diplomsko delo
Maruša Mihelčič (Author), Martina Ozbič (Mentor)


Spodbujanje komunikacije, govora in jezika pri otrocih v prvih treh letih življenja


govorno-jezikovni razvoj;zakasneli govorci;apraksija;specifične govorno-jezikovne motnje;testi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Mihelčič]
UDC: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9947977 Link will open in a new window
Views: 946
Downloads: 206
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The encouragement of communication, speech and language in the first three years
Secondary abstract: Babies start to communicate as soon as they are born. All the activities that parents do with their babies make a contribution to the development of babies’ speech, language and communication abilities. For many adults who care for children, it is a real challenge to find out how to encourage children´s development of these areas. How to know if it is at an expected level or whether something should be done? Is your baby at risk for a communication delay? Who can help and when? In the next pages one could find a lot of useful advice for parents and professionals (speech language therapists, preschool teachers, doctors …) who are interested in language, speech and communication development of children up to the age of three. Describing how the communication ability usually develops, presenting some warning signs for children at risk, summarizing standardized tests to prove communication delay and interpreting the most common and specific diagnoses from this area of development are all parts of the paper. The thesis ends with a comprehensive review of early intervention techniques. There are many ways of how to help your child, who can help and when to start with it. The most successful appear to be the approaches that are focused on the child and family. It is good to start with these approaches as soon as possible. As it is suggested the sooner you start, the better the outcome is, and the more child- and family-centered the therapy is, the easier it is transferred into babies’ everyday life. All these could be achieved by appropriate games a child plays with an adult. Many examples sorted by the age and type of communication promotion are written at the end and are aimed at guiding everyone who wants to help a child to develop into a good communicator.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;communication;language development;speech;predšolski otrok;komunikacija;jezikovni razvoj;govor;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: 104 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Spodbujanje komunikacije, govora in jezika pri otrocih v prvih treh letih življenja
Keywords (ePrints): govor
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): speech
Abstract (ePrints): Sporazumevanje dojenčkov s svetom se začne že takoj po rojstvu. Vse aktivnosti, ki jih starši in dojenček izvajajo, vplivajo na razvoj otrokovega govora, jezika in komunikacije. Za mnogo odraslih, ki se z otroki srečujejo, je spodbujanje otrokovega razvoja na naštetih področjih velik izziv. Kako vedeti, če so otrokov jezik, govor in komunikacija na pričakovani ravni, ali je potrebna pomoč? Je otrok rizičen za razvoj zaostanka? Kdo lahko priskoči na pomoč in kdaj? V diplomskem delu lahko tako starši kot profesionalci (logopedi, specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi, vzgojiteljice …), ki jih zanima razvoj govora, jezika in komunikacije do tretjega rojstnega dne, najdejo veliko koristnih informacij. Opisan je pričakovan razvoj komunikacijskih sposobnosti, podani so opozorilni znaki za težave v razvoju, povzeti testi, ki logopedom pomagajo oceniti zaostajanje ter opisane najbolj specifične diagnoze, ki so otrokom s težavami v govoru, jeziku in komunikaciji dodeljene. Diplomska naloga se končuje s pregledom učinkovitih možnosti zgodnje obravnave. Načinov, kako pomagati otroku, kdo mu pomaga in kdaj se pomoč začne, je namreč veliko. Najučinkovitejši se zdijo pristopi, ki so usmerjeni na otroka in družino, obenem pa se začnejo v čimzgodnješem otroštvu. Na ta način se pridobljene spretnosti najlažje prenesejo v otrokov vsakdanjik. Vsem tem kriterijem je mogoče zadostiti s primerno igro med otrokom in odraslim. Veliko primerov igre, razvrščenih po starosti ter načinu spodbujanja komunikacije, je povzetih ob koncu diplomskega dela. Vsem, ki želijo pomagati otroku, da se razvije v samozavestnega sporočevalca in sprejemnika, naj bodo v pomoč.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Babies start to communicate as soon as they are born. All the activities that parents do with their babies make a contribution to the development of babies’ speech, language and communication abilities. For many adults who care for children, it is a real challenge to find out how to encourage children´s development of these areas. How to know if it is at an expected level or whether something should be done? Is your baby at risk for a communication delay? Who can help and when? In the next pages one could find a lot of useful advice for parents and professionals (speech language therapists, preschool teachers, doctors …) who are interested in language, speech and communication development of children up to the age of three. Describing how the communication ability usually develops, presenting some warning signs for children at risk, summarizing standardized tests to prove communication delay and interpreting the most common and specific diagnoses from this area of development are all parts of the paper. The thesis ends with a comprehensive review of early intervention techniques. There are many ways of how to help your child, who can help and when to start with it. The most successful appear to be the approaches that are focused on the child and family. It is good to start with these approaches as soon as possible. As it is suggested the sooner you start, the better the outcome is, and the more child- and family-centered the therapy is, the easier it is transferred into babies’ everyday life. All these could be achieved by appropriate games a child plays with an adult. Many examples sorted by the age and type of communication promotion are written at the end and are aimed at guiding everyone who wants to help a child to develop into a good communicator.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): speech
ID: 8327901