diplomsko delo
Tanja Zarabec (Author), Darija Skubic (Mentor)


Raba knjižnih in neknjižnih besed v drugem starostnem obdobju v Vrtcu Mokronožci


knjižne in neknjižne besede;slovenska narečja;razvoj govora;vloga vzgojitelja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Zarabec]
UDC: 373.2.016:81(043.2)
COBISS: 10043721 Link will open in a new window
Views: 794
Downloads: 273
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The use of standard slovene and colloquial words among five – to six – year – old children in Kindergarten Mokronožci
Secondary abstract: In my diploma thesis Use of standard Slovene and colloquial words among 5- to 6-year-old children in kindergarten Mokronožci I wanted to find out, how frequent is a child's use of dialectal and colloquial words in his/her everyday conversation with his/her peers and a teacher. My research included three questions: firstly, does the child's use of dialectal words depend on his/her family environment; secondly, do children know the equivalent word in standard Slovene and last, do children adopt and use the standard Slovene equivalents for objects which they initially haven't been able to name. All the answers on the given questions have been summarized in closing findings. In the theoretical part I am focusing on Slovene language, especially on its social forms, which are being described in details. Slovene dialects, namely factors that influenced their emergence, are also being presented, then beginnings of Slovene dialectology and reasons for the fact that there are still dialects among Slovenes. I am also describing the importance and role of dialects today. At the end of the theoretical part my main focus in kindergarten, teacher – female or male – and their important role in speech development. The empirical part consists of the plan of the thesis and methodology and an elaborate description of obtained results with interpretation.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;Slovenian language;speech training;predšolski otrok;slovenščina;govorna vzgoja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 42 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Raba knjižnih in neknjižnih besed v drugem starostnem obdobju v Vrtcu Mokronožci
Keywords (ePrints): narečne
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): dialectal and colloquial words
Abstract (ePrints): Z diplomskim delom Raba knjižnih in neknjižnih besed v drugem starostnem obdobju v Vrtcu Mokronožci sem želela ugotoviti, kako pogosta je otrokova raba narečnih in neknjižnih besed v vsakdanjem pogovoru z vrstniki v vrtcu in z vzgojiteljico. Zanimalo me je, ali je otrokova raba narečnih besed odvisna od družinskega okolja, ali otroci poznajo knjižno ustreznico za narečno besedo in ali otroci po končanih vodenih dejavnostih usvojijo in uporabljajo knjižne ustreznice za predmete, katerih prvotno niso znali poimenovati. Vse odgovore na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja sem strnila v sklepne ugotovitve. V teoretičnem delu sem se osredotočila na slovenski jezik, predvsem na socialne zvrsti slovenskega jezika, katere sem tudi podrobneje opisala. Predstavila sem slovenska narečja – dejavnike, ki so vplivali na njihov nastanek, začetke slovenske dialektologije, predstavila vzroke, zakaj imamo v Sloveniji še vedno dialekte in opisala pomen in vlogo narečij danes. Na koncu teoretičnega dela pa sem se osredotočila na vrtec, vzgojiteljico oz. vzgojitelja in njegovo pomembno vlogo pri razvoju govora. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila načrt diplomskega dela, metode dela in podrobneje opisala pridobljene rezultate ter interpretacijo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In my diploma thesis Use of standard Slovene and colloquial words among 5- to 6-year-old children in kindergarten Mokronožci I wanted to find out, how frequent is a child's use of dialectal and colloquial words in his/her everyday conversation with his/her peers and a teacher. My research included three questions: firstly, does the child's use of dialectal words depend on his/her family environment; secondly, do children know the equivalent word in standard Slovene and last, do children adopt and use the standard Slovene equivalents for objects which they initially haven't been able to name. All the answers on the given questions have been summarized in closing findings. In the theoretical part I am focusing on Slovene language, especially on its social forms, which are being described in details. Slovene dialects, namely factors that influenced their emergence, are also being presented, then beginnings of Slovene dialectology and reasons for the fact that there are still dialects among Slovenes. I am also describing the importance and role of dialects today. At the end of the theoretical part my main focus in kindergarten, teacher – female or male – and their important role in speech development. The empirical part consists of the plan of the thesis and methodology and an elaborate description of obtained results with interpretation.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): dialectal and colloquial words
ID: 8327991