diplomsko delo
Nina Kobentar (Author), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


Zdravje učiteljev Goriške regije


razredni pouk;športni pedagogi;športna aktivnost;prosti čas;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Kobentar]
UDC: 37.011.3-051:331.47(497.473)(043.2)
COBISS: 9801033 Link will open in a new window
Views: 711
Downloads: 390
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Health condition of primary school teachers in the Goriška region
Secondary abstract: Health is a precondition for high-quality work. Every human being should be aware that it is not good to rely only on doctors, but we have to take care of our health and well-being as much as possible by ourselves – with high-quality food, physical activity, relaxation and rest. If we want to have a quality education system, we need satisfied and healthy teachers who will be a great example for pupils. In the research I explored health condition of 53 teachers who teach as class teachers or sport pedagogues in primary schools in the Goriška region. The main goals were to determine how often they are physically active in their spare time, what is their relation to their shape and body weight, how many of them smoke and if they are often stressed out. I was also interested in which doctors they have visited and when in the last 12 months, which are the most prevalent diseases and health problems among the teachers in the region, how satisfied they are with their working environment and what their attitude is towards teaching physical education. The questionnaire included 24 questions, divided into three sections. The questions were mostly multiple-choice. The research showed that the majority of the interviewed teachers are physically active for at least 1 hour per week and most of them for 2 hours, which corresponds to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. On average they are physically active for 4.02 hours per week; such a high value is mainly due to a few exceptions that are active up to 10 hours per week (mostly sport pedagogues). The teachers have the most health problems in February. In this month they visit a physician most frequently, moreover, this month has even recorded the highest sickness absence. We can assume that because of the winter time teachers spend less time outside but when indoors, they are exposed to the rapid spread of various viruses which are the main cause of colds and viral infections due to the reduced resistance of the immune system. Most encouraging is the fact that more than 90% of teachers do not smoke and very few of them live in an environment where some of their family members smoke.
Secondary keywords: health;teacher;zdravje;učitelj;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: VI, 91 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Health condition of primary school teachers in the Goriška region
Keywords (ePrints): zdravje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): health
Abstract (ePrints): Zdravje je osnovni pogoj za kakovostno delo. Vsak človek se mora zavedati, da se ni dobro zanašati le na zdravnike, temveč da moramo za dobro počutje in zdravstveni status čim več narediti sami – s kakovostno prehrano, telesno aktivnostjo ter sprostitvijo in počitkom. Če želimo v državi imeti kakovosten izobraževalni sistem, moramo imeti zdrave in zadovoljne učitelje. Ti bodo namreč učili predvsem z zgledom, to pa je za učence najpomembneje. V diplomskem delu sem na vzorcu 53 učiteljev razrednega pouka in športnih pedagogov iz osnovnih šol v Goriški regiji z raziskavo ugotavljala, kakšno je njihovo zdravstveno stanje. Zanimalo me je, kako pogosto so anketirani učitelji telesno aktivni, kako dobro se počutijo v svojem telesu, ali kadijo, ali so pogosto pod stresom, kdaj in katere zdravnike so obiskali v zadnjem letu dni, katere bolezni in zdravstvene težave jih pestijo, kako so zadovoljni s svojim delovnim okoljem in kakšen odnos imajo do poučevanja športne vzgoje. Vprašalnik je bil razdeljen na 3 sklope in je skupaj zajemal 24 vprašanj, večinoma izbirnega tipa. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da je večina anketiranih učiteljev v prostem času aktivna vsaj 1 uro na teden, največji delež 2 uri, kar ustreza priporočilom Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije. Povprečno so telesno aktivni 4,02 ure na teden, tako visoka vrednost pa gre predvsem na račun nekaj izjem, ki se s športom ukvarjajo tudi 10 ur na teden (predvsem športni pedagogi). Največ zdravstvenih težav se pri učiteljih kaže v mesecu februarju – takrat jih največ obišče splošnega zdravnika, poleg tega pa v tem mesecu beležimo tudi največjo bolniško odsotnost. Ker je to zimski mesec, lahko sklepamo, da je to tudi čas, ko učitelji najmanj časa preživijo zunaj, v zaprtih prostorih pa se hitro širijo različne virusne okužbe, ki ob zmanjšani odpornosti predstavljajo glavni vzrok za prehlade in virusna obolenja. Razveseljiv je podatek, da več kot 90 % učiteljev ne kadi, zelo malo pa jih živi v prostorih, kjer kadi kdo izmed družinskih članov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Health is a precondition for high-quality work. Every human being should be aware that it is not good to rely only on doctors, but we have to take care of our health and well-being as much as possible by ourselves – with high-quality food, physical activity, relaxation and rest. If we want to have a quality education system, we need satisfied and healthy teachers who will be a great example for pupils. In the research I explored health condition of 53 teachers who teach as class teachers or sport pedagogues in primary schools in the Goriška region. The main goals were to determine how often they are physically active in their spare time, what is their relation to their shape and body weight, how many of them smoke and if they are often stressed out. I was also interested in which doctors they have visited and when in the last 12 months, which are the most prevalent diseases and health problems among the teachers in the region, how satisfied they are with their working environment and what their attitude is towards teaching physical education. The questionnaire included 24 questions, divided into three sections. The questions were mostly multiple-choice. The research showed that the majority of the interviewed teachers are physically active for at least 1 hour per week and most of them for 2 hours, which corresponds to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. On average they are physically active for 4.02 hours per week; such a high value is mainly due to a few exceptions that are active up to 10 hours per week (mostly sport pedagogues). The teachers have the most health problems in February. In this month they visit a physician most frequently, moreover, this month has even recorded the highest sickness absence. We can assume that because of the winter time teachers spend less time outside but when indoors, they are exposed to the rapid spread of various viruses which are the main cause of colds and viral infections due to the reduced resistance of the immune system. Most encouraging is the fact that more than 90% of teachers do not smoke and very few of them live in an environment where some of their family members smoke.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): health
ID: 8311805
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