diplomska naloga
Manca Likar (Author), Anka Lisec (Mentor), Tomaž Ambrožič (Thesis defence commission member), Mojca Kosmatin Fras (Thesis defence commission member), Dušan Petrovič (Thesis defence commission member), Samo Drobne (Co-mentor)


Raziskava vloge upravnih enot pri izvajanju upravnih komasacij v Sloveniji


geodezija;diplomska dela;VSŠ;kmetijska zemljišča;komasacija;komasacijski postopek;komasacijski udeleženci;lastniki zemljišč;upravni postopek;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Likar]
UDC: 349.442:35(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 5808737 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1593
Downloads: 447
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Research on the role of administrative unit by land consolidation in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: In the graduation thesis the role of administrative offices by administrative farm land consolidation in Slovenia is discussed. In the first part the administrative farm land consolidation is presented in detail. Here, the basic terms, land consolidation procedures and legal basis from that domain is presented. In the second, practical part of the thesis, the results of the research about the role of administrative offices by land consolidation procedures in Slovenia are presented. The main purposes of the thesis have been to introduce the role, activities, cooperation of the administrative offices by implementation of land consolidations, and to research the opinion of administrative offices about the current system of land consolidation implementation in Slovenia and their experiences in the field of land consolidation. The research was carried out by a survey, a questionnaire, which was distributed by e-mail and classic mail to all administrative offices in Slovenia. Results were processed and presented in the form of graphs. In the last part, the hypothesis about the role of administrative units by administrative land consolidation in Slovenia were statistically tested and discussed.
Secondary keywords: geodesy;agricultural land;land consolidation;land consolidation procedure;land consolidation participants;land owners administrative procedure;Slovenia;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 54 str., 4 str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Research on the role of administrative unit by land consolidation in Slovenia
Keywords (ePrints): kmetijska zemljišča;komasacija;komasacijski postopek;komasacijski udeleženci;lastniki zemljišč;upravni postopek;Slovenija
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): agricultural land;land consolidation;land consolidation procedure;land consolidation participants;land owners administrative procedure;Slovenia
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi je obravnavana vloga upravne enote pri postopku upravne komasacije kmetijskih zemljišč v Sloveniji. V prvem delu naloge podrobneje predstavljamo postopek upravne komasacije kmetijskih zemljišč. Obravnavani so osnovni pojmi, predstavljeni postopki ter zakonske podlage, ki urejajo področje komasacij zemljišč. V drugem, praktičnem delu naloge, so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave o vlogi upravnih enot pri postopkih upravnih komasacij v Sloveniji. Osnovni namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti vlogo, dejavnosti, načine sodelovanja upravnih enot pri izvajanju komasacij ter raziskati mnenja upravnih enot o trenutnem sistemu izvajanja komasacij ter njihovih izkušenj na področju komasacij zemljišč. Raziskavo smo izvedli s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov, katere smo preko elektronske in navadne pošte poslali na vse upravne enote v Sloveniji. Odgovore na anketne vprašalnike smo analizirali in predstavili v obliki grafov. V sklepnem delu naloge smo statistično preverili pravilnost predhodno oblikovanih domnev o vlogi upravnih enot v postopku upravne komasacije v Sloveniji.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the graduation thesis the role of administrative offices by administrative farm land consolidation in Slovenia is discussed. In the first part the administrative farm land consolidation is presented in detail. Here, the basic terms, land consolidation procedures and legal basis from that domain is presented. In the second, practical part of the thesis, the results of the research about the role of administrative offices by land consolidation procedures in Slovenia are presented. The main purposes of the thesis have been to introduce the role, activities, cooperation of the administrative offices by implementation of land consolidations, and to research the opinion of administrative offices about the current system of land consolidation implementation in Slovenia and their experiences in the field of land consolidation. The research was carried out by a survey, a questionnaire, which was distributed by e-mail and classic mail to all administrative offices in Slovenia. Results were processed and presented in the form of graphs. In the last part, the hypothesis about the role of administrative units by administrative land consolidation in Slovenia were statistically tested and discussed.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): agricultural land;land consolidation;land consolidation procedure;land consolidation participants;land owners administrative procedure;Slovenia
ID: 8312414