Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Adults' violence against children in preschool |
Secondary abstract: |
Even in preschools we can find inappropriate conduct adults uses when educating and taking care of children. Although our educational work is based on a child and should be placed high on the list of our priorities, it is true that the power of our subjective theories is reflected through a hidden curriculum. Since we are aware of the problems inappropriate conduct brings to preschools, the introduction part emphasizes some concepts which can aid in understanding this problem, whereas the following parts deal with occurence of various types of violence in Slovenian public preschools. In other words, attention is given to the conduct which is in today's social context unacceptable. We wanted to find out whether preschool teachers are aware of violence against children and maybe even take part in it. The descriptive method was used in the research and the qualitative research as the research approach where some examples were added in order to get diverse information. The research interview was used as a technique to gather information because the theme of the research is very sensitive, unpleasant and still a taboo. Our decision was to use a systematic approach of sampling – an occasional sample. We wanted to get different opinions so our sample included professional, educational counsellors and managers from various Slovenian public preschools. The analysis of the examples dealt with shows that inappropriate conduct in preschools is present, some preschools teachers use different types of violence, psychic violence is more often than physical one which is noticed as well. The victims are children of the first and second age categories as well as children with special needs in development sections of preschools. There are rare occasions when colleagues report inappropriate conduct they experience at work. They often face various hesistations and the report is often followed by an unsuitable response or the case discussion. On the basis of findings of this as well as the previous researches, published in local and foreign educational area, the final part gives the proposal of a prevention and violence treatment model of a preschool. At the same time the analysis serves as a starting point for deliberation, discussion, formation of guidelines and team work at implementation of proper strategies of disciplinary methods in practice. |
Secondary keywords: |
nursery school;violence;adult-child relation;trainer;vrtec;nasilje;odnos med odraslim in otrokom;vzgojitelj; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak. |
Pages: |
VII, 77 str., [42] str. pril. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Nasilje odraslih nad otroki v vrtcu |
Keywords (ePrints): |
vzgojitelj predšolskih otrok |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
teacher of preschool children |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Tudi v vrtcih se srečujemo z neustreznim ravnanjem odraslih z otroki, ki so nam zaupani v vzgojo in varstvo. Kljub temu da pri vzgojnem delu izhajamo iz otroka in da je prav delo v njegovo korist postavljeno visoko na lestvico naših vrednot, se skozi prikriti kurikulum zrcali moč naših subjektivnih teorij. Ker se problematike neustreznega ravnanja z otroki v vrtcih zavedamo, v uvodnem delu naloge osvetljujemo nekatere pojme, ki lahko pripomorejo k razumevanju te problematike, v nadaljevanju pa preučujemo pojavnost različnih oblik nasilja v slovenskih javnih vrtcih oziroma namenjamo pozornost ravnanjem, ki so v današnjem družbenem kontekstu nesprejemljiva. Zanimalo nas je, ali se vzgojitelji v vrtcu zavedajo problematike nasilja nad otroki ter ali ga morda celo sami izvajajo. V raziskavi smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo, kot raziskovalni pristop pa kvalitativno raziskavo, v katero smo vključili primere, ki so nam omogočili pridobitev čim bolj raznolikih informacij. Glede na občutljivo, neprijetno in tabuizirano naravo preučevanega problema smo za tehniko zbiranja podatkov izbrali raziskovalni intervju. Odločili smo se za sistematični pristop vzorčenja, in sicer za namenski priložnosti vzorec. Ker smo želeli dobiti različne poglede, smo v vzorec zajeli strokovne, svetovalne in vodstvene delavce iz različnih slovenskih javnih vrtcev. Analiza obravnavanih primerov kaže, da je problematika neustreznega ravnanja z otroki v vrtcih prisotna in da nekateri vzgojitelji nad otroki izvajajo različne oblike nasilja, pogosteje psihičnega, a tudi različne oblike fizičnega nasilja. Žrtve so otroci v oddelkih prvega in drugega starostnega obdobja, pa tudi otroci s posebnimi potrebami v razvojnih oddelkih vrtcev. S strani sodelavcev občasno pride do prijave neustreznega ravnanja strokovnega delavca z otroki nadrejenim, a se prijavitelji ob tem srečajo s številnimi pomisleki, prijavi pa največkrat sledi neustrezen odziv oz. neustrezna obravnava primera. Na podlagi spoznanj te in predhodnih raziskav opravljenih v domačem in tujem šolskem prostoru je v zaključku oblikovan predlog preventivnega modela preprečevanja in obvladovanja nasilja v vrtcu. Analiza je hkrati izhodišče za razmislek, diskusijo, oblikovanje smernic in timsko delo pri implementiranju ustreznih strategij discipliniranja otrok v prakso. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Even in preschools we can find inappropriate conduct adults uses when educating and taking care of children. Although our educational work is based on a child and should be placed high on the list of our priorities, it is true that the power of our subjective theories is reflected through a hidden curriculum. Since we are aware of the problems inappropriate conduct brings to preschools, the introduction part emphasizes some concepts which can aid in understanding this problem, whereas the following parts deal with occurence of various types of violence in Slovenian public preschools. In other words, attention is given to the conduct which is in today's social context unacceptable. We wanted to find out whether preschool teachers are aware of violence against children and maybe even take part in it. The descriptive method was used in the research and the qualitative research as the research approach where some examples were added in order to get diverse information. The research interview was used as a technique to gather information because the theme of the research is very sensitive, unpleasant and still a taboo. Our decision was to use a systematic approach of sampling – an occasional sample. We wanted to get different opinions so our sample included professional, educational counsellors and managers from various Slovenian public preschools. The analysis of the examples dealt with shows that inappropriate conduct in preschools is present, some preschools teachers use different types of violence, psychic violence is more often than physical one which is noticed as well. The victims are children of the first and second age categories as well as children with special needs in development sections of preschools. There are rare occasions when colleagues report inappropriate conduct they experience at work. They often face various hesistations and the report is often followed by an unsuitable response or the case discussion. On the basis of findings of this as well as the previous researches, published in local and foreign educational area, the final part gives the proposal of a prevention and violence treatment model of a preschool. At the same time the analysis serves as a starting point for deliberation, discussion, formation of guidelines and team work at implementation of proper strategies of disciplinary methods in practice. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
teacher of preschool children |
ID: |
8327955 |