Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Nutrition and primary school pupil |
Secondary abstract: |
In the thesis we wanted to acknowledge the rate of pupils reaching after an alternative diet, the reasons for alternative dieting of adolescents and if their choices are affected by others, for example parents, peers etc. We were also interested, whether the pupils were familiar wuth some basic principles of healthy nutrition. Since we believe, that the methods of educating pupils on healthy nutrition have an important role in establishing healthy eating habits, we asked them, where do they acquire most information on food and what else, concerning nutrition, would they further like to learn within the home economics lessons. A survey was conducted among the 195 pupils attending 6 th and 8 th grades of two separate primary schools. Although the results of this survey show, that the pupils knowledge and interest depend on their gender, so far research does not confirm that the knowledge on nutrition is gender related. Regarding the pupils age the differences are smaller than expected, since there is no statistically significant difference in knowledge and interests among 6 th and 8 th graders. But there is a sense of difference in knowledge and wishes due to a different extent of hours of home economics classes, which was indicated by comparing answers, gained at both primary schools. Encouraging is the information, that the majority of pupils themselves search for information through different media like the internet, television, magazines and so on. Most pupils also indicated, that they would prefer to have more home economics lesson and gain more knowledge on healthy nutrition, vegetarian diet and preparation of alternative food. The interests and desires of pupils are a positive motivation for home economics teachers and others, taking part in the educational process in primary schools. |
Secondary keywords: |
nutrition;primary school;prehrana;osnovna šola; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Biotehniška fak., Biologija in gospodinjstvo |
Pages: |
VII, 67 f. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Nutrition and primary school pupil |
Keywords (ePrints): |
zdrava prehrana |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
healthy nutrition |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali, kolikšen delež učencev posega po drugačni prehrani in kakšni so vzroki za drugačno prehranjevanje mladostnikov in kakšen vpliv na izbiro imajo starši ter njihovi vrstniki. Zanimalo nas je, ali učenci poznajo osnovna načela o zdravi prehrani. Ker menimo, da ima način učenja otrok o zdravi prehrani pomembno vlogo pri doseganju zdravih prehranjevalnih navad, smo učence vprašali, kje dobijo največ informacij o prehrani ter kaj v okviru prehranskih vsebin še želijo slišati pri pouku gospodinjstva. Anketni vprašalnik je rešilo 195 učencev dveh različnih devetletnih osnovnih šol in sicer dveh različnih starosti, šesto in osmošolci. Čeprav rezultati te ankete kažejo, da je znanje in interes učencev odvisen od spola, dosedanje raziskave ne potrjujejo, da je prehransko znanje odvisno od spola. Glede na starost učencev so razlike manjše, kot je bilo pričakovati, saj ni statistično pomembne razlike v znanju in interesih med šesto in osmošolci. Zaznati je razliko v znanju in željah zaradi različnega obsega ur pri pouku gospodinjstva, kar so pokazale primerjave odgovorov, pridobljenih na obeh šolah. Spodbuden je podatek, da večina učencev tudi sama išče informacije v različnih medijih, kot so internet, televizija, revije ipd. Poleg tega so skoraj vsi učenci napisali, da si v šoli želijo več ur predmeta gospodinjstvo oziroma več znanja o zdravi in vegetarijanski prehrani ter pripravi drugačne hrane. Interesi in želje učencev so pozitivna motivacija za delo učiteljev gospodinjstva in ostalih, ki sodelujejo v procesu izobraževanja v osnovnih šolah. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
In the thesis we wanted to acknowledge the rate of pupils reaching after an alternative diet, the reasons for alternative dieting of adolescents and if their choices are affected by others, for example parents, peers etc. We were also interested, whether the pupils were familiar wuth some basic principles of healthy nutrition. Since we believe, that the methods of educating pupils on healthy nutrition have an important role in establishing healthy eating habits, we asked them, where do they acquire most information on food and what else, concerning nutrition, would they further like to learn within the home economics lessons. A survey was conducted among the 195 pupils attending 6 th and 8 th grades of two separate primary schools. Although the results of this survey show, that the pupils knowledge and interest depend on their gender, so far research does not confirm that the knowledge on nutrition is gender related. Regarding the pupils age the differences are smaller than expected, since there is no statistically significant difference in knowledge and interests among 6 th and 8 th graders. But there is a sense of difference in knowledge and wishes due to a different extent of hours of home economics classes, which was indicated by comparing answers, gained at both primary schools. Encouraging is the information, that the majority of pupils themselves search for information through different media like the internet, television, magazines and so on. Most pupils also indicated, that they would prefer to have more home economics lesson and gain more knowledge on healthy nutrition, vegetarian diet and preparation of alternative food. The interests and desires of pupils are a positive motivation for home economics teachers and others, taking part in the educational process in primary schools. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
healthy nutrition |
ID: |
8311869 |