diplomska naloga
Barbara Jerman (Author), Jože Panjan (Mentor), Boris Kompare (Thesis defence commission member), Mario Krzyk (Co-mentor)


Idejne rešitve odvajanja in čiščenja odpadnih voda iz naselij Vrh pri Ljubnu, Mali Podljuben, Dolnje in Gorenje Mraševo


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;VKI;fekalni kanalizcijski sistem;membranska čistilna naprava;črpališča;hidravlični izračun;investicijski stroški;obratovalni stroški;stroškovna primerjava;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [B. Jerman]
UDC: 628.1(043.2)
COBISS: 5344609 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2877
Downloads: 416
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Conceptujal study to drainage water and treatment of waste water for the settlement Vrh pri Ljubnu, Mali Podljuben, Dolnje in Gorenje Mraševo
Secondary abstract: Subject of study are settlement Vrh pri Ljubnu, Mali Podljuben and Gorenje Mraševo in the municipality of Novo mesto and Gorenje Mraševo in the municipality of Straža. The above mentioned villages are detailed conceptual design solutions discharges and wastewater treatment. The three following variants are sewerage systems to individual small treatment plant, sewer system with a common small sewage treatment plant and sewerage system with more common small treatment plants. It was used gravity drainage, in some sections where gravity drainage is not possible, was used evacuation pressure. Due to roughness of terrain are also dealt with domestic wells. The approximate lenght of the designed seweraged system is 4 kilometres. Its actual lenght depends on each possible solution.Presented are procedures in design and construction of fecal sewerage system with all supporting facilities. Especially hydraulic calculation shows fecal sewage and described variants of storm water discharges solutions with the state. In the last part of the study construction costs are calculated, operation and maintenance of each system, and based on cost analysis of selected rational and economically most suitable variant.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;faecal sewage system;membrane treatment;plant;pumps;hydraulic calculation;investment costs;operation costs;cost comparison;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII f., 108 str., [43] pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Conceptual study to drainage water and treatment of waste water for the setilement Vrh pri Ljubnu, Mali Podljuben, Dolnje in Gorenje Mraševo
Keywords (ePrints): fekalni kanalizacijski sistem;membranska čistilna naprava;črpališča;hidravlični izračun;investicijski stroški;obratovalni stroški;stroškovna primerjava
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): faecal sewage system;membrane treatment plant;pumps;hydraulic calculation;investment costs;operation costs;cost comparison
Abstract (ePrints): Predmet naloge so naselja Vrh pri Ljubnu, Mali Podljuben in Gorenje Mraševo v občini Novo mesto, ter naselje Dolnje Mraševo v občini Straža. Za omenjena naselja so podrobno predstavljene idejne projektne rešitve odvajanja in čiščenja odpadnih voda. Analizirala sem tri variante in sicer kanalizacijski sistemi s posameznimi malimi čistilnimi napravami, kanalizacijski sistem z skupno malo čistilno napravo in kanalizacijski sistem z več skupnimi malimi čistilnimi napravami. Uporabila sem gravitacijsko odvajanje vode, na nekaterih odsekih, kjer gravitacijsko odvodnjavanje ni bilo mogoče, pa sem uporabila tlačno odvajanje. Zaradi razgibanosti terena so obravnavana tudi hišna črpališča. Aproksimativna dolžina zasnovanega kanalizacijskega omrežja je 4 km, katerega dejanska dolžina je odvisna od posamezne variantne rešitve. V nalogi so predstavljeni postopki, zasnova in način izgradnje fekalnega kanalizacijskega sistema z vsemi spremljajočimi objekti. Posebej je prikazan hidravlični izračun fekalne kanalizacije in opisano je odvajanja padavinske vode glede na obstoječe stanje. V zadnjem delu so izračunani stroški izgradnje in obratovanja posameznega sistema. Na podlagi stroškovne analize je izbrana racionalno in ekonomsko najbolj primerna varianta.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Subject of study are settlement Vrh pri Ljubnu, Mali Podljuben and Gorenje Mraševo in the municipality of Novo mesto and Gorenje Mraševo in the municipality of Straža. The above mentioned villages are detailed conceptual design solutions discharges and wastewater treatment. The three following variants are sewerage systems to individual small treatment plant, sewer system with a common small sewage treatment plant and sewerage system with more common small treatment plants. It was used gravity drainage, in some sections where gravity drainage is not possible, was used evacuation pressure. Due to roughness of terrain are also dealt with domestic wells. The approximate lenght of the designed seweraged system is 4 kilometres. Its actual lenght depends on each possible solution.Presented are procedures in design and construction of fecal sewerage system with all supporting facilities. Especially hydraulic calculation shows fecal sewage and described variants of storm water discharges solutions with the state. In the last part of the study construction costs are calculated, operation and maintenance of each system, and based on cost analysis of selected rational and economically most suitable variant.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): faecal sewage system;membrane treatment plant;pumps;hydraulic calculation;investment costs;operation costs;cost comparison
ID: 8312058