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Petra Kranjec (Author), Martina Ozbič (Mentor), Damjana Kogovšek (Co-mentor)


Logopedski pregled govora, jezika in komunikacije triletnih otrok


artikulacija;fonološki razvoj;sociopragmatična spretnost;analize;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Kranjec]
UDC: 376.1:612.78:373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 10014281 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1729
Downloads: 292
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Logopedic assessment of speech, language and communication in three years old children
Secondary abstract: Speech, language and communication are very important areas of child's development. Anyone can easily notice that a child is experiencing difficulties with speech, language and communication. To this end, such issues should be identified while still developing and not yet producing (long-term) consequences. They should be addressed in time through encouragement and activities. Speech and language therapists often encounter difficulties, such as the lack of tools for prevention and diagnostics enabling fast, reliable and systematic examination of speech, language and communication. For the purpose of the thesis we combined four instruments to check speech, language and communication abilities in children aged three. Our research sample included 41 three-year-olds, 20 boys and 21 girls, who attended the periodic health examination in the Health Centre Krško. Articulation and phonological development were tested using the Evaluation of speech articulation, storytelling through the Storytelling assessment of the story Rokavička, socio-pragmatic skills with the Socio-pragmatic skill rating scale, and speech intelligibility with the Intelligibility in context scale: Slovenian. Moreover, we also looked into statistical significance of gender, attendance of an educational institution and sucking habits with regard to the development of speech and language in three-year-olds. In the empirical part of the thesis we calculated average values of individual tests to gain insight into the development of speech, language and communication in children aged three. The children narrated the story slightly below the expected average. The socio-pragmatic skills (assertiveness and responsiveness) matched the children's age. Among the most common articulation errors were sibilant distortions and subsitutions of the sound /r/ (consonant and vowel clusters) with one of the liquids. As for phonological processes, gliding, cluster reduction or simplification, fronting and deafrication were frequently used. Having calculated the average values, we compared them according to gender, attendance of an educational institution and sucking habits and examined the statistical significance of the differences. Results suggest that gender was the decisive element in storytelling as girls performed statistically better than boys. It also had a slight influence on phonological development. As far as articulation, socio-pragmatic skills and speech intelligibility are concerned, gender did not play an important role. In turn, attending an educational institution proved to make a strong impact on the phonological development in children (usage of phonological processes). Moreover, it also had an influence on articulation, speech intelligibility and the socio-pragmatic skill – responsiveness (no influence on assertiveness). Attending an educational institution did not affect the storytelling performance. Sucking habits affected both phonological development and articulation in children. However, no significant correlation with socio-pragmatic skills, speech intelligibility and storytelling was observed.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;communication;language development;speech;speech therapy;predšolski otrok;komunikacija;jezikovni razvoj;govor;logopedija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: 105 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Logopedski pregled govora, jezika in komunikacije triletnih otrok
Keywords (ePrints): govorno-jezikovni razvoj triletnika
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): speech and language development of a three-year-old child
Abstract (ePrints): Govor, jezik in komunikacija so zelo pomembna področja otrokovega razvoja. Če se na področju govora, jezika in komunikacije pojavijo težave, jih lahko opazi čisto vsak. Morebitne težave je treba odkriti, ko so še v razvoju in za seboj še niso pustile (trajnih) posledic ter jih s spodbudami in aktivnostmi tudi pravočasno odpraviti. Problem, s katerim se srečujemo logopedi, je zagotovo pomanjkanje preventivnih diagnostičnih pripomočkov, ki bi nam omogočali hiter, zanesljiv in sistematični pregled govora, jezika in komunikacije. V ta namen smo za oblikovanje diplomskega dela združili štiri instrumente in z njimi preverili status govora, jezika in komunikacije triletnih otrok. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 41 triletnikov, 20 dečkov in 21 deklic, ki so prišli na sistematični pregled v Zdravstveni dom Krško. Področje artikulacije in fonološkega razvoja smo preverjali z Oceno artikulacije govora, pripovedovanje zgodbe smo preverjali s Preizkusom pripovedovanja zgodbe: Rokavička, sociopragmatične spretnosti z Ocenjevalno lestvico za sociopragmatične spretnosti ter razumljivost govora z Lestvico razumljivosti govora v vsakdanjem življenju: slovenščina. V raziskavi smo preverjali tudi statistično pomembnost vpliva spola, obiskovanja vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove ter sesalnih razvad na govorno-jezikovni razvoj triletnikov. V empiričnem delu smo izračunali povprečja posameznih preizkusov, s čimer smo dobili vpogled v razvoj govora, jezika in komunikacije triletnikov. Udeleženci raziskave so zgodbo pripovedovali rahlo pod pričakovanim povprečjem. Sociopragmatične spretnosti (asertivnost in responzivnost) so bile primerne starosti otrok. Najpogostejše artikulacijske napake so bile distorzije sičnikov in šumnikov ter substitucije glasu /r/ (soglasniški in samoglasniški sklop) z enim od likvidov. Izmed fonoloških procesov so najpogosteje uporabljali drsenje, poenostavljanje ali brisanje soglasniških sklopov, anteriorizacijo ter deafrikacijo. Povprečja opravljenih preizkusov smo med seboj primerjali po spolu, obiskovanju vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove ter prisotnosti sesalnih razvad ter preverili statistično pomembnost omenjenih razlik. Spol je tako v največji meri vplival na pripovedovanje zgodbe, saj so deklice dosegale statistično pomembno boljše rezultate od dečkov, v majhni meri pa je vplival tudi na fonološki razvoj. Spol na artikulacijo, sociopragmatične spretnosti in razumljivost govora ni imel bistvenega vpliva. Obiskovanje vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove je močno vplivalo na otrokov fonološki razvoj (uporabo fonoloških procesov). Prav tako je vplivalo na artikulacijo in razumljivost govora ter na otrokovo sociopragmatično spretnost – responzivnost (na asertivnost ni imelo vpliva). Na pripovedovanje zgodbe obiskovanje vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove ni imelo pomembnega vpliva. Sesalne razvade so vplivale na otrokov fonološki razvoj, prav tako pa so pokazale vpliv tudi na področje artikulacije. Na sociopragmatične spretnosti, razumljivost govora in na pripovedovanje zgodbe pa sesalne razvade niso pokazale pomembnega vpliva.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Speech, language and communication are very important areas of child's development. Anyone can easily notice that a child is experiencing difficulties with speech, language and communication. To this end, such issues should be identified while still developing and not yet producing (long-term) consequences. They should be addressed in time through encouragement and activities. Speech and language therapists often encounter difficulties, such as the lack of tools for prevention and diagnostics enabling fast, reliable and systematic examination of speech, language and communication. For the purpose of the thesis we combined four instruments to check speech, language and communication abilities in children aged three. Our research sample included 41 three-year-olds, 20 boys and 21 girls, who attended the periodic health examination in the Health Centre Krško. Articulation and phonological development were tested using the Evaluation of speech articulation, storytelling through the Storytelling assessment of the story Rokavička, socio-pragmatic skills with the Socio-pragmatic skill rating scale, and speech intelligibility with the Intelligibility in context scale: Slovenian. Moreover, we also looked into statistical significance of gender, attendance of an educational institution and sucking habits with regard to the development of speech and language in three-year-olds. In the empirical part of the thesis we calculated average values of individual tests to gain insight into the development of speech, language and communication in children aged three. The children narrated the story slightly below the expected average. The socio-pragmatic skills (assertiveness and responsiveness) matched the children's age. Among the most common articulation errors were sibilant distortions and subsitutions of the sound /r/ (consonant and vowel clusters) with one of the liquids. As for phonological processes, gliding, cluster reduction or simplification, fronting and deafrication were frequently used. Having calculated the average values, we compared them according to gender, attendance of an educational institution and sucking habits and examined the statistical significance of the differences. Results suggest that gender was the decisive element in storytelling as girls performed statistically better than boys. It also had a slight influence on phonological development. As far as articulation, socio-pragmatic skills and speech intelligibility are concerned, gender did not play an important role. In turn, attending an educational institution proved to make a strong impact on the phonological development in children (usage of phonological processes). Moreover, it also had an influence on articulation, speech intelligibility and the socio-pragmatic skill – responsiveness (no influence on assertiveness). Attending an educational institution did not affect the storytelling performance. Sucking habits affected both phonological development and articulation in children. However, no significant correlation with socio-pragmatic skills, speech intelligibility and storytelling was observed.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): speech and language development of a three-year-old child
ID: 8327961