Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Integrated waste management |
Secondary abstract: |
The thesis deals with the topic integrated waste from each household, all the way to the centres for waste management.
Purpose of this study was to obtain information on waste separation in individual households as well as information on whether individuals are aware of the importance of a proper segregation of waste. With this research I wanted to determine whether it is possible for an individual household to collecte seperate waste and whether respondents are aware of the role and activities of the centers for waste management. I was also wondering what respondents think about waste management in the context of the sustainable development concept. The survey involved 102 respondents between the ages of 12 and 74 years. The results showed that people are aware of the issue of inappropriate waste treatement, as well as awareness that as consumers they can affect the daily accumulated amounts of waste. Despite good awareness of people about proper waste separation there is still too little awareness about the work of the centres for waste management. In addition to waste collectioning the work of centers for waste management is also sorting of waste, composting, mechanical biological treatment, treatment of bulky waste, sorting of mixed waste and separately collectioning of fractions, removal of recyclable materials in the reprocessing and waste disposal. The results showed that only 13 % of respondents are completely familiar with the work of the centres for waste management.
An important role in this process also have household teachers as they are promoters of a proper segregation of waste. With their teaching they affect students and indirectly influence student's parent. |
Secondary keywords: |
home economics;environmental protection;gospodinjstvo;varstvo okolja; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in gospodinjstvo |
Pages: |
64 f. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Integrated waste management |
Keywords (ePrints): |
odpadek |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
waste |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu obravnavam tematiko celostnega ravnanja z odpadki, od posameznega gospodinjstva pa vse do centrov za ravnanje z odpadki.
Namen diplomskega dela je bil pridobiti podatke o ločevanju odpadkov v posameznih gospodinjstvih, kot tudi podatke o tem, ali se posamezniki zavedajo pomena pravilnega ločevanja odpadkov. Z raziskavo sem želela ugotoviti, ali je posameznemu gospodinjstvu omogočeno ločeno zbiranje odpadkov in ali anketiranci poznajo vlogo in delo centrov za ravnanje z odpadki. Zanimalo me je tudi, kaj anketiranci menijo o ravnanju z odpadki v okviru koncepta trajnostnega razvoja. V anketi je sodeloval 101 anketiranec, v starosti med 12. in 74. letom. Rezultati so pokazali, da se ljudje zavedajo problematike neustreznega ravnanja z odpadki, kot tudi, da se zavedajo, da lahko kot potrošniki vplivajo na manjše količine dnevno nakopičenih količin odpadkov. Kljub dobremu ozaveščanju ljudi o pravilnem ločevanju odpadkov pa je premalo ozaveščanja ljudi o delu centrov za ravnanje z odpadki. Delo centrov za ravnanje z odpadki je poleg zbiranja odpadkov še sortiranje in kompostiranje odpadkov, mehansko-biološka obdelava, obdelava kosovnih odpadkov, sortiranje mešanih odpadkov in ločeno zbranih frakcij, odvoz reciklirnih materialov v ponovno predelavo ter odlaganje odpadkov. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da samo 13 % anketiranih povsem pozna delo centrov za ravnanje z odpadki.
Pomembno vlogo igrajo tudi učitelji gospodinjstva, saj so promotorji pravilnega ločevanja odpadkov. S svojim poučevanjem vplivajo na učence, le-ti pa posredno vplivajo na svoje starše. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
The thesis deals with the topic integrated waste from each household, all the way to the centres for waste management.
Purpose of this study was to obtain information on waste separation in individual households as well as information on whether individuals are aware of the importance of a proper segregation of waste. With this research I wanted to determine whether it is possible for an individual household to collecte seperate waste and whether respondents are aware of the role and activities of the centers for waste management. I was also wondering what respondents think about waste management in the context of the sustainable development concept. The survey involved 102 respondents between the ages of 12 and 74 years. The results showed that people are aware of the issue of inappropriate waste treatement, as well as awareness that as consumers they can affect the daily accumulated amounts of waste. Despite good awareness of people about proper waste separation there is still too little awareness about the work of the centres for waste management. In addition to waste collectioning the work of centers for waste management is also sorting of waste, composting, mechanical biological treatment, treatment of bulky waste, sorting of mixed waste and separately collectioning of fractions, removal of recyclable materials in the reprocessing and waste disposal. The results showed that only 13 % of respondents are completely familiar with the work of the centres for waste management.
An important role in this process also have household teachers as they are promoters of a proper segregation of waste. With their teaching they affect students and indirectly influence student's parent. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
waste |
ID: |
8311830 |