diplomska naloga
Adnan Đulsić (Author), Janko Logar (Mentor), Bojan Majes (Thesis defence commission member), Tomo Cerovšek (Thesis defence commission member), Matjaž Brezavšček (Co-mentor)


Načini gradnje nasipov s strmimi brežinami


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VSŠ;strme brežine;armirane zemljine;armirane brežine;gabioni;podporni zidovi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Đulsić]
UDC: 624.137(043.2)
COBISS: 4992097 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2862
Downloads: 685
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Construction of embankments with steep slopes
Secondary abstract: The subject of this degree is different methods for construction of steep slopes. For long-term stability and usefulness of the steep slopes it is necessary to provide additional support forces to ensure safe construction and use of banks. For the safe construction and use of steep slopes, I presented four possible variants of the retaining structures. I considered two types of gravity retaining structures and retaining structures that rely on the reinforcement of soil. The studied gravity retaining structures were the reinforced concrete gravity wall and gabions, whereas retaining structures of reinforced soil included in thesis were the green reinforced slope with forehead made from layer of humus and reinforced slope with forehead made of concrete blocks. All four variants are presented, described and used in various practical examples. Static analysis of all structures were made according to the German guidelines (EBGEO), British reference guide for designing of mass gravity gabion walls based on British standard BS8002 and the Eurocode 7 for concrete gravity wall. For all cases relevant ultimate limit states and global stability were checked. The serviceabillity limit state (control of displacements) was analysed by FEM using Plaxis code. The results were compared and discussed. Final remarks on individual type of construction of embankment with steep slopes are given.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;steep slope;reinforced earth;reinforced slope;gabions;retaining;structural walls;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XV, 68 str., pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Construction of embankments with steep slopes
Keywords (ePrints): strme brežine;armirane zemljine;armirane brežine;gabioni;podporni zidovi
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): steep slope;reinforced earth;reinforced slope;gabions;retaining structural walls
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi sem obravnaval načine gradnje strmih brežin. Za dolgotrajno stabilnost in uporabnost strmih brežin je potrebno zagotoviti dodatne podporne sile, ki zagotavljajo varno gradnjo in uporabo brežin. Za varno gradnjo in uporabo strmih brežin sem predstavil štiri možne variante podpornih konstrukcij. Obravnaval sem dve vrste težnostnih podpornih konstrukcij ter podporne konstrukcije, ki so izvedene s pomocjo armiranja zemljin. Težnostni podporni konstrukciji sta armirano betonski podporni zid in podporni zid izveden z gabioni, podporni konstrukciji iz armiranih zemljin pa sta armirana brežina z zatravljenim celom brežine in armirana brežina s celom iz betonskih blokov. Vse štiri variante sem predstavil in opisal ter jih obravnaval v razlicnih primerih gradnje. Računske primere sem računal s pomočjo nemških smernic (EBGEO), priporočil za izračun stabilnosti podpornih konstrukcij iz gabionov, ki so zasnovani na britanskem standardu BS8002 ter z Evrokodom 7. Pri računskih primerih sem obravnaval možne lokalne in globalne porušitve ter pomike brežin. Kontrolo pomikov sem izvedel z računalniškim programom PLAXIS. Dobljene rezultate sem primerjal ter podal svoje zaključno mnenje za posamezen način gradnje strmih brežin.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The subject of this degree is different methods for construction of steep slopes. For long-term stability and usefulness of the steep slopes it is necessary to provide additional support forces to ensure safe construction and use of banks. For the safe construction and use of steep slopes, I presented four possible variants of the retaining structures. I considered two types of gravity retaining structures and retaining structures that rely on the reinforcement of soil. The studied gravity retaining structures were the reinforced concrete gravity wall and gabions, whereas retaining structures of reinforced soil included in thesis were the green reinforced slope with forehead made from layer of humus and reinforced slope with forehead made of concrete blocks. All four variants are presented, described and used in various practical examples. Static analysis of all structures were made according to the German guidelines (EBGEO), British reference guide for designing of mass gravity gabion walls based on British standard BS8002 and the Eurocode 7 for concrete gravity wall. For all cases relevant ultimate limit states and global stability were checked. The serviceabillity limit state (control of displacements) was analysed by FEM using Plaxis code. The results were compared and discussed. Final remarks on individual type of construction of embankment with steep slopes are given.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): steep slope;reinforced earth;reinforced slope;gabions;retaining structural walls
ID: 8312056