diplomska naloga
Maja Pavlin (Author), Maruška Šubic Kovač (Mentor), Dušan Kogoj (Thesis defence commission member), Matija Polajnar (Co-mentor)


Ocena tržne vrednosti enostanovanjske hiše na različnih lokacijah


geodezija;UNI;diplomska dela;komunalni prispevek;nezazidano stavbno zemljišče;oglaševana cena;prodajna cena;GIG;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Pavlin]
UDC: 332.622:771.45(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 6335329 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2184
Downloads: 632
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂassessment of the market value of the residential house in different locations
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this diploma thesis is the assessment of market value of a typical detached family house in four different municipalities of Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Naklo, Radovljica and Šenčur. The market value is estimated on the basis of expense method. A typical detached family house falls into the medium price range, with 100 m2 of usable floor area and 198 m2 net floor area. The house is a free standing building with a basement, a slanted roof and a partially usable attic, build on a construction land with a surface area of 459 m2. The market value of the house is based on a market value of the construction land, the public utility fee and alternative costs of building a new house on the ground. The construction land and the public utility fee change from municipality to municipality but the costs of building a new house remain constant. We have discovered that the building costs play the principal role in the market value of the house (from 73 % to 81 %) estimated on the basis of the expense method, however the market value ranges the most in the construction land that take from 15 % up to 24 % of a detached family house market value. The public utility fee is administratively determined and depends mainly on accounting area and abatement that are offered to the investor by individual local communities.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;geodesy;GIG;public utilities fee;construction land;advertised price;selling price;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: X, 31 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The assessment of the market value of the residential house in different locations
Keywords (ePrints): komunalni prispevek;nezazidano stavbno zemljišče;oglaševana cena;prodajna cena
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): public utilities fee;construction land;advertised price;selling price
Abstract (ePrints): Namen diplomske naloge je ocena tržne vrednosti značilne enostanovanjske hiše na različnih lokacijah, in sicer v občinah Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Naklo, Radovljica in Šenčur. Tržna vrednost je ocenjena na podlagi metode stroškov. Značilna enostanovanjska hiša, ki smo jo ocenjevali na različnih lokacijah, spada v srednji cenovni razred, s 100 m2 uporabne površine in 198 m2 neto tlorisne površine. Hiša je podkletena samostoječa stavba s poševno streho in z delno izkoriščeno mansardo, zgrajena na stavbnem zemljišču s površino 459 m2. Tržna vrednost enostanovanjske hiše je ocenjena kot vsota tržne vrednosti nezazidanega stavbnega zemljišča, komunalnega prispevka in nadomestitvenih stroškov izgradnje nove stavbe. Tržna vrednost nezazidanega stavbnega zemljišča in komunalni prispevek se razlikujeta po obravnavanih območjih, nadomestitveni stroški izgradnje nove stavbe pa so na vseh lokacijah enaki. Ugotovili smo, da predstavljajo stroški izgradnje nove stavbe praviloma največji delež (med 73 % in 81 %) v tržni vrednosti celotne nepremičnine, ocenjene po metodi stroškov. Najbolj variabilne so tržne vrednosti nezazidanih stavbnih zemljišč, ki se med seboj razlikujejo glede na lokacijo in v povprečju predstavljajo med 15 % in 24 % tržne vrednosti celotne nepremičnine. Komunalni prispevek je v lokalnih skupnostih administrativno določen in je odvisen predvsem od obračunskega območja v lokalni skupnosti, v katero glede na lokacijo spada nepremičnina ter olajšav, ki jih investitorju nudijo lokalne skupnosti.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The purpose of this diploma thesis is the assessment of market value of a typical detached family house in four different municipalities of Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Naklo, Radovljica and Šenčur. The market value is estimated on the basis of expense method. A typical detached family house falls into the medium price range, with 100 m2 of usable floor area and 198 m2 net floor area. The house is a free standing building with a basement, a slanted roof and a partially usable attic, build on a construction land with a surface area of 459 m2. The market value of the house is based on a market value of the construction land, the public utility fee and alternative costs of building a new house on the ground. The construction land and the public utility fee change from municipality to municipality but the costs of building a new house remain constant. We have discovered that the building costs play the principal role in the market value of the house (from 73 % to 81 %) estimated on the basis of the expense method, however the market value ranges the most in the construction land that take from 15 % up to 24 % of a detached family house market value. The public utility fee is administratively determined and depends mainly on accounting area and abatement that are offered to the investor by individual local communities.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): public utilities fee;construction land;advertised price;selling price
ID: 8312854