magistrsko delo
Tea Hrovat (Author), Janez Žmavc (Mentor)


Vpliv napak pri proizvodnji asfaltnih zmesi na poškodbe vgrajenih asfaltnih plasti


gradbeništvo;magistrsko delo;prometna smer;asfalt;asfaltne zmesi;proizvodnja;asfaltni obrat;vhodni materiali;človeški faktor;poškodbe;razpoke;preoblikovanje;razgraditev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [T. Hrovat]
UDC: 665.775.4:(043.3)
COBISS: 6360417 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2184
Downloads: 656
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of defective production of asphalt mixture resulting in damaged asphalt layers
Secondary abstract: In practice it often happens that a newly built road soon, after the asphalt mixture is added, starts showing first cracks and damages, which are not necessarily always a fault of the contractor, who built in the asphalt mixture, but can derive from the production of asphalt mixture. Such mistakes in the production of the asphalt mixture are hard to prove, since all the contractors usually put the blame on the automatic mixing production in the asphalt plant. During the production of the asphalt mixture, samples of input materials are taken, while the produced asphalt mixture is also sampled at the end of the production process. An inadequate asphalt mixture can be produced within the asphalt plant due to the damages in its machinery, inadequate input materials or the human factor plays a role in it, since we must not forget that all the machinery within the asphalt plant and computer programmes are supervised by man. Human factor also plays a role in the correct storing of input materials. It is the authority of the head of the asphalt plant to decide to ship the mixture to the contractor or not. The Master's thesis researches the reasons for errors in the production which is completely automated since it is based on a computer programme. The current Slovene legislation on the production of asphalt mixtures and technical specification for roadways was analysed. The legislation defines in detail the input materials, parts of the asphalt plant, the production procedure and the enforcement of the control, and includes the contents of the procedural book of quality control in the asphalt plant. All the most common damages to asphalt roadways, which may be a result of errors in the asphalt mixture production and may derive from material deterioration, are given at the end of the Master's thesis. Material deterioration can be a result of inadequate storing of input materials, errors in measuring dosages, temperatures that are too low during the mixing process, the time of mixing and of numerous other reasons.
Secondary keywords: asphalt;asphalt mixture;production;asphalt plant;input materials;human factor;damage;cracks;transformation;decomposition;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIII, 107 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Impact of defective production of asphalt mixture resulting in damaged asphalt layers
Keywords (ePrints): asfalt;asfaltne zmesi;proizvodnja;asfaltni obrat;vhodni materiali;človeški faktor;poškodbe;razpoke;preoblikovanje;razgraditev
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): asphalt;asphalt mixture;production;asphalt plant;input materials;human factor;damage;cracks;transformation;decomposition
Abstract (ePrints): V praksi se pogosto dogaja, da se na novo zgrajeni cesti že zelo kmalu po vgraditvi asfaltne zmesi, pojavijo napake ali poškodbe, za katere pa ni nujno kriv izvajalec vgrajevanja asfalta, ampak lahko izvirajo iz samega postopka proizvodnje asfaltne zmesi. Takšne napake v proizvodnji asfaltne zmesi težko dokažemo, saj se proizvajalci sklicujejo na avtomatičen postopek mešanja zmesi na asfaltnem obratu. Med celotno proizvodnjo se namreč jemljejo vzorci vhodnih materialov, na koncu proizvodnje pa se vzorči tudi proizvedeno asfaltno zmes. Neustrezna asfaltna zmes pri mešanju v asfaltnem obratu lahko nastane zaradi napak na strojni opremi, neustreznih vhodnih materialov ali človeškega faktorja. Ne smemo izključiti, da stroje in računalniški program, ki upravlja dele strojne opreme na asfaltnem obratu, vseeno nadzoruje človek. Nadzoruje tudi pravilno skladiščenje vhodnih materialov. Ob nepravilno proizvedeni asfaltni zmesi se vodja asfaltnega obrata odloči ali bo tako zmes vseeno izdal ali pa jo bo zavrgel. Magistrsko delo raziskuje, kje so vzroki napak pri proizvodnji, ki se izvaja povsem avtomatsko, preko računalniškega programa. Analizirana je veljavna slovenska zakonodaja s področja proizvodnje asfaltnih zmesi in ustrezne tehnične specifikacije za ceste. Podrobno razčlenjuje vhodne materiale, dele asfaltnega obrata, potek proizvodnje in izvajanje kontrole, kjer je opisana vsebina poslovnika kontrole kakovosti na asfaltnem obratu. Na koncu dela so zbrane najpogostejše poškodbe na asfaltnih voziščih, ki so lahko posledica napak pri proizvodnji asfaltne zmesi, izvirajo pa iz poslabšanja materialov. Do poslabšanja materialov lahko pride zaradi nepravilnega shranjevanja vhodnega materiala, napak pri odmerjanju količin, premajhne temperature mešanja, časa mešanja in drugih možnih vzrokov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In practice it often happens that a newly built road soon, after the asphalt mixture is added, starts showing first cracks and damages, which are not necessarily always a fault of the contractor, who built in the asphalt mixture, but can derive from the production of asphalt mixture. Such mistakes in the production of the asphalt mixture are hard to prove, since all the contractors usually put the blame on the automatic mixing production in the asphalt plant. During the production of the asphalt mixture, samples of input materials are taken, while the produced asphalt mixture is also sampled at the end of the production process. An inadequate asphalt mixture can be produced within the asphalt plant due to the damages in its machinery, inadequate input materials or the human factor plays a role in it, since we must not forget that all the machinery within the asphalt plant and computer programmes are supervised by man. Human factor also plays a role in the correct storing of input materials. It is the authority of the head of the asphalt plant to decide to ship the mixture to the contractor or not. The Master's thesis researches the reasons for errors in the production which is completely automated since it is based on a computer programme. The current Slovene legislation on the production of asphalt mixtures and technical specification for roadways was analysed. The legislation defines in detail the input materials, parts of the asphalt plant, the production procedure and the enforcement of the control, and includes the contents of the procedural book of quality control in the asphalt plant. All the most common damages to asphalt roadways, which may be a result of errors in the asphalt mixture production and may derive from material deterioration, are given at the end of the Master's thesis. Material deterioration can be a result of inadequate storing of input materials, errors in measuring dosages, temperatures that are too low during the mixing process, the time of mixing and of numerous other reasons.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): asphalt;asphalt mixture;production;asphalt plant;input materials;human factor;damage;cracks;transformation;decomposition
ID: 8312828