diplomsko delo
Maja Zupančič (Author), Jože Rugelj (Mentor), Matej Zapušek (Co-mentor)


Izobraževalna računalniška igra za poučevanje algoritmov


računalniška igra;poučevanje;alogaritmi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Zupančič]
UDC: 004.4:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9783881 Link will open in a new window
Views: 971
Downloads: 180
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Serious computer games for teaching algorithms
Secondary abstract: In this thesis I will present the format of play, computer game and for us the most relevant format, educational computer games. While studying the area of educational games I was interested in which game features are the most important for learning. I learned that the kids are more motivated to learn if the teaching subject is presented in the form of a game and that while playing it one can invoke the state of »flow«, which is the optimal state which gives you the feeling of pleasure and control and where one's abilities match with the challenge presented. Challenges originate from activities, which are optimally set, with clear goals and good feedback. All this is giving the player a feeling of control and leads to the desired state. Furthermore I was interested in which elements influence these two occurances and how to design and create a game to have these features. While studying different models for game design, I decided to use Garris' model of learning cycle, which states that the student enjoys a more personal experiance through the use of suitable feedback, which makes him or her more motivated and attains a better learning result. Algorithms are difficult to understand and an abstract subject, so the goal was to find innovative approach to make the understanding easier, which results in better learning efficiency compared to the currently used methods. I think that because of the positive educational features it has, the game format is very suitable for teaching this subject. While teaching the algorithms, visualization is very important as it enables the student to grasp the abstract concepts and that is why I presented it in greater detail in the thesis. Teaching the algorithms turned out to be very difficult if a student does not have an algorithmic way of thinking developed. This is the reason why as a part of this thesis I designed my own educational game, which was created as part of the subject called »Z IKT podprta učna gradiva« and which demonstrates how a student can develop algorithmic thinking through different activities.
Secondary keywords: computer science;primary school;računalništvo;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Matematika in računalništvo
Pages: IV, 33 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Serious computer games for teaching algorithms
Keywords (ePrints): računalniška izobraževalna igra
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): educational computer games
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu je predstavljen format igre, računalniške igre in za nas najpomembnejši, format izobraževalne igre. Pri preučevanju področja izobraževalnih iger me je zanimalo, katere lastnosti iger so za učenje najbolj pomembne. Ugotovila sem, da so otroci bolj motivirani za učenje, če je učna snov predstavljena v formatu igre, med igranjem pa se v njih lahko vzbudi posebno psihološko stanje »flow«, ki predstavlja optimalno stanje delovanja pri opravilih, daje občutek užitka in nadzora, posameznikove sposobnosti pa se ujemajo z izzivi, s katerimi se sooča. Izzivi izhajajo iz dejavnosti, ki so optimalno zastavljene, imajo jasne cilje in dobre povratne informacije. Vse to daje igralcu občutek nadzora, kar ga pripelje do omenjenega stanja. V nadaljevanju me je zanimalo, kateri elementi vplivajo na ta dva pojava oz. kako načrtovati in izdelati igro, ki bo imela opisane lastnosti. Med preučevanjem različnih modelov za izdelavo iger sem se odločila za Garrisov model igralnega cikla, ki govori o tem, da učenec preko ustrezne povratne informacije doživi bolj individualno izkušnjo, zaradi katere je bolj motiviran in dosega boljši učni rezultat. Algoritmi so težka in abstrakna vsebina, zato bi radi poiskali inovativne pristope, ki bi olajšali njihovo razumevanje in bi imeli boljši učni učinek od trenutnih metod. Menim, da je zaradi pozitivnih izobraževalnih lastnosti format igre zelo primeren za poučevanje te snovi. Pri poučevanju algoritmov je pomembna vizualizacija algoritmov, saj učencem omogoča predstavo abstraktnih konceptov, zato sem jo podrobno opisala v diplomskem delu. Poučevanje algoritmov se je izkazalo za izjemno težavno, če učenec nima razvitega algoritmičnega razmišljanja. Zato sem na koncu diplomskega dela predstavila lastno izobraževalno računalniško igro, ki je bila izdelana v okviru predmeta »Z IKT podprta učna gradiva«, v kateri igralec preko aktivnosti razvija algoritmično razmišljanje.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In this thesis I will present the format of play, computer game and for us the most relevant format, educational computer games. While studying the area of educational games I was interested in which game features are the most important for learning. I learned that the kids are more motivated to learn if the teaching subject is presented in the form of a game and that while playing it one can invoke the state of »flow«, which is the optimal state which gives you the feeling of pleasure and control and where one's abilities match with the challenge presented. Challenges originate from activities, which are optimally set, with clear goals and good feedback. All this is giving the player a feeling of control and leads to the desired state. Furthermore I was interested in which elements influence these two occurances and how to design and create a game to have these features. While studying different models for game design, I decided to use Garris' model of learning cycle, which states that the student enjoys a more personal experiance through the use of suitable feedback, which makes him or her more motivated and attains a better learning result. Algorithms are difficult to understand and an abstract subject, so the goal was to find innovative approach to make the understanding easier, which results in better learning efficiency compared to the currently used methods. I think that because of the positive educational features it has, the game format is very suitable for teaching this subject. While teaching the algorithms, visualization is very important as it enables the student to grasp the abstract concepts and that is why I presented it in greater detail in the thesis. Teaching the algorithms turned out to be very difficult if a student does not have an algorithmic way of thinking developed. This is the reason why as a part of this thesis I designed my own educational game, which was created as part of the subject called »Z IKT podprta učna gradiva« and which demonstrates how a student can develop algorithmic thinking through different activities.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): educational computer games
ID: 8311810
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