diplomska naloga
David Merlin (Author), Anka Lisec (Mentor), Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek (Thesis defence commission member), Marjan Čeh (Co-mentor)


Analiza sprememb v prostoru na osnovi arhivskih gradiv franciscejskega katastra za Kranjsko


geodezija;UNI;diplomska dela;arhivska gradiva;franciscejski kataster;zemljiški kataster;Kranjska;katastrska občina;parcelna struktura;raba zemljišč;Novo mesto;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [D. Merlin]
UDC: 332.6:528.44(497.4Novo mesto)(043.2)
COBISS: 6342497 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2420
Downloads: 749
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of spatial changes based on archival material of Franziscean Land Cadastre of Carniola
Secondary abstract: In this diploma thesis, we have analysed the content of the Franziscean land cadastre and verified the usability of data for the analysis of changes in the space. The area of the analysis was limited to the area of the cadastral community of Novo mesto. The thesis includes a brief presentation of the main characteristics of the Franziscean cadastre, with the emphasis on introduction of the cadastral register content. In the continuation, the results of the analysis of the land plots’ structure and land-use in the study area based on the Franziscean cadastral data are presented. For this purpose, we used graphical and attribute data of the Franziscean land cadastre, which were digitalised and organized in the datatabase in advance. Additionally, we analysed the changes of the land plots’ structure and land-use in the past two centuries, where we compared the data of the Franziscean land cadastre with the latest data from the official evidences on land and land plots (data from the land cadastre and data from the evidence of the actual land use). We found out that the area of the cadastral community of Novo mesto faced with huge changes in the land plots’ structure as well as in land-use in the past 200 years. These findings are illustrated numerically and graphically accompanied by our own arguments.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;geodesy;archival materials;Franziscean land cadastre;land cadastre;Carniola;cadastral community;land plot structure;land-use;Novo mesto;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: IX, 33 str., 8 pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Analysis of spatial changes based on archival material of Franziscean Land Cadastre of Carniola
Keywords (ePrints): zemljiški kataster;arhivska gradiva;franciscejski kataster;Kranjska;katastrska občina;parcelna struktura;raba zemljišč;Novo mesto
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): land cadastre;archival material;Franciscean land cadastre;Carniola;cadastral community;land plot structure;land-use;Novo mesto
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi smo analizirali vsebino franciscejskega katastra in preverili uporabnost podatkov za analizo sprememb v prostoru. Za študijsko območje smo izbrali območje današnje katastrske občine (KO) Novo mesto. V diplomski nalogi je kratka predstavitev glavnih značilnosti franciscejskega katastra s poudarkom na predstavitvi vsebine katastrskega operata. Sledi predstavitev rezultatov analize parcelne strukture in rabe zemljišč na temelju podatkov franciscejskega katastra na študijskem območju. V ta namen smo uporabili podatke grafičnega in opisnega dela franciscejskega katastra, ki smo jih predhodno digitalizirali in uredili v podatkovni bazi. Dodatno smo analizirali spremembe parcelne strukture in rabe zemljišč v preteklih dveh stoletjih s tem, da smo podatke franciscejskega katastra primerjali z najnovejšimi podatki uradnih evidenc o zemljiščih in zemljiških parcelah (podatki iz zemljiškega katastra in podatki evidence dejanske rabe kmetijskih in gozdnih zemljišč). Ugotovili smo, da so bile v obravnavanem obdobju na območju KO Novo mesto prisotne velike prostorske spremembe tako v parcelni strukturi kot v rabi zemljišč. Te ugotovitve smo podkrepili z grafičnimi in numeričnimi prikazi in jih tudi argumentirali.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In this diploma thesis, we have analysed the content of the Franziscean land cadastre and verified the usability of data for the analysis of changes in the space. The area of the analysis was limited to the area of the cadastral community of Novo mesto. The thesis includes a brief presentation of the main characteristics of the Franziscean cadastre, with the emphasis on introduction of the cadastral register content. In the continuation, the results of the analysis of the land plots’ structure and land-use in the study area based on the Franziscean cadastral data are presented. For this purpose, we used graphical and attribute data of the Franziscean land cadastre, which were digitalised and organized in the datatabase in advance. Additionally, we analysed the changes of the land plots’ structure and land-use in the past two centuries, where we compared the data of the Franziscean land cadastre with the latest data from the official evidences on land and land plots (data from the land cadastre and data from the evidence of the actual land use). We found out that the area of the cadastral community of Novo mesto faced with huge changes in the land plots’ structure as well as in land-use in the past 200 years. These findings are illustrated numerically and graphically accompanied by our own arguments.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): land cadastre;archival material;Franciscean land cadastre;Carniola;cadastral community;land plot structure;land-use;Novo mesto
ID: 8312865