diplomska naloga
Petra Durini (Author), Aleš Krainer (Mentor), Tomo Cerovšek (Thesis defence commission member), Jože Korelc (Thesis defence commission member), Peter Skuber (Thesis defence commission member), Roman Kunič (Co-mentor)


Toplotni mostovi


gradbeništvo;VSŠ;diplomska dela;toplotni mostovi;prenos toplote;termografija;konstrukcijski sklopi;IR kamera;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [P. Durini]
UDC: 772.96:624.91(043.2)
COBISS: 5743713 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3052
Downloads: 731
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Thermal bridges
Secondary abstract: This thesis presents the thermal bridge as a "serious problem in the building envelope" where the heat insulation layer is often broken, wet or otherwise damaged which often happens as a result of poorly designed details in wall protrusions (balconies, terraces, bridge elements ....), overhangs, pillars, metal connecting elements, poorly sealed doors and windows, etc. Goal of the thesis is a theoretical identification of the thermal bridge phenomena and a presentation of real-time object thermography which enables us an excellent overview of the object in question. The first thesis chapters describe mechanics of heat transfer through the structural assembly, present thermal bridge phenomena, crossings (potential thermal bridge spots), consequences of thermal bridges and treatment of thermal bridges by international standards. In later chapters I am presenting thermography and methods to analyse anomalies using infrared method and analytically consider thermographic recordings of the measured object/building which pinpoints the spots of particular interest and possible problems. FLIR S65 was utilised to capture thermal recordings which were further processed with ThermaCAMResearcherPro 2.9 software tool. Based on results of thermogram analysis possible damaging effects or thermal bridge consequences were observed. Thermal bridge consequences were considered both in terms of energy efficiency (increased heat flow) and from the standpoint of comfort in living room (decreasing surface temperature).
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;thermal bridges;heat transfer;thermography;constructional complexes;IR camera;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII, 84 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Thermal bridges
Keywords (ePrints): toplotni mostovi;prenos toplote;termografija;konstrukcijski sklopi;IR kamera
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): thermal bridges;heat transfer;thermography;constructional complexes;IR camera
Abstract (ePrints): Tema diplomskega dela predstavlja toplotni most kot "pereč problem v ovoju zgradbe", kjer so plasti toplotne izolacije pogosto prekinjene, namočene ali drugače poškodovane. Največkrat so posledica slabo načrtovanih detajlov pri prebojih (balkoni, terase, preklade in itd.), previsih, stebrih, priključkih kovinskih elementov, slabo tesnjenega stavbnega pohištva in podobno. Cilj diplomske naloge je splošna identifikacija pojava toplotnih mostov v teoriji ter odkrivanje toplotnih mostov v realnem času s termografijo objektov, saj nam le ta omogoča odličen pogled merjenega ciljnega objekta. V prvih poglavjih diplomske naloge so, za lažje razumevanje izračunov v analizah, opisani mehanizmi prehoda toplote skozi konstrukcijski sklop. Predstavljeni so toplotni mostovi, križanja (potencialna mesta toplotnih mostov), posledice toplotnih mostov in obravnava toplotnih mostov v mednarodnih standardih. V nadaljevanju naloge je predstavljen pojem termografija in pa metode analiziranja anomalij s pomočjo infrardeče metode. Analitičen del diplomske naloge obravnava termografske posnetke merjenca/objekta. Termografski posnetek merjenca/objekta nam pokaže, kje so težave in mesta, ki nas posebej zanimajo. Toplotne slike sem posnela s termokamero FLIR S65. Nato sem jih obdelala v računalniškem programskem orodju ThermaCAMResearcherPro 2.9 ter na podlagi dobljenih termogramov analizirala škodne dogodke/poškodbe zaradi posledic toplotnih mostov na ovoju zgradbe. Posledice toplotnih mostov sem obravnavala tako s stališča energetske učinkovitosti (povečan toplotni tok) kot s stališča bivalnega ugodja v prostoru (znižanje površinske temperature).
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): This thesis presents the thermal bridge as a "serious problem in the building envelope" where the heat insulation layer is often broken, wet or otherwise damaged which often happens as a result of poorly designed details in wall protrusions (balconies, terraces, bridge elements ....), overhangs, pillars, metal connecting elements, poorly sealed doors and windows, etc. Goal of the thesis is a theoretical identification of the thermal bridge phenomena and a presentation of real-time object thermography which enables us an excellent overview of the object in question. The first thesis chapters describe mechanics of heat transfer through the structural assembly, present thermal bridge phenomena, crossings (potential thermal bridge spots), consequences of thermal bridges and treatment of thermal bridges by international standards. In later chapters I am presenting thermography and methods to analyse anomalies using infrared method and analytically consider thermographic recordings of the measured object/building which pinpoints the spots of particular interest and possible problems. FLIR S65 was utilised to capture thermal recordings which were further processed with ThermaCAMResearcherPro 2.9 software tool. Based on results of thermogram analysis possible damaging effects or thermal bridge consequences were observed. Thermal bridge consequences were considered both in terms of energy efficiency (increased heat flow) and from the standpoint of comfort in living room (decreasing surface temperature).
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): thermal bridges;heat transfer;thermography;constructional complexes;IR camera
ID: 8312260