diplomska naloga
Špela Tomažič (Author), Dušan Žagar (Mentor), Mojca Šraj (Thesis defence commission member), Jože Panjan (Thesis defence commission member)


Izmenjava živega srebra med vodo in zrakom v Tržaškem zalivu


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;živo srebro;izmenjava plina med vodo in zrakom;model izmenjave plina;hitrostprenosa plina;Traški zaliv;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [Š. Tomažič]
UDC: 532:546.49(26.04)(043.2)
COBISS: 6366817 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1848
Downloads: 435
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mercury exchange between water and air in the Gulf of Trieste
Secondary abstract: Mercury is found in both water and air and can be transported on long distances; therefore, it is considered as a global polutant. Due to development of industry mercury concentrations are increased in all environmental compartments. Vapors of elemental mercury are harmful to humans; however, the greatest risk represents methylated mercury, produced by bacteria in sediment. Methylmercury easily biomagnifies and bioaccumulates within the food chain. At highest risk are those people whose main food-source are fish and shellfish. Due to the awareness of mercury toxicity, researches worldwide are trying to explain mercury speciation and evaluate the factors influencing transformations and fluxes of mercury between the environmental compartments, especially in the marine environment. The largest part of fluxes in the Mediterranean Sea represents exchange between the water and air. In the Gulf of Trieste, this is a highly important term of the mass balance. Wind has been considered as the main factor influencing the exchange of mercury between the water and air,. Different models (parameterizations) based on measurements and experiments have been developed in order to determine the wind impact on the gas exchange. In our study, the same set of input data used to compare different parametrizations resulted in up to three-fold different results. Using only comparison between the models the evaluation of the best and most suitable model was not possible. We also analyzed the effect of wind-averaging: although averaging reduces the wind peaks, the differences in the final results are small.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;mercury;air-sea gas exchange;gas exchange model;gas transfer velocity;Gulf of Trieste;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 38 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Mercury exchange between water and air in the Gulf of Trieste
Keywords (ePrints): živo srebro;izmenjava plina med vodo in zrakom;model izmenjave plina;hitrost prenosa plina;Tržaški zaliv
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): mercury;air-sea gas exchange;gas exchange model;gas transfer velocity;Gulf of Trieste
Abstract (ePrints): Živo srebro se nahaja tako v vodi kot v zraku in lahko prepotuje velike razdalje, zaradi cesar se danes obravnava kot globalno onesnažilo. Z razvojem industrije so se koncentracije živega srebra povecale v vseh okoljskih segmentih. Hlapi elementarnega živega srebra so za cloveka škodljivi, vendar najvecjo nevarnost cloveku predstavlja metilirano živo srebro, ki s pomocjo bakterij nastaja v sedimentu in se zlahka bioakumulira in biomagnificira v prehranjevalni verigi. Najbolj ogroženi so ljudje, katerih glavni vir prehrane so ribe in školjke. Zaradi zavedanja o njegovi strupenosti se znanstveniki po celem svetu trudijo razložiti speciacijo živega srebra in ovrednotiti faktorje, ki vplivajo na pretvorbe in tokove živega srebra med razlicnimi okoljskimi segmenti, predvsem v morju. Najvecji delež tokov v Sredozemskem morju predstavlja izmenjava med vodo in zrakom. V Tržaškem zalivu je ta clen masne bilance zelo pomemben. Za glavni dejavnik, ki vpliva na izmenjavo živega srebra med vodo in zrakom, velja veter. Na podlagi meritev in poizkusov so bili razviti razlicni modeli (parametrizacije), za upoštevanje vetra v racunu izmenjave. Pri primerjavi parametrizacij smo uporabili enake vhodne podatke, dobili pa smo zelo razlicne rezultate, razlike so lahko tudi do trikratne. S samo primerjavo med modeli je ovrednotenje najboljšega in najbolj primernega nemogoce. Preverili smo tudi vpliv povprecenja vetra in ugotovili, da s povprecenjem sicer zmanjšujemo vetrovne konice, vendar pa so razlike pri koncnih rezultatih majhne.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Mercury is found in both water and air and can be transported on long distances; therefore, it is considered as a global polutant. Due to development of industry mercury concentrations are increased in all environmental compartments. Vapors of elemental mercury are harmful to humans; however, the greatest risk represents methylated mercury, produced by bacteria in sediment. Methylmercury easily biomagnifies and bioaccumulates within the food chain. At highest risk are those people whose main food-source are fish and shellfish. Due to the awareness of mercury toxicity, researches worldwide are trying to explain mercury speciation and evaluate the factors influencing transformations and fluxes of mercury between the environmental compartments, especially in the marine environment. The largest part of fluxes in the Mediterranean Sea represents exchange between the water and air. In the Gulf of Trieste, this is a highly important term of the mass balance. Wind has been considered as the main factor influencing the exchange of mercury between the water and air,. Different models (parameterizations) based on measurements and experiments have been developed in order to determine the wind impact on the gas exchange. In our study, the same set of input data used to compare different parametrizations resulted in up to three-fold different results. Using only comparison between the models the evaluation of the best and most suitable model was not possible. We also analyzed the effect of wind-averaging: although averaging reduces the wind peaks, the differences in the final results are small.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): mercury;air-sea gas exchange;gas exchange model;gas transfer velocity;Gulf of Trieste
ID: 8312907