diplomska naloga
Samo Ozvaldič (Author), Mojca Kosmatin Fras (Mentor), Bojan Stopar (Thesis defence commission member), Miran Kuhar (Thesis defence commission member), Anja Vrečko (Co-mentor)


Samodejen zajem daljnovodov iz podatkov terestričnega in aerolaserskega skeniranja


geodezija;diplomska naloga;UNI;terestrično lasersko skeniranje;aerolasersko skeniranje;Hough-ova transformacija;ekstrakcija daljnovodov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [S. Ozvaldič]
UDC: 528.7/.8(043.2)
COBISS: 6503521 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1876
Downloads: 504
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Automatic extraction of power lines from data of terrestrial and airborne laser scanning
Secondary abstract: In graduation thesis the main features and theoretical frameworks of terrestrial and airborne laser scanning are presented. The algorithm for Hough transform that is described in detail, was used for searching power lines in a point cloud and on a raster that is generalized from the laser scanning data. The whole procedure of extraction of power lines is described from the pre-processing of data to the final results. Our own program was used for automatic extraction of power lines from pre-treated point cloud. Automatic extraction of power lines was tested from the raster with another program of our own. Both programs that are mentioned above were written in Matlab programming language. In order to increase the effectiveness of both programs, the redundant points that do not represent power lines were eliminated by LAStools. Effectiveness of the methods was estimated in two ways. First it was estimated visually and then by comparing the calculated coordinates of identical intersections of power lines. Estimation was made for all four examples (automatic extraction of power lines and calculation of coordinates of intersections of power lines in the point cloud of terrestrial laser scanning and airborne laser scanning; automatic extraction of power lines and calculation of coordinates of intersections of power lines on raster that is generalized from the terrestrial and airborne laser scanning data). The effect of pre-treated data on processing speed of the program that automatically extracts power lines was evaluated. At the end there are ideas for possible improvements of the methodology and guidelines for further development.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;geodesy;terrestrial laser scanning;airborne laser scanning;Hough transform;extraction of power lines;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 79 str., 4 pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Samodejen zajem daljnovodov iz podatkov terestričnega in aerolaserskega skeniranja
Keywords (ePrints): terestrično lasersko skeniranje;aerolasersko skeniranje;Hough-ova transformacija;ekstrakcija daljnovodov
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): terrestrial laser scanning;airborne laser scanning;Hough transform;extraction of power lines
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi so najprej podane glavne značilnosti in osnovna teorija terestričnega in aerolaserskega skeniranja. Natančneje je opisan algoritem Hough-ove transformacije, ki je bil uporabljen za iskanje daljnovodov v oblaku točk in na rastriranih podatkih laserskega skeniranja. Opisan je celoten postopek zajema daljnovodov, od predhodne obdelave podatkov do končnih rezultatov. Predstavljen je lasten program za samodejen zajem daljnovodov iz predhodno obdelanega oblaka točk laserskega skeniranja. Samodejen zajem daljnovodov je bil preizkušen tudi na rastriranem oblaku točk. Tudi v tem primeru je bil uporabljen lasten program. Oba omenjena programa sta bila napisana v programskem okolju Matlab. Za večjo učinkovitost uporabljenih programov so bile z orodji LAStools iz oblaka točk predhodno izločene odvečne točke, ki ne predstavljajo daljnovodov. Učinkovitost in uspešnost uporabljenih metod sta bili ocenjeni vizualno ter s primerjavo izračunanih koordinat identičnih presečišč daljnovodov na štirih primerih (samodejen zajem daljnovodov in izračun koordinat presečišč daljnovodov v oblaku točk terestričnega in aerolaserkega skeniranja ter samodejen zajem daljnovodov in izračun koordinat presečišč daljnovodov na rastriranih podatkih terestričnega in aerolaserskega skeniranja). Ocenili smo vpliv predhodne obdelave podatkov na časovno zaposlenost programa, s katerim smo samodejno zajeli linije. Na koncu so podane ideje za morebitne izboljšave metodologije in smernice za nadaljnji razvoj.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In graduation thesis the main features and theoretical frameworks of terrestrial and airborne laser scanning are presented. The algorithm for Hough transform that is described in detail, was used for searching power lines in a point cloud and on a raster that is generalized from the laser scanning data. The whole procedure of extraction of power lines is described from the pre-processing of data to the final results. Our own program was used for automatic extraction of power lines from pre-treated point cloud. Automatic extraction of power lines was tested from the raster with another program of our own. Both programs that are mentioned above were written in Matlab programming language. In order to increase the effectiveness of both programs, the redundant points that do not represent power lines were eliminated by LAStools. Effectiveness of the methods was estimated in two ways. First it was estimated visually and then by comparing the calculated coordinates of identical intersections of power lines. Estimation was made for all four examples (automatic extraction of power lines and calculation of coordinates of intersections of power lines in the point cloud of terrestrial laser scanning and airborne laser scanning; automatic extraction of power lines and calculation of coordinates of intersections of power lines on raster that is generalized from the terrestrial and airborne laser scanning data). The effect of pre-treated data on processing speed of the program that automatically extracts power lines was evaluated. At the end there are ideas for possible improvements of the methodology and guidelines for further development.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): terrestrial laser scanning;airborne laser scanning;Hough transform;extraction of power lines
ID: 8327172