magistrsko delo
Jure Turk (Author), Boštjan Brank (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member)


Armiranobetonske lupinaste konstrukcije


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;zgodovina lupinastih konstrukcij;armiranobetonske lupine;stabilnost lupin;vpliv nepopolnosti;hiperbolični paraboloid;ukrivljenost lupin;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [J. Turk]
UDC: 624.012.45:624.074.434(043)
COBISS: 6413665 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2290
Downloads: 830
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reinforced concrete shell structures
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with reinforced concrete shell structures. First, the historical development of those extraordinary and spectacular structures is shortly presented. Geometrical shapes, that have been used when designing reinforced shells are discussed next: some of the shapes can be relatively easily mathematically described, some have been obtained experimentally, and others can be only given by using computational surface geometry. Main phenomena that define behavior of reinforced concrete shells are described: membrane and bending states, unextensible deformations, buckling (snap through, bifurcation buckling) and imprefection sensitivity. Numerical procedures that should be used when analyzing and designing of reinforced shell structures are roughly presented. Finally, a reinforced concrete shell shape of hyperbolic paraboloid is analysed and designed. Snow and wind loads on the shell are defined by using Eurocodes and results of computational fluid dynamics analysis. The linear and geometrically nonlinear static and linear buckling analyses were performed. The real critical buckling factor has been estimated; it is 1,19 for the design load, while the computed corresponding critical linear buckling factor was much higher, 8.1. The necessary reinforcement was determined for the shell and for the foundation, which was the basis for the detailed reinforcement drawings.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master of science thesis;history of concrete shell structures;reinforced concrete shells;shell buckling;influence of imperfection;hyperbolic paraboloid;curvature of shells;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XXIII, 134 str., 5 pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Reinforced concrete shell structures
Keywords (ePrints): zgodovina lupinastih konstrukcij;armiranobetonske lupine;stabilnost lupin;vpliv nepopolnosti;hiperbolični paraboloid;ukrivljenost lupin
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): history of concrete shell structures;reinforced concrete shells;shell buckling;influence of imperfection;hyperbolic paraboloid;curvature of shells
Abstract (ePrints): Magistrsko delo obravnava armiranobetonske lupinaste konstrukcije. Začne se s povzetkom razvoja teh neobičajnih in spektakularnih konstrukcij. Nadaljuje se z diskusijo o pogostih geometrijskih oblikah, ki so se in se še uporabljajo pri načrtovanju armiranobetonskih lupin: nekatere oblike so relativno enostavno matematično opisljive, druge so eksperimentalno dobljene, tretje pa je mogoče opisati le računalniško z numerično geometrijo ploskev. Opisani so bistveni fenomeni obnašanja armiranobetonskih lupin, ki so: membransko in upogibno stanje, neraztezne deformacije, občutljivost na uklon (preskok sistema, bifurkacijski uklon) ter občutljivost na nepopolnosti. V grobem so opisani numerični postopki, ki bi se uporabili pri analizi obnašanja armiranobetonskih lupin. Na koncu naloge je prikazan primer analize in dimenzioniranja armiranobetonske lupinaste konstrukcije v obliki hiperboličnega paraboloida pretežne debeline 11 cm. Lupina je bila analizirana na obtežbo snega in vetra; pri določitvi vplivov so bili upoštevani Evrokodi in rezultati numerične dinamike tekočin. Narejene so bile linearna in geometrijsko nelinearna statična analiza ter linearna uklonska analiza. Ocenjen je bil realni kritični uklonski faktor, ki znaša za projektno obtežbo 1,19, medtem ko je bil izračunani pripadajoči kritični linearni uklonski faktor mnogo višji, 8.1. Za lupino in temelje je bila določena potrebna armatura; na tej podlagi so bili izrisani še armaturni načrti za obravnavani armiranobetonski hiperbolični paraboloid sedlaste oblike.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The thesis deals with reinforced concrete shell structures. First, the historical development of those extraordinary and spectacular structures is shortly presented. Geometrical shapes, that have been used when designing reinforced shells are discussed next: some of the shapes can be relatively easily mathematically described, some have been obtained experimentally, and others can be only given by using computational surface geometry. Main phenomena that define behavior of reinforced concrete shells are described: membrane and bending states, unextensible deformations, buckling (snap through, bifurcation buckling) and imprefection sensitivity. Numerical procedures that should be used when analyzing and designing of reinforced shell structures are roughly presented. Finally, a reinforced concrete shell shape of hyperbolic paraboloid is analysed and designed. Snow and wind loads on the shell are defined by using Eurocodes and results of computational fluid dynamics analysis. The linear and geometrically nonlinear static and linear buckling analyses were performed. The real critical buckling factor has been estimated; it is 1,19 for the design load, while the computed corresponding critical linear buckling factor was much higher, 8.1. The necessary reinforcement was determined for the shell and for the foundation, which was the basis for the detailed reinforcement drawings.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): history of concrete shell structures;reinforced concrete shells;shell buckling;influence of imperfection;hyperbolic paraboloid;curvature of shells
ID: 8312852