magistrsko delo
Franc Zajamšek (Author), Marijan Žura (Mentor), Tomo Cerovšek (Thesis defence commission member), Tomaž Maher (Thesis defence commission member)


Enotni informacijski sistem občinskih cest


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;informacijski sistem;ceste;občinska cesta;predpisi;prostorski podatki;vzdrževanje;upravljanje;varstvo;projektiranje;naročilo;izvedba;obračun;BPMN;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [F. Zajamšek]
UDC: 656.1:659.2(043.3)
COBISS: 6201697 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1931
Downloads: 492
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: A uniform information system of municipal roads
Secondary abstract: The field of information systems of municipal roads is examined in the master’s thesis. The rules managing this area, existing information systems and databases are presented and analysed. Business processes (planning, management, protection, maintenance, investment, control, execution of works ...) which are taking place in this field, are analysed and specified. Design plan of the uniform information system of municipal roads, consists of diagrams and processes descriptions. The system is designed as a computer-based geographic information system. It consists of modules, which cover different activities. It is intended for all actors (designers, clients, managers, repairers, inspection, police, contractors, etc.) involved in the processes. Due to the dislocation of actors, it must operate as a Web application. System provides the unification and simplification of work and automation of procedures. All activities (planning, decision making, ordering, implementation, control, accounts ...) depend on the ongoing data entry into the system. This ensures the updating of the database. All information in the system are tied to certain spatial located objects, which can be real (sign, parking ...) or virtual (consent, contract, etc.). They can be points, lines or polygonal, typed or can be defined by the user, stand-alone or composed of several objects or objects groups. Information can be joined together and divided apart. Objects, depending on properties, are located in different layers, and they have, in addition to the spatial data, related attributes, which describe them in details. Each object has to be established and its basic information must be defined. This can be done by the users in different processes. In further proceedings, the data are only complemented. Even after the termination, the object information in the database remains supplemented with the attribute and time of termination of their existence. This allows displaying the real situation in any time.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master of science thesis;information system;road;municipal road;regulations;spatial data;maintenance;management;protection;design;contract execution;clearing;BPMN;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: 336 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): A uniform information system of municipal roads
Keywords (ePrints): informacijski sistem;cesta;občinska cesta;predpisi;prostorski podatki;vzdrževanje;upravljanje;varstvo;projektiranje;naročilo;izvedba;obračun;BPMN.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): information system;road;municipal road;regulations;spatial data;maintenance;management;protection;design;contract execution;clearing;BPMN
Abstract (ePrints): V magistrskem delu je obravnavano področje informacijskih sistemov občinskih cest. Predstavljeni in analizirani so predpisi s tega področja, obstoječi informacijski sistemi in baze podatkov. Definirani in razčlenjeni so poslovni procesi (načrtovanje, upravljanje, varstvo, vzdrţevanje, investicije, nadzor, izvajanje del, …), ki potekajo na tem področju. Idejni načrt enotnega informacijskega sistema občinskih cest je izdelan v obliki diagramov in opisov procesov. Sistem je zasnovan kot računalniško podprt geografski informacijski sistem. Sestavljajo ga moduli, ki pokrivajo različna področja. Namenjen je vsem udeleţencem (načrtovalcem, strankam, upravljavcem, vzdrţevalcem, inšpekciji, policiji, izvajalcem, …), ki sodelujejo v procesih. Zaradi dislociranosti akterjev mora delovati kot spletna aplikacija. Sistem zagotavlja poenotenje in poenostavitev dela ter avtomatizacijo postopkov. Vse aktivnosti (načrtovanje, odločanje, naročanje, izvedba, kontrola, obračuni, …) so odvisne od sprotnega vnosa podatkov v sistem. To zagotavlja aţurnost baze podatkov. Vsi podatki v sistemu so vezani na objekte v prostoru. Objekti so lahko realni (znak, parkirišče, … ) ali navidezni (soglasje, pogodba, …). Lahko so točkovni, linijski ali poligonski, tipski ali definirani s strani uporabnika, samostojni, sestavljeni iz več objektov ali skupin objektov. Lahko jih medsebojno zdruţujemo in razdruţujemo. Objekti se glede na lastnosti, nahajajo v različnih slojih in imajo poleg prostorskih tudi atributne podatke, s katerimi so podrobneje opisani. Vsak objekt je potrebno enkrat vzpostaviti in definirati njegove osnovne podatke. To lahko storijo uporabniki v različnih procesih. V nadaljnjih postopkih se podatki samo dopolnjujejo. Tudi po prenehanju obstoja objektov podatki ostanejo v bazi, označeni s posebnim atributom in časom prenehanja obstoja. To omogoča prikaz dejanskega stanja v kateremkoli času.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The field of information systems of municipal roads is examined in the master’s thesis. The rules managing this area, existing information systems and databases are presented and analysed. Business processes (planning, management, protection, maintenance, investment, control, execution of works ...) which are taking place in this field, are analysed and specified. Design plan of the uniform information system of municipal roads, consists of diagrams and processes descriptions. The system is designed as a computer-based geographic information system. It consists of modules, which cover different activities. It is intended for all actors (designers, clients, managers, repairers, inspection, police, contractors, etc.) involved in the processes. Due to the dislocation of actors, it must operate as a Web application. System provides the unification and simplification of work and automation of procedures. All activities (planning, decision making, ordering, implementation, control, accounts ...) depend on the ongoing data entry into the system. This ensures the updating of the database. All information in the system are tied to certain spatial located objects, which can be real (sign, parking ...) or virtual (consent, contract, etc.). They can be points, lines or polygonal, typed or can be defined by the user, stand-alone or composed of several objects or objects groups. Information can be joined together and divided apart. Objects, depending on properties, are located in different layers, and they have, in addition to the spatial data, related attributes, which describe them in details. Each object has to be established and its basic information must be defined. This can be done by the users in different processes. In further proceedings, the data are only complemented. Even after the termination, the object information in the database remains supplemented with the attribute and time of termination of their existence. This allows displaying the real situation in any time.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): information system;road;municipal road;regulations;spatial data;maintenance;management;protection;design;contract execution;clearing;BPMN
ID: 8312712