diplomska naloga
Rok Frantar (Author), Marijan Žura (Mentor), Darja Šemrov (Thesis defence commission member), Bogdan Zgonc (Thesis defence commission member)


Napoved povečanja prometa zaradi izgradnje trgovskega centra Qlandia Kranj


diplomska naloga;UNI-B;gradbeništvo;prometno planiranje;generacija potovanj;nakupovalni center;Qlandia;Kranj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [R. Frantar]
UDC: 656.021:711.7(497.4 Kranj)(043.2)
COBISS: 6559585 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2688
Downloads: 1253
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Trip generation estimation for shopping center Qlandia Kranj
Secondary abstract: The graduation thesis estimates trip generation for shopping center Qlandia Kranj. Trip generation is first step in four-step traffic forecast process which is used to estimate traffic volume or the number of trips in the area of interest. The number of trips depends on various factors which are connected to land use, socio-economic characteristics of the people and characteristics of transportation system. The variable with the biggest impact on trip generation is land use. Larger sites and also sites with more urban activity generate more trips. The chosen method for trip generation estimation is described in Trip Generation Handbook issued by ITE. This method is based on abundance of collected data from sites all across USA and Canada. Trip generation rates and regression equations extracted from this data connect the number of trips to characteristics of site. Rates and equations can be adjusted to correspond to the location of the site. The result of trip generation analysis is the number of trips IN and OUT of the site. Equations and rates for various land uses are published in the ITE handbook. Feature with the biggest impact on the number of trips should be chosen as independent variable. Additional factors affecting trip generation are modal split, internal trips and by-pass trips. I used the method described in ITE handbook to estimate trip generation of Qlandia Kranj. Independent variable was shopping center's sales area. I compared estimated trip generation data with traffic count performed on the site.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;traffic engineering;trip generation;shopping center;Qlandia;Kranj;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: VIII, 26 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Napoved povečanja prometa zaradi izgradnje trgovskega centra Qlandia Kranj
Keywords (ePrints): prometno planiranje;generacija potovanj;nakupovalni center;Qlandia;Kranj
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): traffic engineering;trip generation;shopping center;Qlandia;Kranj
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi je opisan izračun generacije potovanj za nakupovalni center Qlandia Kranj. Generacija je prvi korak v štirifaznem procesu napovedovanja prometa, ki se uporablja za napovedovanje prometnih zahtev oz. števila potovanj, ki se bodo izvršila na nekem območju. Potovanja so odvisna od osnovnih faktorjev, ki so vzorec rabe površin, socialno-ekonomske značilnosti potnikov in značilnosti transportnega sistema. Spremenljivka, ki najbolj vpliva na generacijo potovanj je izraba površin. Površine z večjo urbano dejavnostjo generirajo več potovanj, večje površine generirajo več potovanj. Izbrana metoda ITE s koeficienti in krivuljami generacije potovanj temelji na zbirki podatkov o povezavi števila potovanj s karakteristikami obravnavanega območja. Zbirka podatkov je objavljena v priročniku ITE z naslovom Trip Generation Handbook, prav tako pa so tam objavljeni tudi koeficienti in krivulje izpeljane iz teh podatkov. Koeficiente v enačbah lahko prometni inženir priredi tako, da ustrezajo lokaciji. Rezultat prometne študije izvedene na način ITE je število prihodov na območje obravnave in število odhodov s tega območja. Priročnik ITE za različne rabe podaja enačbe, ki definirajo razmerje med številom potovanj in neodvisno spremenljivko. Kot neodvisno spremenljivko izberemo lastnost, ki ima največji vpliv na število potovanj. Dodatno na generacijo potovanj vpliva še razdelitev potovanj na prometna sredstva, notranja potovanja in tranzitna potovanja. S postopkom opisanim v priročniku ITE sem napovedal število potovanj ki jih generira nakupovalni center Qlandia Kranj, to pa sem primerjal z dejanskim številom potovanj, ki sem ga dobil s štetjem prometa na mestu analize. Za neodvisno spremenljivko sem izbral prodajno površino nakupovalnega centra.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The graduation thesis estimates trip generation for shopping center Qlandia Kranj. Trip generation is first step in four-step traffic forecast process which is used to estimate traffic volume or the number of trips in the area of interest. The number of trips depends on various factors which are connected to land use, socio-economic characteristics of the people and characteristics of transportation system. The variable with the biggest impact on trip generation is land use. Larger sites and also sites with more urban activity generate more trips. The chosen method for trip generation estimation is described in Trip Generation Handbook issued by ITE. This method is based on abundance of collected data from sites all across USA and Canada. Trip generation rates and regression equations extracted from this data connect the number of trips to characteristics of site. Rates and equations can be adjusted to correspond to the location of the site. The result of trip generation analysis is the number of trips IN and OUT of the site. Equations and rates for various land uses are published in the ITE handbook. Feature with the biggest impact on the number of trips should be chosen as independent variable. Additional factors affecting trip generation are modal split, internal trips and by-pass trips. I used the method described in ITE handbook to estimate trip generation of Qlandia Kranj. Independent variable was shopping center's sales area. I compared estimated trip generation data with traffic count performed on the site.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): traffic engineering;trip generation;shopping center;Qlandia;Kranj
ID: 8327192