magistrsko delo
Anton Štampfl (Author), Vlatko Bosiljkov (Mentor), Goran Turk (Thesis defence commission member), Jana Šelih (Thesis defence commission member), Roko Žarnić (Thesis defence commission member)


Ocena stanja in potresne ogroženosti sakralnih stavb na Slovenskem


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;sakralna arhitektura;objekti;kulturna dediščina;potresna ranljivost;potresna ogroženost;zidovina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Štampfl]
UDC: 699.841(043.2)
COBISS: 6412385 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1976
Downloads: 565
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Condition and seismic risk assessment of sacral buildings in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: In the master's thesis the problems of seismic risk and damage of the sacral buildings are discussed. On the sample of 64 Slovenian religious buildings the use of different simple methods for seismic risk assessment of sacral architecture is demonstrated. Emphasis is placed on quick and simple methods, which on the basis of the facility basic data provide seismic risk assessment that serves mainly to identify the most critical buildings. Methods of foreign authors are used, which are adjusted for the purposes of this thesis. The results of different methods are compared and advantages and disadvantages of each method are determined. The possible correlation between the building vulnerability and seismicity of the location as well as the influence of the ground floor plan and architectural style on the building vulnerability is determined within the framework of this thesis. For building damage assessment two methods are examined. The first one is intended foremost for the building damage assessment after the earthquakes and the second for the assessment of the general condition of the buildings. The latter was initially developed for the assessment of the condition of the bridges; however, it was adapted in this thesis for assessing religious facilities. Suggested method provides, in addition to the degree of damage, also the assessment of the necessary rehabilitation measures. A proposal of simultaneous use of the seismic risk assessment and damage assessment is put forward in the sense of planning the necessary measures.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master of science thesis;sacral architecture;buildings;cultural heritage;seismic vulnerability;seismic risk;masonry;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XX, 164 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Condition and seismic risk assessment of sacral buildings in Slovenia
Keywords (ePrints): sakralna arhitektura;objekti;kulturna dedišcina;potresna ranljivost;potresna ogroženost;zidovina
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): sacral architecture;buildings;cultural heritage;seismic vulnerability;seismic risk;masonry
Abstract (ePrints): V magistrskem delu je obravnavana problematika potresne ogroženosti in poškodovanosti sakralnih objektov. Na naboru 64 slovenskih sakralnih objektov je prikazana uporaba razlicnih enostavnih metod za ocenjevanje potresne ogroženosti sakralnih objektov. Poudarek je na hitrih in enostavnih metodah, ki na osnovi osnovnih podatkov o objektu podajo oceno o potresni ogroženosti, kar služi predvsem za identifikacijo najbolj ogroženih objektov. Uporabljene so metode tujih avtorjev, ki jih nekoliko prilagodimo potrebam naloge. Rezultate razlicnih metod primerjamo med sabo ter ugotavljamo prednosti in slabosti posameznih metod. V sklopu naloge ugotavljamo tudi morebitno povezavo med ranljivostjo objektov in seizmicnostjo lokacije ter vpliv tlorisne zasnove in umetnostnega sloga na ranljivost objektov. Za ocenjevanje poškodovanosti objektov preverimo dve metodi. Prva je namenjena predvsem ocenjevanju poškodovanosti objektov po potresih, druga pa oceni splošnega stanja objektov. Slednja je bila v osnovi razvita za ocenjevanje stanja mostov, v okviru naloge pa smo jo prilagodili za ocenjevanje sakralnih objektov. Predlagana metoda poleg stopnje poškodovanosti stavbe podaja tudi oceno o potrebnih sanacijskih ukrepih. Podan je predlog socasne obravnave ocene potresne ogroženosti in ocene stanja poškodovanosti v smislu nacrtovanja potrebnih ukrepov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the master's thesis the problems of seismic risk and damage of the sacral buildings are discussed. On the sample of 64 Slovenian religious buildings the use of different simple methods for seismic risk assessment of sacral architecture is demonstrated. Emphasis is placed on quick and simple methods, which on the basis of the facility basic data provide seismic risk assessment that serves mainly to identify the most critical buildings. Methods of foreign authors are used, which are adjusted for the purposes of this thesis. The results of different methods are compared and advantages and disadvantages of each method are determined. The possible correlation between the building vulnerability and seismicity of the location as well as the influence of the ground floor plan and architectural style on the building vulnerability is determined within the framework of this thesis. For building damage assessment two methods are examined. The first one is intended foremost for the building damage assessment after the earthquakes and the second for the assessment of the general condition of the buildings. The latter was initially developed for the assessment of the condition of the bridges; however, it was adapted in this thesis for assessing religious facilities. Suggested method provides, in addition to the degree of damage, also the assessment of the necessary rehabilitation measures. A proposal of simultaneous use of the seismic risk assessment and damage assessment is put forward in the sense of planning the necessary measures.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): sacral architecture;buildings;cultural heritage;seismic vulnerability;seismic risk;masonry
ID: 8312985