Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
GIS-based modelling archaeological sites locations for the Slovenske gorice study area |
Secondary abstract: |
Geoinformation science has become basis of a successful space management. Geographic information system (GIS) analysis in spatial archaeology are helping us to connect the dots of history. With spatial analysis using digital elevation model (DEM), We can create geomorphometrical and other types of variables, in order to build an archaeological predictive model. DEM is a digital record of Earth's surface morphology and it is the basic input data of this research, where ancient archaeological sites in Slovenske gorice were studied. A set of 15 variables that was created (slope, curvature, aspect, insolation, viewshed, etc.), was also studied statistically. Significant variables and their weights were determined with the significance tests (Wilcoxon test, Mann-Whitney U test). Five models were built, from simple ones to complex combined model. With cost surface analysis a model of pathways between settlements was also build. Geomorphometrical analysis and model building were implemented by algorithms of the three programs for spatial analyses (ArcGIS, Saga in LandSerf). Study confirmed our hypothesis about geomorphometrical variables being an important factor in predicting archaeological site locations. |
Secondary keywords: |
graduation thesis;geodesy;digital elevation model;DEM;geographic information system;GIS;spatial analysis;significance tests;predictive model;pathway model; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo |
Pages: |
XIX, 78 str., [6] str. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
GIS-based modelling of archaeological sites locations for the Slovenske gorice study area |
Keywords (ePrints): |
digitalni model višin;DMV;geografski informacijski sistem;GIS;prostorske analize;testi značilnosti;napovedovalni model;model poti |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
digital elevation model;DEM;geographic information system;GIS;spatial analysis;significance tests;predictive model;pathway model |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Geoinformacijska znanost je postala osnova za uspešno upravljanje s prostorom. Analize z geografskimi informacijskimi sistemi (GIS) so v prostorski arheologiji v pomoč pri sestavljanju mozaika zgodovine. S prostorskimi analizami lahko pri uporabi digitalnega modela višin (DMV) ustvarimo geomorfometrične in druge spremenljivke, s katerimi zgradimo arheološki napovedovalni model. DMV je digitalni zapis oblikovanosti zemeljskega površja in je v diplomskem delu služil kot osnovni sloj za izvedbo geomorfometričnih analiz. Z analizami DMV-ja smo za preučevana antična gomilna grobišča na območju Slovenskih goric dobili zbirko 15-ih spremenljivk (naklon reliefa, ukrivljenost reliefa, osončenost, ekspozicija, območje vidnosti, itd.), ki so bile statistično preučevane. Z rezultati testov značilnosti (Wilcoxonov, Mann-Whitneyevega U-test) so bile izbrane značilne spremenljivke ter določene njihove uteži. Izdelanih je bilo 5 napovedovalnih modelov, od enostavnejših do bolj zapletenega kombiniranega. Poleg tega je bil na podlagi stroškovnih analiz izdelan tudi model poti med naselji. Analize prostorskih podatkov in izgradnjo napovedovalnih modelov smo izvedli z algoritmi, ki so dostopni v osnovnih različicah treh programov za prostorske analize (ArcGIS, Saga in LandSerf). Z nalogo smo dokazali, da so geomorfološke spremenljivke pomembne za napovedovanje lokacij gomilnih grobišč. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Geoinformation science has become basis of a successful space management. Geographic information system (GIS) analysis in spatial archaeology are helping us to connect the dots of history. With spatial analysis using digital elevation model (DEM), We can create geomorphometrical and other types of variables, in order to build an archaeological predictive model. DEM is a digital record of Earth's surface morphology and it is the basic input data of this research, where ancient archaeological sites in Slovenske gorice were studied. A set of 15 variables that was created (slope, curvature, aspect, insolation, viewshed, etc.), was also studied statistically. Significant variables and their weights were determined with the significance tests (Wilcoxon test, Mann-Whitney U test). Five models were built, from simple ones to complex combined model. With cost surface analysis a model of pathways between settlements was also build. Geomorphometrical analysis and model building were implemented by algorithms of the three programs for spatial analyses (ArcGIS, Saga in LandSerf). Study confirmed our hypothesis about geomorphometrical variables being an important factor in predicting archaeological site locations. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
digital elevation model;DEM;geographic information system;GIS;spatial analysis;significance tests;predictive model;pathway model |
ID: |
8312157 |