diplomska naloga
Suzana Huskić (Author), Maruška Šubic Kovač (Mentor), Bojan Stopar (Thesis defence commission member), Mojca Kosmatin Fras (Thesis defence commission member)


Analiza oglaševanih cen stanovanjskih nepremičnin v izbranih slovenskih in hrvaških občinah


geodezija;diplomska dela;UNI;stanovanja;Republika Slovenija;Republika Hrvaška;analiza oglaševanih cen;analiza najemnin;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [S. Huskić]
UDC: 332.6/.8(497.4)(497.5)(043.2)
COBISS: 6442849 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1403
Downloads: 447
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Advertised apartment prices analysis in the selected Slovenian and Croatian municipalities
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the graduation thesis is to analyse the advertised prices and rents in the three Slovenian municipalities (Municipality of Izola, Municipality of Koper, Municipality of Piran ) and three Croatian municipalities (Municipality of Novigrad , Municipality of Porec, Municipality of Umag) in the period from 1. 9. 2012. to 31. 3. 2013. Results of the analysis are based on data gathered from advertised apartments from the internet advertising sources. I have analysed influences of the location, surface area , number of rooms , age, parking and balcony with sea view of the advertised apartment price and rent. Irrespective of its location, the average advertised square meter of the Slovenian territory is approximately 500 EUR higher in price than the advertised square meter of the Croatian territory. Mainly due to advetiseing the extremely high prices of a square meter in Portorož, apartments in the Municipality of Piran are on average the most expensive. In the analyse of the impact of location of dwelling I have determined that the advertised price falls with the distance from the centre housing capital of the local community or the distance from the sea. Apartments in the Slovenian local communities that I considered are on average bigger than the apartments in Croatia area. Also in the Slovenian local communities the average rental price per day is higher. We can attribute that to not only larger area but also to a smaller number of apartments in the considered Slovenian local communities.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;dwellings;Republic of Slovenia;Republic of Croatia;selling price analysis;rent analysis;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 65 str., 3 pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Advertised apartment price analysis in the selected Slovenian and Croatian municipalities
Keywords (ePrints): stanovanja;Republika Slovenija;Republika Hrvaška;analiza oglaševanih cen;analiza najemnin
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): dwellings;Republic of Slovenia;Republic of Croatia;selling price analysis;rent analysis
Abstract (ePrints): Namen diplomske naloge je analizirati oglaševane cene in najemnine za stanovanja v treh slovenskih občinah (občina Izola, mestna občina Koper, občina Piran) in v treh hrvaških občinah (občina Novigrad, občina Poreč, občina Umag) v obdobju od 1. 9. 2012 do 31. 3. 2013. Rezultati analize temeljijo na podatkih o oglaševanih stanovanjih, pridobljenih iz zbranih oglasov s spletnih virov. Analiziran je vpliv lokacije, površine, sobnosti, starosti stanovanja, parkirnega mesta in balkona s pogledom na morje na oglaševano ceno in na najemnino stanovanja. Povprečna cena kvadratnega metra stanovanja obravnavanega slovenskega območja, ne glede na njegovo lokacijo, je za približno 500 EUR višja od povprečne oglaševane cene kvadratnega metra stanovanja obravnavanega hrvaškega območja. Stanovanja v občini Piran so v povprečju najdražja, in sicer predvsem zaradi izredno visokih oglaševanih cen stanovanj na kvadratni meter v Portorožu. Pri analizi vpliva lokacije stanovanja sem ugotovila, da oglaševana cena tudi pada ali z oddaljenostjo stanovanja od centra glavnega mesta posamezne lokalne skupnosti ali z oddaljenostjo od morja. Apartmaji v obravnavanih slovenskih lokalnih skupnosti so v povprečju večji kot apartmaji na obravnavanem hrvaškem območju. Prav tako je v obravnavanih slovenskih lokalnih skupnostih v povprečju višja tudi najemnina apartmaja na dan, kar lahko pripišemo ne le večji površini, temveč tudi manjši ponudbi apartmajev v obravnavanih slovenskih lokalnih skupnostih.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The purpose of the graduation thesis is to analyse the advertised prices and rents in the three Slovenian municipalities (Municipality of Izola, Municipality of Koper, Municipality of Piran ) and three Croatian municipalities (Municipality of Novigrad , Municipality of Porec, Municipality of Umag) in the period from 1. 9. 2012. to 31. 3. 2013. Results of the analysis are based on data gathered from advertised apartments from the internet advertising sources. I have analysed influences of the location, surface area , number of rooms , age, parking and balcony with sea view of the advertised apartment price and rent. Irrespective of its location, the average advertised square meter of the Slovenian territory is approximately 500 EUR higher in price than the advertised square meter of the Croatian territory. Mainly due to advetiseing the extremely high prices of a square meter in Portorož, apartments in the Municipality of Piran are on average the most expensive. In the analyse of the impact of location of dwelling I have determined that the advertised price falls with the distance from the centre housing capital of the local community or the distance from the sea. Apartments in the Slovenian local communities that I considered are on average bigger than the apartments in Croatia area. Also in the Slovenian local communities the average rental price per day is higher. We can attribute that to not only larger area but also to a smaller number of apartments in the considered Slovenian local communities.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): dwellings;Republic of Slovenia;Republic of Croatia;selling price analysis;rent analysis
ID: 8313060