diplomska naloga
Monika Pikelj (Author), Matjaž Dolšek (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Tomaž Maher (Thesis defence commission member), Dejan Zupan (Thesis defence commission member), Gregor Gruden (Co-mentor)


Ocena potresne odpornosti Hale Tivoli


gradbeništvo;UNI;diplomska dela;Hala Tivoli;potresna analiza;Evrokod 8;JUS standardi odpornosti;potisna analiza;SAP 2000;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Pikelj]
UDC: 624.042.7(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 6399073 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2108
Downloads: 624
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Seismic performance assessment of Hala Tivoli
Secondary abstract: The subject of this thesis is seismic performance assessment of Hala Tivoli, which belongs to the III. importance class for buildings. The steel structural system of Hala Tivoli is simple from structural point of view. However, more than 120 different cross sections of steel member were used, which made the modelling of the structure quite challenging. Special feature of the facility are grandstands on the west side of the building. They are made of concrete slabs which are attached on the steel beams. This part of the structure was modelled in such way that the proper stiffness in plane of grandstands was obtained. Since Hala Tivoli was made at the time when design of buildings was still based on hand calculations, pinned connections are used in most joints between structural elements. The result is almost statically determinate structure, which do not have a great potential for load redistribution. In the thesis, the seismic performance assessment of the structure was performed by means of two procedures. In first part of thesis the seismic performance assessment was based on linear response spectrum analysis. Results showed that that some of the elements were not sufficient, since the strength utilization ratio, which was obtained according to Eurocode 8 standard, exceeded value 1. Therefore, in the second phase, the simplified nonlinear method (N2 method) was used in order to check the damage of the structure associated with the design seismic action. Firstly, the simple nonlinear model with lamped plasticity elements in columns and beams was created, whereas the roof structure was modelled linearly elastic. Based on such assumptions it was found that the structure would be significantly damaged in the case of the design seismic action in the transverse direction, which have return period of 780 years. Taking into account all the assumption regarding the analysis and the model, it could be concluded that structure still meet the requirements of Eurocode 8- 3 for the limit state of significant damage. However, the check of stability of roof structure against design seismic action, which was not made in this thesis, could change the conclusions.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;Hala Tivoli;seismic analysis;EC8;JUS standards;seismic performance assessment;nonlinear static analysis;SAP 2000;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 109 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Seismic performance assessment of Hala Tivoli
Keywords (ePrints): Hala Tivoli;potresna analiza;Evrokod 8;JUS standardi;ocena potresne odpornosti;potisna analiza;SAP 2000
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Hala Tivoli;seismic analysis;EC8;JUS standards;seismic performance assessment;nonlinear static analysis;SAP 2000
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo potresno odpornost jeklene konstrukcije Hale Tivoli, ki je objekt III. kategorije pomembnosti. Jeklena konstrukcija Hale Tivoli je iz statičnega stališča precej enostavna, vendar je sestavljena iz elementov, ki imajo več kot 120 različnih prečnih prerezov. Zato je bila izdelava modela konstrukcije precej zahtevna naloga. Posebnost hale so tudi tribune na vzhodni strani objekta. Sestavljene so iz betonskih plošč, ki so sidrane na nosilce jeklene konstrukcije. Ta del konstrukcije smo modelirali na približen način ob pogoju, da smo zagotovili ustrezno togost v ravnini tribun. Ker je bila hala zgrajena v času, ko so takšne konstrukcije računali brez uporabe računalnika, je večina spojev členkastih. Rezultat tega je skoraj statično določena konstrukcija, ki nima veliko možnosti prerazporeditve obremenitev. Potresno odpornost objekta smo v prvi fazi ocenili na osnovi linearno elastične analize. Rezultati so pokazali, da so nekateri konstrukcijski elementi premalo nosilni, če smo jih dimenzionirali na projektno potresno obtežbo v skladu s standardom Evrokod 8. Zato smo preverili kakšna je poškodovanost konstrukcije za takšen projektni potres. V ta namen smo uporabili metodo N2, ki temelji na potisni analizi konstrukcije. Izdelali smo poenostavljen nelinearni model konstrukcije. Nelinearno materialnost smo modelirali v nosilcih in gredah, ki so togo povezani. V modelu smo predpostavili, da se streha obnaša linearno elastično, čeprav nismo mogli izključiti, da to mesto konstrukcije ni kritično. Na osnovi rezultatov metode N2 smo ugotovili, da bi bil objekt za projektni potres s povratno dobo 780 let močno poškodovan predvsem v prečni smeri. Ob upoštevanju predpostavk analize lahko sklepamo, da objekt izpolnjuje kriterij mejnega stanja močne poškodovanosti, kot je predpisan v standardu Evrokod 8-3. Pri tem je potrebno poudariti, da stabilnost strešne konstrukcije na potresno obtežbo ni bila preverjena v okviru diplomske naloge.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The subject of this thesis is seismic performance assessment of Hala Tivoli, which belongs to the III. importance class for buildings. The steel structural system of Hala Tivoli is simple from structural point of view. However, more than 120 different cross sections of steel member were used, which made the modelling of the structure quite challenging. Special feature of the facility are grandstands on the west side of the building. They are made of concrete slabs which are attached on the steel beams. This part of the structure was modelled in such way that the proper stiffness in plane of grandstands was obtained. Since Hala Tivoli was made at the time when design of buildings was still based on hand calculations, pinned connections are used in most joints between structural elements. The result is almost statically determinate structure, which do not have a great potential for load redistribution. In the thesis, the seismic performance assessment of the structure was performed by means of two procedures. In first part of thesis the seismic performance assessment was based on linear response spectrum analysis. Results showed that that some of the elements were not sufficient, since the strength utilization ratio, which was obtained according to Eurocode 8 standard, exceeded value 1. Therefore, in the second phase, the simplified nonlinear method (N2 method) was used in order to check the damage of the structure associated with the design seismic action. Firstly, the simple nonlinear model with lamped plasticity elements in columns and beams was created, whereas the roof structure was modelled linearly elastic. Based on such assumptions it was found that the structure would be significantly damaged in the case of the design seismic action in the transverse direction, which have return period of 780 years. Taking into account all the assumption regarding the analysis and the model, it could be concluded that structure still meet the requirements of Eurocode 8- 3 for the limit state of significant damage. However, the check of stability of roof structure against design seismic action, which was not made in this thesis, could change the conclusions.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Hala Tivoli;seismic analysis;EC8;JUS standards;seismic performance assessment;nonlinear static analysis;SAP 2000
ID: 8312848