Marjan Čeh (Author), Anka Lisec (Author), Miran Ferlan (Author), Radoš Šumrada (Author)


Položajna natančnost zemljiškokatastrskega prikaza (ZKP) kot enega od temeljnih elementov kakovosti zbirk prostorskih podatkov je v Republiki Sloveniji pereča tema. Ob pritisku institucionalnih in drugih uporabnikov se je Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije odločila za uvajanje izboljšav. Na Oddelku za geodezijo Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani smo ob tej pobudi ustanovili skupino, ki je začela natančneje preskušati tako imenovano membransko metodo. Najprej smo začeli razvijati programski modul za metodo končnih elementov in geodetske izravnave, zatem pa smo za namen testiranja uporabili tržno različico nemškega proizvajalca. Z uporabo membranske metode in vključitvijo domeritev je mogoče učinkovito izboljšati homogenost položajne natančnosti ZKP, če se pri tem nedvoumno uporabljajo osnovna načela geodetske stroke (metode koordinatne geometrije, topologija, izravnava, zakon o prenosu pogreškov itd.). Prispevek je namenjen bolj prikazu obstoječih in mogočih metod izboljšave položajne natančnosti ZKP kot pa predstavitvi rezultatov naših prvih raziskav.


zemljiški kataster;zemljiškokatastrski prikaz;homogenizacija;membranska metoda;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.13 - Published Professional Conference Contribution Abstract
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: Zveza geodetov Slovenije
UDC: 528.4
COBISS: 5555297 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0351-0271
Views: 1783
Downloads: 432
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The renovation of the land cadastre's graphical part based on surveying principles
Secondary abstract: The positional accuracy of the land cadastral index map (a graphical presentation termed `ZKP'), as one of the basic elements of spatial database quality, isotopic of on-going interest in the Republic of Slovenia. Mainly due to the pressures of institutional and other users of these data, the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia has decided to implement improvements. At the Department of Geodesy, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, a working group was established in order to analyse and test in particular the so-called membrane method for this purpose. At the beginning, we started to develop our own program for the finite element method of geodetic adjustments, and then we continued to test the commercial solution of German provider. The membrane method, together with additional measurements, provides the possibility for an effective improvement of the heterogeneity of land cadastral graphical presentation (ZKP), where the basic principles of geodesy must be strongly respected (methods of the coordinate geometry topology, adjustments, error propagation law, etc.). This article is meant to introduce existing and possible solutions for the improvements of the positional accuracy of the ZKP and not to present the results of our first research.
Secondary keywords: land cadastre;land cadastre index map;homogenization;membrane method;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: Str. 12
Volume: 55
ID: 8312381