diplomska naloga
Živa Semolič (Author), Sebastjan Bratina (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Janez Žmavc (Thesis defence commission member), Violeta Bokan-Bosiljkov (Thesis defence commission member)


Analiza in projektiranje armiranobetonske nosilne konstrukcije poslovne stavbe v Ljubljani


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;projektiranje;armiran beton;standard Evrokod;stena;okvir;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [Ž. Semolič]
UDC: 624.012.45:624.072.33(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 6409057 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2970
Downloads: 588
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis and design of reinforced concrete load-bearing structure of a commercial building in Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: In the thesis an analysis and design of characteristic elements of the load-bearing structure for the selected multi-story building was undertaken. The building is located in Ljubljana and is a constituent of a building complex. Buildings are detached by expansion joints so one can be addressed separately. Load-bearing structure consists of monolithic reinforced concrete floor panels, reinforced concrete walls and reinforced concrete frames. The building was planned and designed according to the preceding Yugoslav regulations, therefore in this thesis the supporting elements are designed according to currently valid European standards in the field of civil engineering structures - Eurocode standards. To pursue the limit state design method an idealized mathematical model of the building was subjected to design loads. The effects of permanent loads and imposed loads for various areas were determined. Also, vertical and horizontal loads were calculated, due to the impact of snow load, wind and seismic effects. An idealized mathematical model for the analysis of load-bearing elements was constructed with the computer program ETABS, and an independent model for the analysis of typical floor panels was made with SAP2000 software. Both computer programs are based on finite element method. Reinforcement for individual load-bearing elements of the building was calculated in such manner that the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state are not exceeded. Vertical loadbearing elements were designed according to method of capacity design, ensuring that the building has adequate ductility. It turns out that in the original design of the load-bearing structure the load on vertical elements was too big and consequently two additional walls were added to the periphery of the building. In the thesis a detailed procedure of design of reinforcement in typical floor panels and coupled wall was displayed. A comparison was conducted between the quantity of reinforcement calculated in this thesis and built-in reinforcement in the erected building. It was deducted that the amount of the required reinforcement at the bottom of the plate is lesser and conversely the amount of reinforcement at the top of the plate is greater than the actual built-in reinforcement. After the redesign of the load supporting structure the amount of required vertical reinforcement of the wall is smaller, then again the amount of horizontal reinforcement is greater than the actual built-in reinforcement. The amount of reinforcement for individual elements is depicted in the reinforcement drawings enclosed at the end of the thesis.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;design;reinforced concrete;Eurocode standard;plate;wall;framework;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 110 str., 3 pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Analysis and design of reinforced concrete load-bearing structure of a commercial building in Ljubljana
Keywords (ePrints): projektiranje;armiran beton;standard Evrokod;plošča;stena;okvir
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): design;reinforced concrete;Eurocode standard;plate;wall;framework
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi analiziramo in projektiramo značilne elemente armiranobetonske nosilne konstrukcije večetažne stavbe. Nahaja se v Ljubljani in je del kompleksa več stavb, ki so med seboj ločene z dilatacijami. Armiranobetonsko nosilno konstrukcijo stavbe sestavljajo monolitne medetažne polne plošče, ki so podprte s posameznimi in povezanimi stenami ter prostorskimi okviri. Nosilna konstrukcija stavbe je bila načrtovana in projektirana po starih jugoslovanskih predpisih, v tej diplomski nalogi pa so nosilni elementi projektirani po trenutno veljavnih standardih na področju gradbenih konstrukcij - standardih Evrokod. Analiza nosilne konstrukcije stavbe je opravljena na idealiziranem računskem modelu. V analizi so upoštevani vplivi lastne in stalne obtežbe ter koristna obtežba za posamezne prostore. Upoštevana je tudi obtežba snega na strehi, vpliv vetra na ovoj stavbe ter horizontalni potresni vpliv. Idealiziran računski model za analizo vertikalnih nosilnih elementov je izdelan s pomočjo računalniškega programa ETABS, model za ločeno analizo tipične medetažne nosilne konstrukcije stavbe pa s pomočjo programa SAP2000. Oba programa temeljita na metodi končnih elementov. Potrebna oziroma dejanska količina armature v nosilnih elementih konstrukcije je določena tako, da mejna stanja nosilnosti ter mejna stanja uporabnosti niso prekoračena. Pri projektiranju vertikalnih nosilnih elementov so dodatno upoštevana pravila načrtovanja nosilnosti za zagotovitev zadostne duktilnosti konstrukcije. Izkaže se, da so pri prvotni zasnovi nosilne konstrukcije stavbe obremenitve v vertikalnih elementih prevelike, zato je izvedena ustrezna ojačitev nosilne konstrukcije, in sicer sta dodani dve steni na obodu stavbe. V okviru diplomske naloge je podrobneje prikazano dimenzioniranje in konstruiranje armature v tipični medetažni plošči, v delu stene z odprtinami ter v delu okvirne konstrukcije. Narejena je primerjava med količino potrebne oziroma dejanske armature iz predstavljene analize ter količino vgrajene armature, odčitane iz obstoječe projektne dokumentacije. V analizirani medetažni plošči je potrebna količina spodnje armature manjša od dejansko vgrajene, potrebna količina zgornje armature pa je večja. Z izvedeno ojačitvijo nosilne konstrukcije stavbe je potrebna količina vertikalne armature v analizirani steni v jedru manjša od dejansko vgrajene, potrebna količina horizontalne pa je celo večja. Izbrana količina in razporeditev armature v analiziranih nosilnih elementih je prikazana v armaturnih načrtih.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In the thesis an analysis and design of characteristic elements of the load-bearing structure for the selected multi-story building was undertaken. The building is located in Ljubljana and is a constituent of a building complex. Buildings are detached by expansion joints so one can be addressed separately. Load-bearing structure consists of monolithic reinforced concrete floor panels, reinforced concrete walls and reinforced concrete frames. The building was planned and designed according to the preceding Yugoslav regulations, therefore in this thesis the supporting elements are designed according to currently valid European standards in the field of civil engineering structures - Eurocode standards. To pursue the limit state design method an idealized mathematical model of the building was subjected to design loads. The effects of permanent loads and imposed loads for various areas were determined. Also, vertical and horizontal loads were calculated, due to the impact of snow load, wind and seismic effects. An idealized mathematical model for the analysis of load-bearing elements was constructed with the computer program ETABS, and an independent model for the analysis of typical floor panels was made with SAP2000 software. Both computer programs are based on finite element method. Reinforcement for individual load-bearing elements of the building was calculated in such manner that the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state are not exceeded. Vertical loadbearing elements were designed according to method of capacity design, ensuring that the building has adequate ductility. It turns out that in the original design of the load-bearing structure the load on vertical elements was too big and consequently two additional walls were added to the periphery of the building. In the thesis a detailed procedure of design of reinforcement in typical floor panels and coupled wall was displayed. A comparison was conducted between the quantity of reinforcement calculated in this thesis and built-in reinforcement in the erected building. It was deducted that the amount of the required reinforcement at the bottom of the plate is lesser and conversely the amount of reinforcement at the top of the plate is greater than the actual built-in reinforcement. After the redesign of the load supporting structure the amount of required vertical reinforcement of the wall is smaller, then again the amount of horizontal reinforcement is greater than the actual built-in reinforcement. The amount of reinforcement for individual elements is depicted in the reinforcement drawings enclosed at the end of the thesis.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): design;reinforced concrete;Eurocode standard;plate;wall;framework
ID: 8313010