se tekom svoje poklicne poti srečajo s stresnimi dejavniki, ki jim otežujejo opravljanje njihovega dela. Razni dejavniki kot so: pomanjkanje družbene podpore, nasilje med učenci, disciplina in nadzor v razredu, samopodoba učitelja, ravnatelji, starši, dvoumnost vloge učitelja in konflikti vlog ter izolacija učiteljev samo še poslabšajo položaj in privedejo do poklicne izgorelosti, ki se kaže v obliki čustvene izčrpanosti, depersonalizaciji in nezadovoljstvom s svojim poklicem. Športno/gibalna aktivnost je pomembna za telesno in duševno zdravje. Z njeno pomočjo ljudje lahko raziščejo sposobnosti svojega telesa, kar jim omogoča izboljšanje lastne psihofizične pripravljenosti. Dobra psihofizična pripravljenost omogoča ljudem, da lažje prenašajo obremenitve, s katerimi se srečujejo v službi in doma. Športno/gibalna aktivnost pomaga tudi tako, da skoznjo izločimo napetost, ki jo čutimo zaradi stresa. Ravno zaradi tega redna športna dejavnost pomaga ljudem, ki imajo stresne službe, preprečiti nastanek poklicne izgorelosti.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The Diploma thesis contains an overview of literature concerning the topic of how the sport/physical activity effects the phenomenon of professional burnout with special educatiors. I would like to explore the causes for and the signs of professional burnout, does sport/physical activity have a pozitive influence on an individual and if it is possible to prevent professional burnout with the help of sport/physical activity. I have found out that numerous stress factors at work, wich every educator encounters during his/her career, lead to burnout. Factors like for example: the lack of social support, violence among students, control and discipline in the classroom, educators self-esteem, principals, parents, the ambiguity and the conflict between the roles of the teacher and the isolation of teachers. The signs are emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and dissatisfaction with their vocation. With the help of sport/physical activity, wich is important for physical and mental health, people can explore the capabilities of their bodies and improve their psychophysical fitness. Good psychophysical fitness helps people to deal with the problems they encounter at work or at home much easier. Another positive aspect of sport/physical activity is that through it we can release the tension we feal because of stress. Due to these facts, I concluded that regular sport/physical activity helps people with stressful jobs to prevent professional burnout.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): professional burnout
ID: 8311797