diplomska naloga
Sabrina Buh (Author), Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek (Mentor), Tomaž Ambrožič (Thesis defence commission member), Simona Savšek (Thesis defence commission member), Dušan Kogoj (Thesis defence commission member), Mojca Foški (Co-mentor)


Spreminjanje namenske rabe prostora s primerjavo podatkov občinskih prostorskih aktov na primeru občin Sodražica in Loški Potok


geodezija;diplomska dela;UNI;GIG;Občina Sodražica;Občina Loški Potok;osnovna namenska raba prostora;podrobna namenska raba prostora;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [S. Buh]
UDC: 711.14(497.4Sodražica)(497.4Loški Potok)(043.2)
COBISS: 5998433 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1910
Downloads: 601
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of landuse in the municipalities of Sodražica and Loški Potok basedon municipal spatial acts
Secondary abstract: The diploma paper covers the presentation of spatial planning documents of the municipalities Sodražica and Loški Potok adopted in 2004, as well as in 2010 and 2011. In 2004, both municipalities accepted an ordinance about changes and completions the spatial components of long-term and medium-term social plan, in 2011 the municipality Sodražica accepted its municipal spatial plan, while the municipality Loški Potok accepted its municipal spatial plan in 2010. In the framework of the discussed spatial planning documents is presented the basic landuse in both municipalities, detailed landuse for selected settlements and changes in surfaces of areas of individual categories of basic and detailed land use between the discussed spatial planning documents of each municipality. In the end are, for the discussed spatial planning documents, also presented proportions of surfaces of individual categories of basic landuse per inhabitant in the municipality, as well as proportions of surfaces of individual categories of building land per inhabitant in selected settlements. Final results show an increase in areas of building land in both municipalities, also areas of building land increased in settlements Sodražica and Jelovec in the municipality Sodražica, while areas of building land in settlements Hrib-Loški Potok, Retje, Srednja vas, Šegova vas and Travnik of the municipality Loški Potok have decreased. The extend of areas of building land per inhabitant has increased in the municipality Sodražica, but in the settlements Sodražica and Jelovec it decreased. While the extend of areas of building land per inhabitant in the municipality Loški Potok and in the settlements Hrib-Loški Potok, Retje, Srenja vas, Šegova vas and Travnik has decreased.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;geodesy;Municipality Sodražica;Municipality Loški Potok;basic landuse;detailed landuse;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII, 38 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Comparision of landuse in the municipalities of Sodražica and Loški potok based on municipal spatial acts
Keywords (ePrints): Občina Sodražica;Občina Loški Potok;osnovna namenska raba prostora;podrobna namenska raba prostora
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Municipality Sodražica;Municipality Loški Potok;basic landuse;detailed landuse
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomska naloga obsega predstavitev prostorskih aktov občin Sodražica in Loški Potok iz leta 2004 in 2010 oziroma 2011. Leta 2004 sta obe občini sprejeli odlok o spremembah in dopolnitvah prostorskih sestavin dolgoročnega in srednjeročnega družbenega plana, leta 2011 je Občina Sodražica sprejela občinski prostorski načrt, Občina Loški Potok pa ga je sprejela leta 2010. V okviru obravnavanih prostorskih aktov je predstavljena osnovna namenska raba prostora v obeh občinah, podrobna namenska raba za izbrana naselja, ter spremembe površin posameznih kategorij osnovne in podrobne namenske rabe prostora med obravnavanimi prostorskimi akti posamezne občine. Na koncu so za obravnavane prostorske akte predstavljena tudi deleži površin posameznih kategorij osnovne namenske rabe prostora na prebivalca v občini in deleži površin posameznih kategorij območij stavbnih zemljišč na prebivalca v izbranih naseljih. Končni rezultati kažejo na povečanje območij stavnih zemljišč v obeh občinah, območja stavbnih zemljišč so se povečala tudi v Občini Sodražica v naseljih Sodražica in Jelovec, medtem ko so se v Občini Loški Potok v naselij Hrib-Loški Potok, Retje, Srednja vas, Šegova vas in Travnik zmanjšala. Obseg stavbnih zemljišč na prebivalca se je v Občini Sodražica povečal, v naseljih Sodražica in Jelovec pa zmanjšal. Medtem ko se je obseg stavbnih zemljišč na prebivalca v Občini Loški Potok in na prebivalca v naseljih Hrib-Loški Potok, Retje, Srednja vas, Šegova vas in Travnik zmanjšal.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The diploma paper covers the presentation of spatial planning documents of the municipalities Sodražica and Loški Potok adopted in 2004, as well as in 2010 and 2011. In 2004, both municipalities accepted an ordinance about changes and completions the spatial components of long-term and medium-term social plan, in 2011 the municipality Sodražica accepted its municipal spatial plan, while the municipality Loški Potok accepted its municipal spatial plan in 2010. In the framework of the discussed spatial planning documents is presented the basic landuse in both municipalities, detailed landuse for selected settlements and changes in surfaces of areas of individual categories of basic and detailed land use between the discussed spatial planning documents of each municipality. In the end are, for the discussed spatial planning documents, also presented proportions of surfaces of individual categories of basic landuse per inhabitant in the municipality, as well as proportions of surfaces of individual categories of building land per inhabitant in selected settlements. Final results show an increase in areas of building land in both municipalities, also areas of building land increased in settlements Sodražica and Jelovec in the municipality Sodražica, while areas of building land in settlements Hrib-Loški Potok, Retje, Srednja vas, Šegova vas and Travnik of the municipality Loški Potok have decreased. The extend of areas of building land per inhabitant has increased in the municipality Sodražica, but in the settlements Sodražica and Jelovec it decreased. While the extend of areas of building land per inhabitant in the municipality Loški Potok and in the settlements Hrib-Loški Potok, Retje, Srenja vas, Šegova vas and Travnik has decreased.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Municipality Sodražica;Municipality Loški Potok;basic landuse;detailed landuse
ID: 8312611