diplomska naloga
Matej Frlan (Author), Roko Žarnić (Mentor), Tomo Cerovšek (Thesis defence commission member), Vlatko Bosiljkov (Thesis defence commission member), Jože Lopatič (Thesis defence commission member), David Antolinc (Co-mentor)


Mehanske lastnosti lameliranega stekla


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VSŠ;lamelirano steklo;osna tlačna obremenitev;stekleni panel;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Frlan]
UDC: 624.012.6(043.2)
COBISS: 5448289 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2159
Downloads: 466
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mechanical properties of laminated glass
Secondary abstract: The goal of this thesis is to research vertical in-plane compression load bearing capacity of a glass panel combined with wood. The basis of my research is the idea to use glass as a part of the load bearing construction of buildings. A test of in-plane compression of a life-sized glass panel has been carried out in the laboratory of Chair for material and construction testing at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering. The aim was to determine the panel's load bearing capacity, its performance under in-plane compression force, what kind of bending occurs when failure happens and what the failure is like. Considering the information available in literature the glass is expected to withstand high in-plane compression force and that its slenderness is a problem. Since the glass has very low tensile strength the buckling of the compressed elements represents crucial failure mode because bending occur and as such tensile deformations. In the first part of my thesis the history of glass, different types of glass and their production as well as existing development are described. I focused on the types of glass which are used in construction, namely laminated and heat-treated glass. This is followed by a presentation of glass production and its use in construction in the world market. It also includes a catalogue of the world's biggest glass producers and their market shares. Before thoroughly describing the laboratory test my thesis displays the newest architectural views using examples of buildings that have incorporated glass as a part of load bearing construction. As this chapter in a way gives meaning to my research it is appropriately placed as an introduction to the next one, which includes results and findings of our tests. 624.012.6(043.2)
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;laminated glass;in plane compression load;glass panel;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XI, 89 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Mechanical properties of laminated glass
Keywords (ePrints): lamelirano steklo;osna tlačna obremenitev;stekleni panel
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): laminated glass;in plane compression load;glass panel
Abstract (ePrints): Namen diplomske naloge je raziskati vertikalno osno tlačno nosilnost steklenega panela v kombinaciji z lesom. Izhodišče raziskav je ideja, da bi uporabili steklo kot del nosilne konstrukcije v stavbah. V laboratoriju Katedre za preskušanje materialov in konstrukcij na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo v Ljubljani smo izvedli tlačni preskus steklenega panela v naravni velikosti. Želeli smo ugotoviti kakšno nosilnost ima takšen stekleni panel, kako se obnaša pod tlačno obremenitvijo, do kakšnega uklona pride pri porušitvi in kakšna je sama porušitev. Glede na podatke iz literature smo pričakovali, da bo steklo preneslo velike tlačne obremenitve, problem pa je seveda njegova vitkost. Zaradi uklona pride na steklu do nateznih deformacij, ki jih pa slabo prenaša, saj ima steklo zelo majhno natezno trdnost. V uvodnem delu te diplomske naloge je predstavljena zgodovina stekla, vrste in njihova pridelava ter dosedanji razvoj. Osredotočil sem se predvsem na stekla, ki se uporabljajo kot konstrukcijska, to so lamelirane in toplotno obdelane vrste stekla. Sledi kratek pregled pridelave in porabe stekla v gradbeništvu glede na svetovni trg ter pregled največjih proizvajalcev stekla in njihovi tržni deleži. Pred poglavjem o laboratorijskih preskusih so predstavljeni še zadnji arhitekturni pogledi z nekaj primeri objektov, v katerih se je že v preteklosti uporabilo steklo kot nosilni del konstrukcije. S tem poglavjem sem dal nekako tudi smisel našim raziskavam, zato je primerno kot uvod v šesto poglavje, kjer so predstavljeni rezultati in ugotovitve vseh naših preskusov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The goal of this thesis is to research vertical in-plane compression load bearing capacity of a glass panel combined with wood. The basis of my research is the idea to use glass as a part of the load bearing construction of buildings. A test of in-plane compression of a life-sized glass panel has been carried out in the laboratory of Chair for material and construction testing at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering. The aim was to determine the panel's load bearing capacity, its performance under in-plane compression force, what kind of bending occurs when failure happens and what the failure is like. Considering the information available in literature the glass is expected to withstand high in-plane compression force and that its slenderness is a problem. Since the glass has very low tensile strength the buckling of the compressed elements represents crucial failure mode because bending occur and as such tensile deformations. In the first part of my thesis the history of glass, different types of glass and their production as well as existing development are described. I focused on the types of glass which are used in construction, namely laminated and heat-treated glass. This is followed by a presentation of glass production and its use in construction in the world market. It also includes a catalogue of the world's biggest glass producers and their market shares. Before thoroughly describing the laboratory test my thesis displays the newest architectural views using examples of buildings that have incorporated glass as a part of load bearing construction. As this chapter in a way gives meaning to my research it is appropriately placed as an introduction to the next one, which includes results and findings of our tests. 624.012.6(043.2)
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): laminated glass;in plane compression load;glass panel
ID: 8312024