magistrsko delo
Branka Gradišnik (Author), Andrej Pogačnik (Mentor), Peter Fister (Thesis defence commission member), Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek (Thesis defence commission member)


Lokacijske značilnosti slovenskih cerkva izven naselij


geodezija;magistrska dela;cerkve;lokacijske značilnosti;oddaljenost;naselja;zgodovina;slovenske kulturne krajine;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [B. Gradišnik]
UDC: 656.71:711.773.2 (043)
COBISS: 6475617 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1727
Downloads: 582
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Spatial characteristics of Slovenian churches located outside the settlements
Secondary abstract: The aim of the master thesis was, on the assumption that there are some explanatory constituents for churches locations, to determine whether there are any principles of locating Slovenian churches outside the settlements at the level of Slovenian cultural landscapes or even the whole of Slovenia in terms of spatial-physical and visual factors. Churches and their locations are presented through integration into Slovenian history, in the Slovenian cultural landscapes, sacral heritage, existing records of religious heritage, and as architectural elements in the Slovenian area. On the basis of detailed analysis, the completion and preparation of the data, the latter were statistically processed and analyzed by hierarchical grouping. We found that, in Slovenia, the churches outside the settlements are predominantly located within a 300 m radius distance from the villages, hamlets, or farms. Three groups of typical site characteristics can be seen in three landscapes – Sub-alpine, Karst and Coastal. The Sub-alpine landscape is characterized by the location of the churches that lie on their own, outside the 300 m radius distance from settlements, hamlets, villages and farms. On the basis of demonstrated quality relations of churches according to location with the area it is only necessary to protect these by credentials and means of spatial planning and preservation of cultural landscape. The results of the research and the resulting database can be used for further scientific research in this area.
Secondary keywords: geodesy;master of science thesis;churches;locational characteristics;distance;settlements;history;cultural heritage data;slovenian cultural landscapes;Slovenia;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XXIII, 139 str., 2 pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Lokacijske značilnosti slovenskih cerkva izven naselij
Keywords (ePrints): cerkve;lokacijske značilnosti;oddaljenost;naselja;zgodovina;evidenca sakralne dediščine;slovenske kulturne krajine;Slovenija
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): churches;locational characteristics;distance;settlements;history;cultural heritage data;Slovenian cultural landscapes;Slovenia
Abstract (ePrints): Namen magistrskega dela je bil na podlagi domneve, da obstajajo nekatere pojasnjevalne sestavine za lokacijo cerkva z vidika prostorsko – fizičnih in vizualnih dejavnikov, ugotoviti, ali obstajajo zakonitosti lociranosti slovenskih cerkva izven naselij na ravni slovenskih kulturnih krajin oz. na ravni celotnega območja Slovenije. Cerkve in njihove lokacije smo obravnavali skozi vpetost v slovensko zgodovino, v slovenske kulturne krajine, sakralno dediščino, obstoječo evidenco sakralne dediščine in kot oblikovne prvine v slovenskem prostoru. Na podlagi opravljenih podrobnejših analiz, z dopolnitvijo in pripravo podatkov, smo le-te statistično obdelali in analizirali s hierarhičnim združevanjem v skupine. Ugotovili smo, da obstaja na območju Slovenije za lokacije cerkva izven naselij značilnost, da so pretežno locirane znotraj 300 m radija oddaljenosti od naselij, zaselkov, vasi, kmetij. Kot tipične skupine pa se lokacijske značilnosti pokažejo za tri krajine – Predalpsko, Kraško in Primorsko krajino. V Predalpskih krajinah so značilne tudi lokacije cerkva, ki ležijo na samem, izven 300 m radija oddaljenosti od naselij, zaselkov, vasi in kmetij. Na podlagi izkazanih kakovostnih odnosov cerkva glede na lociranost v prostoru je potrebno le-te varovati s priporočili in ukrepi prostorskega načrtovanja in ohranjanja kulturne krajine. Rezultati raziskave in izdelana podatkovna baza pa lahko služijo za nadaljnja znanstveno – raziskovalna dela na obravnavanem področju.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The aim of the master thesis was, on the assumption that there are some explanatory constituents for churches locations, to determine whether there are any principles of locating Slovenian churches outside the settlements at the level of Slovenian cultural landscapes or even the whole of Slovenia in terms of spatial-physical and visual factors. Churches and their locations are presented through integration into Slovenian history, in the Slovenian cultural landscapes, sacral heritage, existing records of religious heritage, and as architectural elements in the Slovenian area. On the basis of detailed analysis, the completion and preparation of the data, the latter were statistically processed and analyzed by hierarchical grouping. We found that, in Slovenia, the churches outside the settlements are predominantly located within a 300 m radius distance from the villages, hamlets, or farms. Three groups of typical site characteristics can be seen in three landscapes – Sub-alpine, Karst and Coastal. The Sub-alpine landscape is characterized by the location of the churches that lie on their own, outside the 300 m radius distance from settlements, hamlets, villages and farms. On the basis of demonstrated quality relations of churches according to location with the area it is only necessary to protect these by credentials and means of spatial planning and preservation of cultural landscape. The results of the research and the resulting database can be used for further scientific research in this area.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): churches;locational characteristics;distance;settlements;history;cultural heritage data;Slovenian cultural landscapes;Slovenia
ID: 8327155
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