diplomska naloga
Brigita Mandelj (Author), Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek (Mentor), Dušan Kogoj (Thesis defence commission member), Anton Prosen (Thesis defence commission member)


Vloga javnosti pri sprejemanju državnih prostorskih načrtov na primeru obvoznice Škofljica


geodezija;diplomska dela;UNI;državni prostorski načrt;javnost;prostorske ureditve državnega pomena;prostorsko načrtovanje;sodelovanje javnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [B. Mandelj]
UDC: 711:625.711.816(497.4 Škofljica)(043.2)
COBISS: 5559905 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3127
Downloads: 471
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The role of the public in adopting national spatial plans in case of the bypass Škofljica
Secondary abstract: The graduation thesis deals with the procedure for the preparation of the National Spatial Plans and more important legislation concerning spatial planning in Slovenia, where we concentrated on the role of the public in adopting National Spatial Plans and novelties, brought by the The Act regarding the siting of spatial arrangements of national significance in physical space (2010). The Act emphasizes the requirement on earlier public participation which, among other things, is also the consequence of the ratification of the Aarhus Convention (2004). The document emphasizes that the public has to have the possibility of participation early enough when all planning possibilities are still open. In the graduation thesis we also checked what kind of forms of public participation are possible. Considering practical case of National Spatial Plan being prepared for construction of the bypass Škofljica we studied the procedure for the preparation of the National Spatial Plans and public participation in the spatial planning process. Siting the bypass Škofljica in physical space is a case which is based on nothing but formal, statutorial public participation therefore we studied an additional case of systematic public participation in the preparation of the National Spatial Plan for the state road from Otiški vrh to the border with the Republic of Austria at Holmec, and we made a comparison between the two of them. The comparison showed that planned public participation can bring a higher level of legitimacy of the planned activities that affect the physical environment and build trust between the public and the preparers of the project. The preparation process of National Spatial Plans is a complex process, whereas on one hand, the way how to reach the goal should be easier with the public participation and on the other, the obstacles when including the public should not outweigh the benefits.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;national spatial Plan;public;spatial arrangements of national significance;spatial planning;public participation;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X, 81 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The role of the public in adopting National Spatial Plans
Keywords (ePrints): državni prostorski načrt;javnost;prostorske ureditve državnega pomena;prostorsko načrtovanje;sodelovanje javnosti
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): National Spatial Plan;public;spatial arrangements of national significance;spatial planning;public participation
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomska naloga obravnava postopek priprave državnih prostorskih načrtov in pomembnejšo zakonodajo v Sloveniji s področja prostorskega načrtovanja, pri čemer smo se osredotočili na vlogo javnosti pri sprejemanju državnih prostorskih načrtov in novosti, ki jih je prinesel Zakon o umeščanju prostorskih ureditev državnega pomena v prostor (2010). V zakonu je poudarjena zahteva za zgodnejše vključevanje javnosti, ki je med drugim tudi posledica ratifikacije Aarhuške konvencije (2004). Ta dokument poudarja, da mora imeti javnost zagotovljeno možnost sodelovanja dovolj zgodaj, ko so še vse načrtovalske možnosti odprte. V diplomski nalogi smo tudi preverili, kakšni so možni načini vključevanja javnosti. Na praktičnem primeru državnega prostorskega načrta v pripravi za izgradnjo obvoznice Škofljica smo proučili postopek priprave državnih prostorskih načrtov in sodelovanje javnosti v procesu prostorskega načrtovanja. Umeščanje obvoznice Škofljica v prostor je primer, ki temelji zgolj na formalnem, zakonsko predpisanem vključevanju javnosti, zato smo proučili še primer sistemskega vključevanja javnosti pri pripravi državnega prostorskega načrta za državno cesto od Otiškega vrha do meje z Republiko Avstrijo na Holmcu in naredili primerjavo med njima. Primerjava je pokazala, da načrtno vključevanje javnosti lahko prinese višjo stopnjo legitimnosti načrtovanega posega v prostor in vzpostavitev zaupanja med javnostjo in pripravljavci projekta. Proces priprave državnih prostorskih načrtov je kompleksen proces, vendar naj bi bila pot do cilja lažja s sodelovanjem javnosti in tudi ovire pri vključevanju javnosti naj ne bi pretehtale koristi.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The graduation thesis deals with the procedure for the preparation of the National Spatial Plans and more important legislation concerning spatial planning in Slovenia, where we concentrated on the role of the public in adopting National Spatial Plans and novelties, brought by the The Act regarding the siting of spatial arrangements of national significance in physical space (2010). The Act emphasizes the requirement on earlier public participation which, among other things, is also the consequence of the ratification of the Aarhus Convention (2004). The document emphasizes that the public has to have the possibility of participation early enough when all planning possibilities are still open. In the graduation thesis we also checked what kind of forms of public participation are possible. Considering practical case of National Spatial Plan being prepared for construction of the bypass Škofljica we studied the procedure for the preparation of the National Spatial Plans and public participation in the spatial planning process. Siting the bypass Škofljica in physical space is a case which is based on nothing but formal, statutorial public participation therefore we studied an additional case of systematic public participation in the preparation of the National Spatial Plan for the state road from Otiški vrh to the border with the Republic of Austria at Holmec, and we made a comparison between the two of them. The comparison showed that planned public participation can bring a higher level of legitimacy of the planned activities that affect the physical environment and build trust between the public and the preparers of the project. The preparation process of National Spatial Plans is a complex process, whereas on one hand, the way how to reach the goal should be easier with the public participation and on the other, the obstacles when including the public should not outweigh the benefits.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): National Spatial Plan;public;spatial arrangements of national significance;spatial planning;public participation
ID: 8312246