diplomska naloga
Matija Vižin (Author), Alojzij Juvanc (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Tomaž Maher (Thesis defence commission member), Matjaž Četina (Thesis defence commission member), Peter Lipar (Co-mentor)


Vračanje mestnih prometnih površin stanovalcem - primerjava različnih konceptov preurejanja


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;umirjanje prometa;skupni prometni prosto;popolne secte;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Vižin]
UDC: 351.778.542:625.73.651.1(043.2)
COBISS: 5753953 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1786
Downloads: 407
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Returning urban streets back to residents - comparison of different redesign concepts
Secondary abstract: The focus in modern concepts of redesigning urban streets is not so much on the traffic, but rather the environment in which a man stays and moves freely and when he feels good and is safe. The purpose of current approaches is that the traffic is largely diverted to the bypass roads and so urban streets can be regulated in a way that is attractive and safe for people. There must be still considered that the flow of traffic is running smoothly but slowly. The thesis presents at the moment the leading modern concepts of designing urban traffic areas, based on the creation of a shared space in which different users are equal using areas, where two rules apply: first the speed of movement must be coordinated (limiting the speed and the abolition of priority vehicles) and second, a user should not prevent other users of mobility (fixed objects are located at acceptable locations). Methods used for reducing the speed are listed, including restrictions. The summarised policies were acquired on the basis of experience from abroad. The example of the proposal of redesigning the street IX. Korpus in Solkan, which has emerged as an opportunity after the ring road was built, illustrates the use of concepts that were discussed, where each concept is used on individual sections of the street. The purpose of redesigning urban streets is to increase the surfaces for residents and reduce the speed of motor vehicles as a result of too wide carriageway. We found that on the selection of individual concept and combinations of concepts affects mainly the type of land use, the effects on road users, the need for public areas and the range and limitations that must be considered in each concept
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;traffic calming;shared space;complete streets;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 68 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Returning urban streets back to residents- comparison of different redesign concepts
Keywords (ePrints): umirjanje prometa;skupni prometni prostor;popolne ceste
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): traffic calming;shared space;complete streets
Abstract (ePrints): Poudarek v sodobnih konceptih preurejanja mestnih prometnih površin ni več v tolikšni meri na prometu, ampak bolj na okolju, v katerem se človek zadržuje in prosto giblje in se pri tem dobro počuti ter je varen. Cilj sodobnih pristopov je ta, da se promet v največji meri preusmeri na obvozne ceste, mestne ceste pa se uredi na način, ki je atraktiven in varen za človeka. Pri tem se še vedno upošteva, da pretok prometa poteka nemoteno a umirjeno. V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni trenutno vodilni sodobni koncepti preurejanja mestnih prometnih površin, ki temeljijo na ustvarjanju skupnega prometnega prostora, v katerem so različni uporabniki enakopravni pri uporabi površin, kjer veljata dve pravili: 1. hitrosti gibanja morajo biti usklajene (omejitev hitrosti in ukinitev prednosti vozil) in 2. uporabnik ne sme preprečevati mobilnosti drugim uporabnikom (fiksni objekti so locirani na sprejemljivih mestih). Navedeni so načini za umirjanje hitrosti, vključno z omejitvami. Povzete so usmeritve, pridobljene na podlagi prakse iz tujini. Na primeru predloga preureditve ulice IX. Korpusa v Solkanu, ki se je pojavilo kot možnost po izgradnji obvoznice, je prikazana uporaba obravnavanih konceptov, pri čemer je vsak koncept uporabljen na posameznih odsekih ulice. Cilj preurejanja je povečanje površin za stanovalce in zmanjšanje hitrosti motornih vozil, ki so posledica preširokega vozišča. Ugotovili smo, da na izbor posameznega koncepta in kombinacije konceptov vpliva predvsem tip rabe prostora, vpliv na udeležence v prometu, potrebe po javnih površinah ter obseg in omejitve, ki jih moramo upoštevati pri posameznem konceptu.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The focus in modern concepts of redesigning urban streets is not so much on the traffic, but rather the environment in which a man stays and moves freely and when he feels good and is safe. The purpose of current approaches is that the traffic is largely diverted to the bypass roads and so urban streets can be regulated in a way that is attractive and safe for people. There must be still considered that the flow of traffic is running smoothly but slowly. The thesis presents at the moment the leading modern concepts of designing urban traffic areas, based on the creation of a shared space in which different users are equal using areas, where two rules apply: first the speed of movement must be coordinated (limiting the speed and the abolition of priority vehicles) and second, a user should not prevent other users of mobility (fixed objects are located at acceptable locations). Methods used for reducing the speed are listed, including restrictions. The summarised policies were acquired on the basis of experience from abroad. The example of the proposal of redesigning the street IX. Korpus in Solkan, which has emerged as an opportunity after the ring road was built, illustrates the use of concepts that were discussed, where each concept is used on individual sections of the street. The purpose of redesigning urban streets is to increase the surfaces for residents and reduce the speed of motor vehicles as a result of too wide carriageway. We found that on the selection of individual concept and combinations of concepts affects mainly the type of land use, the effects on road users, the need for public areas and the range and limitations that must be considered in each concept
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): traffic calming;shared space;complete streets
ID: 8312304