Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Thermal analysis of details of Qbiss Air facade element |
Secondary abstract: |
In this thesis numerical thermal analysis of two details of facade element Qbiss Air is performed.
Qbiss Air is a new aesthetic facade element with low heat transfer coefficient and is being produced
by Trimo d.d. from Trebnje. The two details are: detail panel-window and detail parapet. Numerical
analysis is performed in steady state and in two dimensions. In the detail panel-window thermal
analysis is performed for two different variants of the geometrical model and the results are compared.
Analysis of the details is performed in computer program Ansys 13.0 using meshes with high densities
and elements such as three and six node triangles and four and eight node quadrilaterals. Meshes with
high density are used to determine heat diffusion through different parts of the panel that consists of
different materials. The impact of number and shape of finite elements on the results is being studied.
Ansys discretization error algorithm and Ansys quality mesh metrics are presented. In special chapter
the basics of steady state thermal analysis with finite element method is presented. The results of
analysis are temperatures and heat fluxes for a particular mesh and are presented in graphic form with
added commentary. In the end of the thesis the results of numerical analysis are being calculated to
recover thermal coupling coefficient, linear thermal transmittance and temperature factor at the
internal surface, as dictated by the standard ISO EN 10211. These can be used to determine heat
losses for buildings with Qbiss Air envelope. |
Secondary keywords: |
graduation thesis;civil engineering;thermal transmittance;Qbiss Air;thermal bridge;finite element method;thermal analysis; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo |
Pages: |
X, 98 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Thermal analysis of details of Qbiss Air facade element |
Keywords (ePrints): |
toplotna prehodnost;Qbiss Air;toplotni most;metoda
končnih elementov;toplotna analiza |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
thermal transmittance;Qbiss Air;thermal bridge;finite
element method;thermal analysis |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomski nalogi je narejena numerična toplotna analiza dveh detajlov fasadnega elementa (t.i.
panela) Qbiss Air, ki ga kot nov fasadni element lepega izgleda in majhne toplotne prevodnosti
izdeluje Trimo d.d. iz Trebnjega. Gre za detajl stika panel-okno in za detajl atike, t.j. stika med
panelom in strešno ploščo. Numerična analiza obeh detajlov je izvedena pri stacionarnih pogojih in v
dveh dimenzijah. Pri detajlu panel-okno je toplotna analiza izvedena za dve geometrijski različici.
Analiza obeh detajlov je izvedena s pomočjo računalniškega programa Ansys 13.0 z zelo gostimi
mrežami tri vozliščnih in šest vozliščnih trikotnih končnih elementov oziroma štiri vozliščnih in osem
vozliščnih štirikotnih končnih elementov. Zelo goste mreže sem uporabil z namenom, da bi se
natančno ugotovilo, kako prehaja toplota skozi različne konstrukcijske in nekonstrukcijske dele panela
iz precej različnih materialov ter skozi neprezračevane zračne reže in komore napolnjene s plinom.
Poseben poudarek je namenjen pripravi primerne mreže končnih elementov. Ugotavljal sem vpliv
števila in oblike končnih elementov na rezultate analize. V ta namen sem študiral tudi algoritem za
oceno diskretizacijske napake, ki ga uporablja program Ansys, ter kriterije, s katerimi program
ocenjuje primernost oblike končnih elementov. V posebnem poglavju sem opisal osnove stacionarnega
prevajanja toplote v dveh dimenzijah in pripadajočo formulacijo po metodi končnih elementov.
Rezultati vseh analiz, ki so potek temperature in toplotnega toka po mreži končnih elementov, so
podani v grafični obliki in pospremljenimi s komentarji. S pomočjo rezultatov numeričnih analiz sem
za vsak detajl izračunal še koeficient toplotne sklopitve, korekcijski faktor linijskega toplotnega mosta
ter temperaturni faktor toplotnega mosta, kot to narekuje standard SIST ISO 10211. Omenjeni
koeficient in oba faktorja se bodo lahko uporabljali pri oceni toplotnih izgub stavb, ki jih bo pokrival
Qbiss Air modularni fasadni sistem. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
In this thesis numerical thermal analysis of two details of facade element Qbiss Air is performed.
Qbiss Air is a new aesthetic facade element with low heat transfer coefficient and is being produced
by Trimo d.d. from Trebnje. The two details are: detail panel-window and detail parapet. Numerical
analysis is performed in steady state and in two dimensions. In the detail panel-window thermal
analysis is performed for two different variants of the geometrical model and the results are compared.
Analysis of the details is performed in computer program Ansys 13.0 using meshes with high densities
and elements such as three and six node triangles and four and eight node quadrilaterals. Meshes with
high density are used to determine heat diffusion through different parts of the panel that consists of
different materials. The impact of number and shape of finite elements on the results is being studied.
Ansys discretization error algorithm and Ansys quality mesh metrics are presented. In special chapter
the basics of steady state thermal analysis with finite element method is presented. The results of
analysis are temperatures and heat fluxes for a particular mesh and are presented in graphic form with
added commentary. In the end of the thesis the results of numerical analysis are being calculated to
recover thermal coupling coefficient, linear thermal transmittance and temperature factor at the
internal surface, as dictated by the standard ISO EN 10211. These can be used to determine heat
losses for buildings with Qbiss Air envelope. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
thermal transmittance;Qbiss Air;thermal bridge;finite
element method;thermal analysis |
ID: |
8312524 |