diplomsko delo
Nika Marenče (Author), Jera Gregorc (Mentor)


Celosten odziv slovenskih in španskih otrok med izvajanjem gibalnih dejavnosti


gibalne dejavnosti;športne dejavnosti;primerjava slovenskega in španskega predšolskega sistema;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Marenče]
UDC: 373.2.016:79(043.2)
COBISS: 10028617 Link will open in a new window
Views: 973
Downloads: 163
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Total physical response of slovenian and spanish children during a physical activity
Secondary abstract: The aim of the thesis was to find out how motoric game (performed as a method of game) affects on total physical response, i.e. motoric, emotional, social and cognitive response of 5–6 year old children. To this extent I performed a researching project, consisting of four units. The topic was four seasons. The basic aim of the physical activity was the development of coordination in space by gradually making obstacles more difficult. Physical activity was integrated with other areas (Sciences and Mathematics). For the purposes of research I constructed our own rating scale to quantify the differences in motoric and psychosocial response between the test (Spanish) and the control (Slovenian) group. The sample is represented by two groups of 5–6 year old children. The first group consisted of 13 children attending the afternoon children's activity Malček skakalček organized by SD Strahovica in POŠ Utik. The second part of the sample is represented by a group of children from the Spanish kindergarten in the city of Murcia. The group consisted of 24 children. The data were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed. The quantitative analysis is based on the frequency distribution and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Through these four activites performed in both groups within the period of two months, I have acknowledged that a different curriculum, preschool system, culture, perception and understanding of childhood development require a different planning. However, despite the differences, the process during preschool period can be led by the same principle of the method of game. The results confirmed that the method of game is extremely important for the total child's development, because it allows and encourages independent work and child's own activity on the motoric, emotional, social and cognitive component, which is crucial for the child's holistic development.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;gesture education;predšolski otrok;gibalna vzgoja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 58 str., 17 str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Celosten odziv slovenskih in španskih otrok med izvajanjem gibalnih dejavnosti
Keywords (ePrints): predšolski otrok
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): preschool children
Abstract (ePrints): Z diplomsko nalogo sem želela ugotoviti, kako gibalna igra (izvedena kot metoda igre) vpliva na celostno odzivanje 5¬–6 letnih otrok, torej na gibalno, čustveno, socialno in kognitivno področje. V ta namen sem izvedla projekt, sestavljen iz štirih enot na temo letni časi. Osnovni cilj gibalne dejavnosti je bil razvijanje koordinacije v prostoru s postopnim oteževanjem ovir. Pri tem se je področje gibanja načrtno integriralo z ostalimi področji dejavnosti (naravoslovje, matematika). Za potrebe raziskave sem oblikovala ocenjevalno lestvico, s pomočjo katere sem ugotavljala razlike pri gibalno-psihosocialnih odzivih med kontrolno (slovensko) in eksperimentalno (špansko) skupino. Vzorec sta predstavljali dve skupini 5–6 letnih otrok. Prvo je sestavljalo 13 otrok iz popoldanske aktivnosti Malček skakalček, ki potekajo v okviru SD Strahovica v POŠ Utik. Drugi del vzorca pa je predstavljala skupina predšolskih otrok iz španskega vrtca v kraju Murcia. Skupina je obsegala 24 otrok, prav tako starih 5–6 let. Podatke sem obdelala kvantitativno in kvalitativno. Za kvantitativno obdelavo podatkov sem uporabila frekvenčno porazdelitev in statistični paket SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Preko štirih dejavnosti, izvedenih v obeh skupinah v obdobju dveh mesecev, sem ugotovila, da različen kurikulum, predšolski sistem, kultura, pojmovanje otroštva in razumevanje razvoja zahtevajo drugačno načrtovanje, vendar se da proces v tem obdobju voditi po enakem principu metode igre. S študijo primera sem potrdila, da je metoda igre izredno pomembna za celostni razvoj otroka, saj mu omogoča in spodbuja samostojno delo in lastno aktivnost na gibalnem, socialnem, čustvenem in kognitivnem področju, kar je ključno za razvoj teh področij.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The aim of the thesis was to find out how motoric game (performed as a method of game) affects on total physical response, i.e. motoric, emotional, social and cognitive response of 5–6 year old children. To this extent I performed a researching project, consisting of four units. The topic was four seasons. The basic aim of the physical activity was the development of coordination in space by gradually making obstacles more difficult. Physical activity was integrated with other areas (Sciences and Mathematics). For the purposes of research I constructed our own rating scale to quantify the differences in motoric and psychosocial response between the test (Spanish) and the control (Slovenian) group. The sample is represented by two groups of 5–6 year old children. The first group consisted of 13 children attending the afternoon children's activity Malček skakalček organized by SD Strahovica in POŠ Utik. The second part of the sample is represented by a group of children from the Spanish kindergarten in the city of Murcia. The group consisted of 24 children. The data were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed. The quantitative analysis is based on the frequency distribution and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Through these four activites performed in both groups within the period of two months, I have acknowledged that a different curriculum, preschool system, culture, perception and understanding of childhood development require a different planning. However, despite the differences, the process during preschool period can be led by the same principle of the method of game. The results confirmed that the method of game is extremely important for the total child's development, because it allows and encourages independent work and child's own activity on the motoric, emotional, social and cognitive component, which is crucial for the child's holistic development.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): preschool children
ID: 8327976