doktorska disertacija
Igor Bizjak (Author), Žiga Turk (Mentor), Matjaž Mikoš (Thesis defence commission member), Dušan Petrovič (Thesis defence commission member), Danijel Rebolj (Thesis defence commission member), Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrews (Thesis defence commission member)


V doktorski disertaciji smo raziskali možnosti, kako uporabiti orodja spleta 2.0 za potrebe javne participacije v procesih prostorskega načrtovanja. V nalogi zagovarjamo tezo, da je mogoče z uporabo elektronskih orodij javnost aktivneje vključiti v prostorsko načrtovanje, ustvariti boljšo odzivnost, pokritost, učinkovitejšo javno participacijo v prostorskem načrtovanju ter zajeti znanje in vedenje javnosti o lokalni skupnosti, kjer živijo. Pomembnost javne participacije s sociološkega vidika in predvsem v postopkih prostorskega načrtovanja je v nalogi raziskana skozi zgodovino javne participacije v prostorskem načrtovanju, skozi teoretična izhodišča ter z zakonskimi podlagami, ki dajejo javnosti pravico spremljanja in participiranja v postopkih prostorskega načrtovanja. Raziskani so učinki klasičnih metod javne participacije v postopkih prostorskega načrtovanja in poiskane primerljive metode iz spleta 2.0. V zadnjem delu doktorske disertacije je na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč zasnovan sistem za javno participacijo v procesih prostorskega načrtovanja. Na podlagi tega je bil izdelan delujoč prototip. Pojasnjena je zasnova sistema, ključne zahteve sistema in konkretna orodja spleta 2.0, ki omogočajo paticipacijo javnosti. Prototip je zasnovan kot generativna spletna platforma. Uporabniki platforme lahko generirajo svoje nabore orodij spleta 2.0, prilagojene specifičnim projektom. S prototipom generativne spletne platforme je bila preverjena zasnova sistema. Analiza je pokazala, da ima sistem še veliko možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja in širjenja, kar potrjuje začetno hipotezo.


javna participacija;prostorsko načrtovanje;urbanistično načrtovanje;splet 2.0;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [I. Bizjak]
UDC: 004.738.5:711.4(043)
COBISS: 6576225 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2318
Downloads: 510
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Web model for public participation in the spatial-planning procedures
Secondary abstract: In this PhD dissertation we have researched the possibilities how to use Web 2.0 tools in public participation in the spatial-planning procedures. In the dissertation we are defending the thesis that it is possible to include public in spatial-planning more actively, create better response, better coverage, to get an effective public participation in spatial-planning, and to harvest the knowledge and learning of public about the local community they live in, by using electronic tools. The importance of public participation from the sociological point of view and especially in the proceedings of spatial-planning was researched in the dissertation through the history of public participation, from theoretical grounds, taking into account the legislation which gives public the right to monitor and participate in the proceedings of spatial-planning. Explored were the effects of classic methods of public participation and corresponding tools from Web 2.0 recognized. In the last part of the dissertation a system for public participation in spatial-planning was developed based on theoretical findings. A working prototype was made based on that system. The system scheme, key requirements of the system and actual Web 2.0 tools enabling public participation are explained. The prototype is devised as a generative web platform. Users of the platform can generate their own arrays of Web 2.0 tools adapted to specific projects. The concept of the system was tested with the prototype of the generative web platform. The analysis has shown the system has many possibilities of further development and expansion which confirms the starting hypothesis.
Secondary keywords: public paticipation;spatial planning;urban planning;Web 2.0;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Mednarodni podiplomski študij gradbene informatike, Doktorski študij
Pages: 1 optični disk (CD-ROM)
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Medmrežni model javne participacije v procesu urbanističnega planiranja
Keywords (ePrints): javna participacija;prostorsko načrtovanje;urbanistično načrtovanje;Splet 2.0
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): public participation;spatial planning;urban planning;Web 2.0
Abstract (ePrints): V doktorski disertaciji smo raziskali možnosti, kako uporabiti orodja spleta 2.0 za potrebe javne participacije v procesih prostorskega načrtovanja. V nalogi zagovarjamo tezo, da je mogoče z uporabo elektronskih orodij javnost aktivneje vključiti v prostorsko načrtovanje, ustvariti boljšo odzivnost, pokritost, učinkovitejšo javno participacijo v prostorskem načrtovanju ter zajeti znanje in vedenje javnosti o lokalni skupnosti, kjer živijo. Pomembnost javne participacije s sociološkega vidika in predvsem v postopkih prostorskega načrtovanja je v nalogi raziskana skozi zgodovino javne participacije v prostorskem načrtovanju, skozi teoretična izhodišča ter z zakonskimi podlagami, ki dajejo javnosti pravico spremljanja in participiranja v postopkih prostorskega načrtovanja. Raziskani so učinki klasičnih metod javne participacije v postopkih prostorskega načrtovanja in poiskane primerljive metode iz spleta 2.0. V zadnjem delu doktorske disertacije je na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč zasnovan sistem za javno participacijo v procesih prostorskega načrtovanja. Na podlagi tega je bil izdelan delujoč prototip. Pojasnjena je zasnova sistema, ključne zahteve sistema in konkretna orodja spleta 2.0, ki omogočajo paticipacijo javnosti. Prototip je zasnovan kot generativna spletna platforma. Uporabniki platforme lahko generirajo svoje nabore orodij spleta 2.0, prilagojene specifičnim projektom. S prototipom generativne spletne platforme je bila preverjena zasnova sistema. Analiza je pokazala, da ima sistem še veliko možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja in širjenja, kar potrjuje začetno hipotezo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In this PhD dissertation we have researched the possibilities how to use Web 2.0 tools in public participation in the spatial-planning procedures. In the dissertation we are defending the thesis that it is possible to include public in spatial-planning more actively, create better response, better coverage, to get an effective public participation in spatial-planning, and to harvest the knowledge and learning of public about the local community they live in, by using electronic tools. The importance of public participation from the sociological point of view and especially in the proceedings of spatial-planning was researched in the dissertation through the history of public participation, from theoretical grounds, taking into account the legislation which gives public the right to monitor and participate in the proceedings of spatial-planning. Explored were the effects of classic methods of public participation and corresponding tools from Web 2.0 recognized. In the last part of the dissertation a system for public participation in spatial-planning was developed based on theoretical findings. A working prototype was made based on that system. The system scheme, key requirements of the system and actual Web 2.0 tools enabling public participation are explained. The prototype is devised as a generative web platform. Users of the platform can generate their own arrays of Web 2.0 tools adapted to specific projects. The concept of the system was tested with the prototype of the generative web platform. The analysis has shown the system has many possibilities of further development and expansion which confirms the starting hypothesis.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): public participation;spatial planning;urban planning;Web 2.0
ID: 8327071
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