diplomska naloga
Gregor Stavbar (Author), Mojca Kosmatin Fras (Mentor), Dušan Kogoj (Thesis defence commission member), Anka Lisec (Thesis defence commission member), Samo Drobne (Thesis defence commission member)


Pregled odprtokodnih programov za obdelavo lidarskih podatkov


geodezija;diplomska dela;UNI;prosto in odprtokodno programje;aerolasersko skeniranje;LAS;ASCII;digitalni relief modela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [G. Stavbar]
UDC: 659.2:004:528.2(043.2)
COBISS: 5468257 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1861
Downloads: 487
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Review of open source software for lidar data
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with free and open source software for lidar data processing. The first part includes descriptions of basic principles of airborne laser scanning technology, and describes and compares standard data formats for lidar data storage (ASCII and LAS). In the second part, development of free and open source software is investigated, describing most commonly used software licenses, under which free and open source software is issued. In the following chapters the aforementioned software is examined and analysed. Software is chosen based on criteria determining the adequacy of the software for pedagogical and research usages. The criteria are defined separately for each intended use. Through software assessment individual software is recommended for particular uses. The thesis primarily focuses on software review for pedagogical aspects of use. Test data derived from a recent scanning in Slovenia (Koroška bela) is used to introduce the procedure of lidar data processing, and elaboration of digital terrain model with software SAGA GIS and FUSION/LDV. Operating instructions for both programmes for digital terrain model elaboration (SAGA GIS and FUSION/LDV) are added.
Secondary keywords: airborne laser scanning;free and open source software;LAS;ASCII;digital terrain model;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 79 str., [11] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Review of Open Source Software for Lidar Data Processing
Keywords (ePrints): prosto in odprtokodno programje;aerolasersko skeniranje;LAS;ASCII;digitalni model reliefa
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): free and open source software;airborne laser scanning;LAS;ASCII;digital terrain model
Abstract (ePrints): Glavna tema diplomske naloge je pregled in izbira proste in odprtokodne programske opreme za obdelavo lidarskih podatkov. Naloga v prvem delu zajema kratek opis osnovnih principov tehnologije aerolaserskega skeniranja ter opisuje in primerja standardna podatkovna formata za shranjevanje lidarskih podatkov (ASCII in LAS). V drugem delu se naloga posveča pregledu razvoja proste in odprte kode z opisi najpogosteje uporabljenih programskih licenc, pod katerimi je izdana prosta in odprtokodna programska oprema. Sledeča poglavja zajemajo pregled in analizo omenjene programske opreme. Izbira programov je opravljena na osnovi kriterijev, ki določajo primernost programske opreme iz vidika pedagoške in raziskovalne uporabe. Kriteriji so definirani ločeno za vsak namen uporabe. S pomočjo ocenitve programov je za vsak vidik uporabe priporočen posamezen program. Diplomska naloga se v prvi vrsti posveča pregledu programov, primernih za uporabo v pedagoški namen. S testnimi podatki iz obstoječega snemanja v Sloveniji (Koroška bela) je z uporabo izbranih programov SAGA GIS in FUSION/LDV predstavljen postopek obdelave lidarskih podatkov in izdelave digitalnega modela reliefa. Za oba izbrana programa so izdelana kratka navodila za uporabo programov pri izdelavi digitalnega modela reliefa.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The thesis deals with free and open source software for lidar data processing. The first part includes descriptions of basic principles of airborne laser scanning technology, and describes and compares standard data formats for lidar data storage (ASCII and LAS). In the second part, development of free and open source software is investigated, describing most commonly used software licenses, under which free and open source software is issued. In the following chapters the aforementioned software is examined and analysed. Software is chosen based on criteria determining the adequacy of the software for pedagogical and research usages. The criteria are defined separately for each intended use. Through software assessment individual software is recommended for particular uses. The thesis primarily focuses on software review for pedagogical aspects of use. Test data derived from a recent scanning in Slovenia (Koroška bela) is used to introduce the procedure of lidar data processing, and elaboration of digital terrain model with software SAGA GIS and FUSION/LDV. Operating instructions for both programmes for digital terrain model elaboration (SAGA GIS and FUSION/LDV) are added.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): free and open source software;airborne laser scanning;LAS;ASCII;digital terrain model
ID: 8312068